- 👋 Hi, I’m @Bridgettnm
- 👀 I’m interested in ...working with teams at the college setting up a new database for the doctors to be able to write scrips legally and document them using the door dash and lyft contracts.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...how to communicate in other ways due to un necessary circumstances in more than one persons life.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...The binding contracts my law team has put together joining us all to be able to unionize under my business and stocks.
- 📫 How to reach me ...I'm at 816-682-5959 or 816-668-9994 Im at my friends now and there helping me. I've ordered phones for 3 families and gave them access to my things because I always get left behind. I just need a car I've sent the info. I don't understand how I can be so close and no one approaches me. My medication is being tampered with and I want it back. If the other parent is getting my medicatin and it's working the authorize for me and her to get the medicine. She can deliver it to me and we can chat.
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I need help building a you file that ties in to the SS department database that links with the new will layout in my law firm for the Moore's Family Law Firm