I've abandoned this project in favor of creating a django-admin startproject template: https://github.com/Brant/djtpl
This is my codebase for getting started with a new Django project. It's designed to smooth a lot of rough edges, mostly regarding things like configurations that can be confusing and/or time consuming.
Project DJ takes a convention over configuration approach to starting a Django project. In other words, there's a lot of stuff that the basic django-admin startproject doesn't include that I always need to then fiddle with settings to add. For example, remember that time that you made a django project but didn't use the Admin panel? Yea, me either. That's why Project DJ just adds it to your project by default.
It also provides some handy front-end stuff for websites that I almost always use.
This is really designed to help you start your own project, which will presumably be under its own version control.
Just run a few commands, and Project DJ will set you up with a django project structure.
You'll need a couple of things installed first
- Python 2.7.x
- virtualenv
- git
- sqlite3
You don't even need to download this module directly!
From a directory where you want to start your project, run these commands:
virtualenv env --system-site-packages
. ./env/bin/activate
pip install git+git://github.com/Brant/project_dj.git
project_dj <your_project> ./
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py runserver 8001
If you want to start creating Django apps for your project, they should live here:
There's one there for you already, named website. You can feel free to start with that one.
If you want to jump right into designing a homepage, head to:
It's important to understand a little bit about the structure of the project, as certain areas are "magic" and other areas pertain to the way Django handles it's structure.
The <your_project> directory is where the Django apps created by you for your project should go
Assets include:
- JS
- Images
- Templates
The env directory is the default place that virtualenv will setup your isolated python environment for this project. If you want to change the directory name, you can do so in gogo.py.
This is a directory to fill with things useful for external tools. For example, a template of apache settings, an RC file for pylinting, etc.