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This library will help you manage relations between entities in JavaScript.

To use, simply include rrm.js in your project and follow these steps:

Instantiate the ObjectManager

The very first thing you need to do is create a new ObjectManager instance:

var om = new ObjectManager();

Define your entities

For every entity you're going to use in your project, you need to define it's schema. Then you need to combine the class and the schema. The ObjectManager class provides a helper method for that. Here's an example of two schema's with relations to each other:

var ProjectSchema = function() { = new RRM.Property.Int('id', { writable: false, persistable: false });
    this.start = new RRM.Property.Date('start', { writable: false, persistable: false }); = new RRM.Property.String('name');
    this.products = new RRM.Relation.OneToMany('products', { entityClass: 'product', backReference: 'project' });
var Project = function() {
ObjectManager.prepareEntity('project', Project, ProjectSchema);
var ProductSchema = function() { = new RRM.Property.Int('id', { writable: false, persistable: false }); = new RRM.Property.String('name');
var Product = function() {
ObjectManager.prepareEntity('product', Product, ProductSchema);

Load the data

You're now ready to use the RRM. In order to load a Project into the RRM, you need to call:

var data = {
  id: 3,
  name: 'My project',
  start: '2014-01-01T10:00:00+00:00'
  products: [
      id: 1,
      name: 'Product 1'
      id: 2,
      name: 'Product 2'

var project = om.create('project', data);

Usage details

Defining properties

As you can see above, we're defining various properties on the Project and Product entities. There are quite some predefined property definitions which all have their own functionality. Also, some properties have additional options defined. These will be explained below the property list.


Property Function
RRM.Property.Int Will make sure the value passed to it is cast to an integer
RRM.Property.String Will make sure the value passed to it is cast to a string
RRM.Property.Boolean Will make sure the value passed to it is cast to a Boolean
RRM.Property.Array Supports the loading of simple array data without the need to define a relation
RRM.Property.Object Same as array, but for simple objects
RRM.Property.Date Will cast the value into a Date object using the Date constructor


Option Default Function
readable true The value can be read
writable true The value can be updated
loadable true The value should be loaded from the data passed to create()
persistable true The value should be returned when calling toArray()

Defining your own property type

Defining your own property type is done by extending one of the existing property types. Let's take the Int property as an example:

// Int
RRM.Property.Int = function() {
    RRM.Property.Base.apply(this, arguments);
RRM.Property.Int.prototype = Object.create(RRM.Property.Base.prototype);
RRM.Property.Int.prototype.constructor = RRM.Property.Int;

Don't pay too much attention to these first 5 lines. Just copy them as is and rename them as you wish. If you want to know more about what is happening here, read Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript

Now you have a basic property defined, but it doesn't do much interesting yet. It will just pass around the value you put into it and fetch from it as-is. If you want to add some magic, define the transform and/or reverseTransform properties:

Object.defineProperty(RRM.Property.Int.prototype, 'transform', {
    value: function(value) {
        return parseInt(, value), 10);

(while it is not really necessary to call the base transform method now, it's good practice to do it still to be ready for a BC change in that part.)

Now our Int property will make sure any value passed into it is cast into an integer when the entity data is set. The reverseTransform property functions mainly the same.

You can always call the transform or reverseTransform method of another property definition by calling for example:

Object.defineProperty(RRM.Property.Int.prototype, 'transform', {
    value: function(value) {
        var stringValue =, value);
        return parseInt(string, 10);

Keep in mind: transform is called when setting raw data to the entity (both when loading initially and when setting the property later on). reverseTransform is called for example when you use the ObjectManager.toArray method to convert the Entity back into a simple object.

Defining what property to use as "identifier"

By default, RRM will assume there is a property called id, and will use it as identifier. You can override this by defining an id property on the schema constructor:

Object.defineProperty(ProjectSchema, 'id', { value: 'name' });

Now the name property will be used to identify the projects.


These are pretty self explanatory, so here's a simple list of supported relations:

RRM.Relation.OneToMany, RRM.Relation.ManyToOne, RRM.Relation.OneToOne, RRM.Relation.ManyToMany

These all support the same options as the simple properties.

The only relation to have a special option is RRM.Relation.OneToMany. It supports a backReference which you can use to tell RRM to populate that specific property of the other side of the relation with the instance itself.

Basically it makes the following example possible, given the mapping and data examples from the top of this documentation:

var project = om.create('project', data);
console.log(project === project.products[0].project); // true

Storing data into the ObjectManager

As shown above you can store data into the ObjectManager using the create() method. If the entity already exists in the ObjectManager, it will update that instance with the new data:

var product = om.create('project', { id: 7, name: 'test' });
console.log(; // "test"

om.create('project', { id: 7, name: 'other test' });
console.log(; // "other test"

Loading your data from the ObjectManager

You can fetch your data from the ObjectManager using either the get() method or the getReference() method. The first one will fail if the object is not loaded yet, the second will create a Proxy object for you (see below).

var project = om.get('project', 1); // Project entity
var project2 = om.get('project', 2); // throws an error

var project = om.getReference('project', 1); // The same Project entity
var project2 = om.getReference('project', 2); // A Proxy object for Project with ID 2

Using the getAll() method you can fetch all the loaded entities of a specific class;

var projects = om.getAll('project');

Internal properties

Every entity is automatically populated with some internal properties.

  • $raw: this contains the raw, unprocessed data that was fed to RRM.
  • $values: all the processed values accessible without touching getters and setters.
  • $dirty: whenever a property is updated by other code than RRM, this is set to true. It is reset to false when toArray is called on the entity.
  • $writeCounter: whenever a property is updated, be it by RRM or by other code, this counter is raised by 1.


You can define hooks on your entity object. These hooks will be called during the lifetime of an entity. Just define them as functions on your object prototype or in it's constructor:

  • $postCreate: after the entity is created and loaded with data using om.create(), this function is called
  • $postUpdate: after the entity is updated using om.create(), this function is called

Working with proxies

In the example above we are loading the whole schema (Project and its Products) at once, but this might not always be necessary or possible due to performance issues. Imagine a Project with 1000 Products, which all have to be downloaded through an API. Instead, you can just load a list of ID's. These will then be converted to Proxy objects:

var data = {
  id: 3,
  name: 'My project',
  start: '2014-01-01T10:00:00+00:00'
  products: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

var project = om.create('project', data);

Now, when you try to access a property of one of the Products, you will get an error. However, you do have access to the IDS.

console.log(project.products[0].id) // 1
console.log(project.products[0].name) // throws an error

This allows you to lazy load the data of any product. For example, you have an API call which will fetch a range of Products for you (let's say the first 3), when you create() these entities in the ObjectManager, the ObjectManager will first try to match the Proxies and your new data by ID, and if it finds a Proxy, it will update the Proxy with the relevant data and return this instead (otherwise it will just create a new Product object). That way, you can be sure that whenever you try to access the Product with ID 3, you will always get exactly the same object:

// with the example from above

var productData = [ { id: 1, name: 'Product 1', }, { id: 2, name: 'Product 2', }, { id: 1, name: 'Product 3', } ];
for (var i = 0; j < productData.length; i < j; i++) {
    om.create(Product, productData[i]);

console.log(project.products[0].id) // 1
console.log(project.products[0].name) // "Product 1"
console.log(project.products[3].id) // 4
console.log(project.products[3].name) // throws an error because it was not in the productData array and is therefor
  // still an unloaded Proxy object

var product = om.get('project', 1);

console.log(product === project.products[0]); // true

Building and testing

In order to test the source code, first prepare the dev files using gulp:

gulp dev

Then, simply fire up SpecRunner.html (a new file should have appeared in the project root directory, not the one in the spec directory) in your browser. To test from the command line using phantomjs:

phantomjs spec/initialize/run-jasmine.js SpecRunner.html

In order to build the compiled and minified js files, you'll have to use gulp and some of its plugins:

npm install -g gulp
npm install gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-uglify

