A CLI based chat client using xmpp as it's protocol written in Go
To read my experience when developing this project, check out the conclusions readme
You need to have go installed
Once you have golang installed, run the following commands
git clone https://github.com/Byronamh/xmppchat
cd xmppchat
go mod download
After dependencies have been installed, run the follow command to compile and run the program
go run src/main.go
At first, you will be asked to input your credentials, the following are required:
- username (jid)
- password
- server host
After you input the parameters mentioned above, a connection attempt will be made on the server you provided. You will be asked to crete a user in the server in case it doesnt exist on the server.
Following regiostration/login the user will be shown the following menu. Incoming messages will be shown on screen.
you can type in -help
to show the menu again.