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Auto ReactionBot is a versatile and efficient Telegram bot that automatically adds predefined emoji reaction to messages, customizing reactions for each word in every group

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Auto ReactionBot

Project Status: Active


This bot automatically reacts to messages in your Telegram group, allowing you to customize reactions for specific word (even user mention) Contributions for new features are welcome!

Usage Instructions

  1. Add @AutoReactionRoBot to your Telegram group.
  2. The bot is now ready to use. Enjoy!


The bot supports the following commands:

  • /start: Displays a welcome message and provides a link to the support chat.
  • /stats: Shows statistics about the bot, including total users, groups, and reactions.
  • /create Word {reaction}: Sets an automatic reaction for a word
    • Alias: cr
    • Usage:
      • Non-Reply: /create @Username {reaction}
      • Reply: /create {reaction}
  • /edit @Username {newReaction}: Updates the automatic reaction for a word.
    • Alias: ed
    • Usage:
      • /edit @Username {newReaction} (leave blank for settings panel)
  • /reactions: Lists all available reactions.
  • /view: Displays the automatic reactions set for the group.
  • /help: Displays the help menu.
  • /delete: Deletes the reaction for a word.
    • Alias: del

Requirements for the /create Command

To use the /create command, ensure the following:

  1. The command is issued in a group or supergroup chat.
  2. The reaction is a valid emoji from the predefined list in src/core/setUp.validEmojis
  3. The word does not already have an automatic reaction set

Hosting Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory and install Python dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Ensure Python is installed.
  3. Create a .env file (a sample is provided in the source code).
  4. Run the bot:

Database Schema

If Database.db does not exist or needs to be recreated, use the following command to import the schema:

sqlite3 Database.db < db.schema

For more details, check this Stack Overflow post.

Reaction Priority

It scans the message for matching words and reacts to the first one found

If it's a reply and no matching words are found, it looks for a word directed at any username (words starting with @, reply reactions enabled)



Auto ReactionBot is a versatile and efficient Telegram bot that automatically adds predefined emoji reaction to messages, customizing reactions for each word in every group





