Snapshots can be considered a pure performance optimization and are not important from a functional point of view for a successful recovery of application state. That is why it might be a valid alternative to do without custom serializers and backwards compatibility in case of snapshots. Incompatible snapshots could simply be deleted in case of an upgrade. Of course this results in a longer recovery time for the first restart after an upgrade.
Google protobuf is used to save events to the Akka Persistence journal. By using protobuf it is easier to modify the events as the system grows. If an event is changed an old database can still be used with the application.
See the installation page for instructions on how to install on your computer.
ScalaPB is used to generate the scala files from
the proto
The code uses the style guide proposed by John Papa: AngularJS Style Guide.
Install NodeJS using NVM following these instructions:
Project sbt-updated is used to determine if any
dependencies can be updated. Use command dependencyUpdates
to display what can be updated.
Using your own forked GitHub repository for the BBweb project. In this example the forked remote is
named nelson
, and the topic branch is named nelson-dev
git rebase -i HEAD~6
git push nelson +nelson-dev
Add dependencies to package.json
in the root directory. Use command npm install
to download the modules.
Install the following packages globally (npm install -g <pacakge_name>
- [Grip] ( - Preview GitHub Markdown files like locally before committing them
To start the server in production mode, use the following commands:
npm run dist-build APPLICATION_SECRET="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" sbt start
In the browser open the following link: http://localhost:9000/#!/
To start the application in development mode, use the following commands:
npm run dev-build npm run dev-start-server
In the browser open the following link: http://localhost:9000/#!/
When modifying code in the client application, use the following commands to start the server and build the client side and also watch for changes in the client files (uses
):In one shell:
npm run dev-start-server
In another shell:
npm run dev
In the browser open the following link: http://localhost:8080/#!/. Note that this link is for a different port.
Use the command sbt test
to run the server tests.
Use the -z
flag to run a test with the specified substring:
test-only *__CLASS_NAME__ -- -z "sub string"
sbt-scoverage is used to determine code coverage. See the GitHub page for instructions on how to use it.
To generate the HTML report use the command:
sbt clean coverage test
sbt coverageReport
Or, within the SBT cli:
; clean; coverage; test; coverageReport
Using the Karma and Jasmine packages for client unit tests.
Use the following command to start tests on the command line:
npm run test
Use the following command to start tests in Chrome:
npm run test-in-chrome
Press the
button, open a JavaScript file in DevTools to place a breakpoint, and reload the page. Execution stops at the breakpoint.
Uses istanbul-instrumenter-loader
and karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter
npm packages to perform code coverage analysis on the client code. After running npm test
open the coverage/index.html
file in your browser to inpect the results.
To prevent users being logged out when the application is restarted, EHCACHE is configured to cache
to disk. This must be disabled for the production server (see [conf/ehcache.xml]
(../conf/ehcache.xml), tags: defaultCache -> diskPersistent
To enable logging at the Domain or Service layers, edit the file [conf/logger.xml] (../conf/logger.xml).
To enable TEST logging at the Domain or Service layers, edit the file [conf/logback-test.xml] (../conf/logback-test.xml).
The Akka logging configuration for the web application is in [conf/application.conf] (../conf/application.conf). It is in [conf/reference.conf] (../conf/reference.conf) for the testing environment.
To generate the documentationt from the server source code, run the following command:
sbt doc
The documentation can now be opened in a web broser by opening this link:
Where <_path_to_project_>
is the root directory for the project.
To generate the documentation from the client source code, run the following command:
npm run jsdoc
The documentation can now be opened in a web broser by opening this link:
Where <_path_to_project_>
is the root directory for the project.
Internationalization is done with angular-gettext. To include the
latest translations, the command grunt nggettext_compile
must be run from the command line.