Songs for Encore
No official songs! These will not be accepted.
Encore does NOT endorse piracy.
To publish a song, the chart must go under review and be validated. In order to publish a song, follow these steps:
Fork the
repositoryCreate a fork of this repository by clicking on the Fork button. Don't clone it!
Archive your song
Package the
, stems, and album art into a folder. After, create a zip archive of the folder.The limit for uploading files is 100 MB, as set by GitHub. However, we recommend your zip to be under 20 MB.
Only zip files are accepted.
Upload the song
To upload your song as a zip archive, press the Add File button, located besides the green Code button.
After, click on the Upload files button that shows up in the dropdown menu.
Now, drag your zip song to the page.
After your zip is done uploading, it will show up below the space to drag.
After, click on Commit changes to confirm the song upload. Make sure you are committing to the main branch.
If you'd like to add multiple charts, you should create multiple branches and commit each chart to each branch, then create multiple pull requests, so this process can stay organized.
Create the pull request
Click on the Contribute button below Add file. After that, click on Open pull request
Under Add a title, specify your song name.
Under Add a description, follow the instructions on the PR template.
When you are done, click on Create pull request.
Wait for approval
Your chart will be approved after it is verified.
When your chart is verified and the pull request is merged, you will be able to see it in FNLookup, where it will be given an ID.