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Bunny83 edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 3 revisions


Base class

  • JSONNode This is the base class for all relevant classes
    • JSONNode.Enumerator This is a struct enumerator that can handle both JSONArrays and JSONObjects.
    • JSONNode.ValueEnumerator Another struct enumerator that only iterates through the values of the JSONNode.Enumerator
    • JSONNode.KeyEnumerator Another struct enumerator that only iterates through the keys of the JSONNode.Enumerator
    • JSONNode.LinqEnumerator This is an actual class enumerator that wraps the struct Enumerator but actually implements the IEnumerator and IEnumerable interfaces so it can be used with Linq.

Collection classes

  • JSONObject This class represents a json object { }
  • JSONArray This class represents a json array [ ]

Data classes

  • JSONNumber This class represents a number value 3.1415
  • JSONString This class represents a string value "Hello World!"
  • JSONBool This class represents a boolean value true / false
  • JSONNull This class represents a null value null

Internal / utility classes and types

  • JSONLazyCreator This is an internally used class to allow lazy initialization of a json structure
  • JSON This is just an empty class wrapper for JSONNode.Parse() so one can simply use JSON.Parse()
  • JSONNodeType This is an enum that describes the JSONNode type
  • JSONTextMode This is an enum that controls the text output (Compact / Indented)