Don't add CSRF token header/cookie for native clients
Implement phone widget with react-international-phone
Widget is supported on form and grid view. The phone widget renders the field as a phone number link in readonly mode, and as a phone number input with a country/region selector in edit mode.
Compared to implementation in previous front-end,
option is no longer supported. -
Improve email pattern
Allow to use any printable characters in local part. Also remove upper limit on domain tld size.
Disabled autocapitalize, autocorrect and spellcheck on login fields
Add view processors for processing views
View processors allow to programmatically add view widgets. They are automatically discovered on application startup, and they are executed in module resolution order, after finding view in
, which is used byview
API endpoint.Example:
public class MyViewProcessor implements ViewProcessor { @Override public void process(AbstractView view) { // Do something to the `view`. } }
Allow send emails in edit mode
Add prompt support on button link variant
Support calendar event popover template
<calendar name="sales-timeline" title="Sales Timeline" model="com.axelor.sale.db.Order" editable="true" eventStart="orderDate" eventStop="confirmDate" eventLength="8" colorBy="customer"> <!-- All fields that should be fetched, ie. used in template --> <field name="name" /> <field name="customer" /> <field name="orderDate" /> <field name="confirmDate" /> <!-- The template that will be displayed in the event popover --> <template> <![CDATA[ <> <ul> <li>{$fmt("customer")}</li> <li>{$fmt("orderDate")}</li> <li>{$fmt("confirmDate")}</li> </ul> </> ]]> </template> </calendar>
Add search support on collection field in grid view
This adds support to search if the target model as a target name available (ie namecolumn). Multi values search is also supported using
separator. -
Add attach files button in popup forms footer
Add support to use domain with custom fields on level >= 1
This adds support to use following domain :
self.myM2O.attrs.myCustomFied = 'some'
. It was restricted to first level only. -
Add link action attrs support for button
Add expandable grid support
Two types of expandable widgets are supported with collection field/grid view
1.tree-grid (widget="tree-grid") (only supported on form collection field)
<panel-related title="Items (Tree)" readonlyIf="confirmed" field="items" form-view="order-line-form" grid-view="order-line-grid" editable="true" onChange="com.axelor.sale.web.SaleOrderController:computeItems" widget="tree-grid" x-tree-field="items" x-tree-limit="2" x-tree-field-title="Add new item" > <field name="product" onChange="action-order-line-change-product"/> <field name="price" width="200" /> <field name="quantity" width="150" /> </panel-related>
- x-tree-field: used to define nested o2m field of order-line model (currently it's same as order object i.e. items)
- x-tree-limit (optional): used to specify limit to support nested tree structure.
- x-tree-field-title (optional): by default it uses main title for sub items heading (title will only display when item contains no-sub items)
- x-expand-all: in case of tree-grid, it's enabled by default, it uses x-tree-field value as x-expand-all value. To disable it, we can pass
Note: onChange action will only work on top-level collection grid, while other actions defined like onNew/onLoad will work on nested editable grid line as well.
2.expandable (widget="expandable")
<panel-related title="Items (Expandable)" readonlyIf="confirmed" field="items" form-view="order-line-form" grid-view="order-line-grid" editable="true" onChange="com.axelor.sale.web.SaleOrderController:computeItems" widget="expandable" summary-view="order-line-nested" x-expand-all="items" />
- summary-view: used to define expandable form-view, if not specified then by default it will use form-view attribute.
- x-expand-all: to enable expand all feature, you have to specify comma-separated list of nested expandable collection field if any.
Actions like onChange, onNew, onLoad will work as per schema definition defined in order-form or order-line-nested form. Options like
have no impact in case of expandable widget. Ifwidget
are defined in specified grid-view, then it will automatically be used in panel-related, we don't need it to specify. To disable it we can pass widget="one-to-many/many-to-many" depending on type of field. -
Allow open urls in edit mode
Don't store session for direct basic auth
Add support to fetch graph with save and fetch requests
We can now pass
map to thesave
requests to return object graph. Iffields
options are also given, they will be merged with the graph.The format of the
map is as follow:{ ... "select": { "name": true, "customer": { "name": true }, "items": { "product": { "name": true }, "quantity": true "price": true } } }
Add scatter chart support
Add area chart support
Support hilites on calendar view
Support elements on calendar view to define hiliting rules.
The hilite attributes are:
- if: boolean expression condition
- styles: comma-separated list of styles: fill (default), outline, stripe, strike, fade
Add toggle password visibility feature
On password fields, this add a toggle icon at the end of the input in order to effortlessly hides/reveals password for enhanced security and convenience.
Add support to export collections fields
Collection fields can now be exported. This can be enabled using
property. The default separator used is|
. This can be changed usingdata.export.collections.separator
property. -
Add call button link in phone widget edit mode
Add missing getters and setters for view element attributes
Add missing getters and setters for view element attributes in package
. -
Add support to identify collection items from save/action response
The client can now set
(collection id) to unsaved collection items to identify the same from thesave
responses. -
Improve kanban UI/UX
Kanban columns can now be collapsed. An 'x-collapse-columns' property has been added, accepting a comma-separated list of column names that should be collapsed by default (reference fields not supported). This comes with other visual changes such as pagination and minor fixes.
Add radar chart support
Add drawing widget
Add OpenAPI v3 specifications and Swagger UI
OpenAPI v3 specifications are available at
Swagger UI is available at%URL%/#/api-documentation
Upgrade Jackson from 2.15.3 to 2.17.1
Upgrade Guava from 32.1.3 to 33.2.0
Upgrade Gradle from 7.5.1 to 8.7
This upgrade Gradle from 7.5.1 to 8.7.
Upgrade the Gradle Wrapper to benefit from new features and improvements :
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 8.7
This also include upgrade of Gradle plugins used.
Move view collaboration to Axelor Enterprise Edition
Upgrade Undertow from 2.2.28 to 2.2.32
Upgrade Woodstox from 6.5.1 to 6.6.2
Load Monaco editor resources from local instead of from CDN
Upgrade Redisson from 3.19.3 to 3.29.0
Re-introduce multi-tenancy support
Clients without session support (e.g. basic auth) should provide
header with every requests to select a tenant.Clients with session support should send
header with login request. -
Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC from 42.7.2 to 42.7.3
Upgrade ASM from 9.6 to 9.7
Upgrade Apache Commons CLI from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
Upgrade Apache Commons CSV from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0
Update fullcalendar from v6.1.9 to v6.1.11
copyWebapp Gradle task excludes hidden files only
copyWebapp Gradle task used to exclude development files used by previous axelor-web front-end. Now, it excludes hidden files only.
Upgrade Junit5 from 5.10.1 to 5.10.2
Upgrade Apache Commons IO from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
Upgrade Jsoup from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2
Upgrade pac4j from 5.7.2 to 5.7.4
Upgrade SLF4J from 2.0.9 to 2.0.13
Move SSO authentications to Axelor Enterprise Edition
Upgrade Apache Tika from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2
Upgrade Tomcat from 9.0.84 to 9.0.88
Upgrade Groovy from 3.0.20 to 3.0.21
Upgrade Byte Buddy from 1.14.11 to 1.14.14
Upgrade Hazelcast from 5.3.6 to 5.3.7
Upgrade Infinispan from 13.0.21 to 13.0.22
Upgrade Ldaptive from 2.2.0 to 2.3.2
Upgrade Snakeyaml from 1.33 to 2.2
Align rendering and styles between card and kanban views
This align rendering and styles between card and kanban views. Mostly impact kanban views, some predefined styles as been removed in react template (img, h4). See migration notes.
Remove ability to switch tenants after authentication
At the initial stage of the multi-tenant implementation, it was allowed for a user to switch tenant. It was a convenient for testing and debugging. At this point it doesn't seems to good option anymore, due to security risk and goal of multi-tenant. So the feature has been removed and no replacement is expected.
property has been removed. -
Remove deprecated AppInfo in favor of InfoService
Remove unused expandable attribute from grid view
Fix search filter on relation field search
Search filter should exclude searching on
field. Even if it's mentioned in targetSearch, it should be excluded. -
Fix mass update on selection fields
Fix link button rendering styles
Fix valueExpr support for custom field
Fix update time in date-time widget
Fix icon position on form button widget
Fix calendar popover and mail message title locale time formatting
Fix generateCode circular dependency on self
Fix check edit permission in grid details view
Fix refresh panel-dashlet on record navigation
Fix reset tree-view on reload
Fix exclude colorField for search criteria in tag-select widget
Fix missing html support on form field title
Fix trigger onChange on enter key in date picker
Fix missing colOffset support on form field
Fix relation field popup selection conflicts in popper
When relational field is searched using popup in advanced search or in mass update popper, the popper should remain open and should not affect any click event happens in selector popup wizard.
Fix technical information support on dashlet
Exclude non string type fields from search fields
Fix grid view search on limit change in pagination
When we have already search on some columns in grid view then if try to change limit in pagination(pager) then it is sending payload without searched criteria.
Fix set value on date field through action
When user cleared the value manually through backspace/delete After that if value is set through action then it should use/display that value in date/datetime input.
Fix update gantt taskEnd when it's defined
Exclude archived M2O from selection
When M2O is used as a selection (
widget or inKanban#columnBy
), exclude archived records. -
Fix select input text on focus attribute in form field
When focus is set through action-attrs, select input text.
Add missing customize feature on collection fields
Allow saving new record if user has create but no write permission
Disable progress when taskProgress is not defined in gantt view
Fix parent support in form field tooltip
Fix dirty form handling after grid button action
This fixes dirty form handling for both editable and non-editable grid.
Fix button colors in view toolbar
Add missing tooltip on wkf widget
Fix calendar year dropdown
This add support to scrollable year dropdown (+/- 50 years) and display the upcoming/previous arrows.
Fix dotted field target-name in tag-select widget
Fix fetch dotted fields in grid details view
Fix dragging grid row with parent container scroll
If parent container has a scroll, it create dragging row issue : the dragging element isn't at the right position. wheel scroll is now disabled to avoid unexpected behavior.
Fix relation field multiple selection in advanced search
Fix perms endpoint without id
If permission is found, access should be granted in case of no id. Without id,
had ids[null]
and access was granted if permission filter result count happened to equal 1.
Fix links to cross-origin destinations
Fix checking permissions on export
When exporting data, it should check permissions on each fields. For example, when exporting
, it should first check if user can exportcurrency
field inOrder
entity, then if user can exportsymbol
field onCurrency
Fix pass related record on click action in chart
Add missing hilite support in form view field
Fix sorting in grid view
Fix format decimal value in chart tooltip
Fix view switch to form in calendar/cards view
When we switch to form through view toolbar from calendar/cards view then it should open first available record in form. If no records are available then it should skip navigation to form view.
Fix pass search fields in action context in chart
Add missing hilite support in cards view
Fix prompt support in grid view button
Fix view switch from grid to form in view toolbar
When we switch to form through view toolbar from grid view Then if any row is selected then it should open in form else open the first available record in grid. If no records are available then it should skip navigation to form view.
Add support to drop node to root in tree view
When tree view nodes are on same model, this allow to move nodes to root, using draggable area in bottom of the view.
Fix action view params for panel-dashlet
Fix issues in tree view
This fix several issues in tree view :
- reset tree data on refresh
- several errors when moving nodes
- save not triggered after d&d nodes
Fix button-group widget display
Fix search grid on selector popup pagination
Fix data views search after switch from calendar view
Add missing icon support in panel
Fix show truncated title as help in form button widget
Fix validate required attr on collection fields
Reduce collaboration avatar height
Reduce collaboration avatar height so that it does not increase toolbar height once shown. Also fix grouped avatars icon width.
Fix showing title or help on buttons mouseover in grid/tree view
Fix groupBy support in collection grid field
Fix reset data offset on grid header search
Fix tag-select search issue
Fix info-button content with dotted fields
Fix kanban to form pagination
When click on card to open form from kanban column then it should allow to do pagination(prev/next) for that column set of records in form view.
Fix decimal form widget currency formatting
Formatting with
was working on grid, but missing on decimal form widget. -
Fix prevent propagation of click on tooltip content
Fix show action condition errors in form view
Fix button link
Fix redundant search request on grid view pagination
Fix call onChange action date input change
- Add support to format
widget - In field help popover, display value for selection/enum fields.
Fix grid open details view by default
Fix widgetAttrs issue with custom field
Fix resetting relational fields domain
Resetting domain on relational fields by returning
domain on onSelect event is not takes into account and existing domain is still used. -
Reset grid offset on DMS search
Always call onSelect on o2m when showing selector
Fix create support in selector popup in relational field
Fix invalid text widget style
Fix grid group when groupBy having leading/trailing spaces
Fix updating fields focus
Changing fields focus attrs hasn't any effect if refocus same field again. This also fix unfocusable M2O fields.
Fix m2o with nav-select widget display issue
When showIf/hideIf is specified with nav-select widget on m2o field Then it was displaying m2o selection along with nav-select. It should only display nav-select widget.
Fix ref-text should not allow create/view record
Fix eval-ref-select to use suggest box behavior
Fix how grid retrieve the field record value
This also fix wrong values displayed in grid for custom fields.
Fix mark form dirty on editor change
Disabled http block overlay when login popup is displayed.
Fix multi selection widgets values mapping
Make sure to map values from the previous concatenation that was using
Comma-separated + space
. -
Don't add default json fields (
) if already present in grid view -
Fix unformatted calendar event titles
Fix default values of json fields
Fix single tab issue
When single tab is enabled, any tab is already opened then it should first close the current tab and open new tab as single tab only.
Fix RadioSelect/CheckboxSelect widget ui display
Don't display radio/checkbox select items onto one line but wrap them depending on available space (break into multiple lines).
Fix RadioSelect/CheckboxSelect widget in editable grid
In grid, RadioSelect/CheckboxSelect widget can't be used for obvious display reason. When they are used, use default
widget forRadioSelect
widget forCheckboxSelect
. -
Improve multi-select widget in grid view
Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC driver from 42.7.1 to 42.7.2
SQL injection is possible when using the non-default connection property
in combination with application code that has a vulnerable SQL that negates a parameter value.See https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2024-1597
As we are using the default query mode, we aren't impacted. But administrators can still change the JDBC URL themself to use the impacted query mode.
Fix formatter support in collection template viewer
Fix missing dotted fields in o2m grid if no parent fields
Issue happened when there is a dotted field without its parent, eg. "product.code" field, but no "product" field.
Fix set multiple action attrs on same field
Display message if file(s) can't be downloaded
Fix pagination settings not taken into account
was taken into account on page text only.api.pagination.default-per-page
was not taken into account. -
Fix adding m2m item should mark form as dirty
Check for errors on save action if not dirty
Fix commit editable grid on ok in popup form
Fix o2m grid flashing on items reset
Fix custom field support in editable grid
Return 404 http code when downloading files that don't exist
Fix special operators support in advance search
Fix confirm lost change when reloading browser tab
Avoid grid re-rendering on auto-sizing
Fix action attr value for reference fields
Fix legacy template support for reference field
Fix save request payload containing unwanted values
Improve dashlets/collections data loading
If a dashlet or a collection field isn't visible (either hidden or in a non active panel-tab), data should't be fetched. Data should then fetched (if required) as soon as the widget is visible.
Improve dotted field rendering
To avoid flashing issue on dotted field change, dotted field value is rendered and updated through state and state update will be defer during action execution.
Fix set records in collection editor
Fix context for kanban view card template
Kanban card record should have preference over the action view context. Also improve context by removing unnecessary values like renderer etc.
Fix error when formatting m2o field value with missing context
Fix id field value erased when setting values from actions
When setting values from actions (both action-attrs or action-record), cause the id field value to be erased. In most cases, this shouldn't be an issue but on new record (without id), and having id in context cause the id in context do be erased.
Fix relational fields editor
Relational fields displayed in editor wasn't saved with main record due to missing version fields when value set through action. Moreover, after the value as saved, the new version value wasn't sync, so subsequent update triggerred concurrent update errors.
Trigger o2m search for records that have id and no version
Fix update from value to no value on grid row
Issue happened in two cases on o2m grid.
First one is when changing from a m2o record that has a translation to another one that has no translation. Translation from previous record was wrongly kept.
Second one is when changing from a m2o record that has a dotted value to another one that has no dotted value. Dotted value from previous record was wrongly kept.
Fix o2m losing grid order after action setting grid rows
Action was receiving o2m items in fetched order, not grid order.
Fix checking dirty when closing o2m popup
Instead of comparing with previous row values to determine if the record is dirty, we now pass dirty state from popup record and editable row record.
Fix custom field change should mark form dirty
Improve readonlyIf fields in editable grid
This avoids fields blinking when entering in editable grid because they switch quickly from edit to read only mode.
Fix collection editor icons visibility depending on perms
Fix grid crash error (
object is not extensible
)When a grid has both a relational field (ie
) and na associated dotted field (ieproduct.category.code
), enter in editable mode cause the grid widget to crash (object is not extensible
error). -
Fix *-to-one editor icons visibility depending on perms
Fix support for dotted collection field
Improve o2m fetch request for edit popup
As soon as a row record is updated from popup view, reopening the popup for the same row will not trigger another fetch request, as the record is already fetched. This reduce number of requests.
Fix committing row on non-dirty O2M editable grid
If a O2M field with an editable grid is a non-dirty field, row changes were lost after committing. Need to compare record equality instead of the _dirty flag (not relevant in that case).
Fix grid dotted field update
On existing row, after edit, dotted fields were reverted to previous value. Nested values were updated, but grid relies on dotted fields.
Fix grid hilite not using action view context
Fix resetting o2m value when creating new record
Issue happened when opening an existing record in form view then clicking on create new record. O2M values from previous record were kept.
Fix reorder on non dirty o2m widget
Issue happens when o2m values are set through actions and those values are not persisted (either computed or id is set to null) and on initial re-ordering, grid gets empty.
Support for Gantt dashlet
Add support to use
widget in gridThis allow to use
widget in grid. It will display records as badge. Full list will be displayed on mouse over when records can't be displayed in the grid cell.target-name
is at this time not supported. -
Add support to filter mail messages
On the message stream widget, users can choose the messages types to display.
Moreover, on the view definition, the
attribute can be used to specify messages type to show by default :all
. -
attribute to view fieldsIf the view field is marked as
, the field value change will not mark current record dirty.The old dirty checking behavior of the
prefixed fields is now deprecated and will be removed during next major release. -
Migrate to new front-end build on top of React
Drop current Angular front-end in favor of new front-end build on top of React.
Add support for
variable in config fileThe
refers to the current working directory. It is useful during development where you have many different instances to test with.For example:
data.upload.dir = {user.dir}/data/axelor
will store upload files under
found under current working directory. -
Add support of
attribute to calendar views -
script helperThe
helper accepts an optionalprops
param to pass custom field props (currency
, ...) :$fmt("myField", { scale: 6 })
Add changelog plugin
Provide a Gradle plugin to simplify changelog management.
Each entry of the
file is generated from files in thechangelogs/unreleased/
folder.To use the plugin, in your
:apply plugin: com.axelor.gradle.support.ChangelogSupport changelog { version = "${project.version}" output.set(file("CHANGELOG.md")) inputPath.set(file("changelogs/unreleased")) types.set(["Feature", "Change", "Deprecate", "Remove", "Fix", "Security"]) header.set("${version.get()} (${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd")})") }
To generate the
with unreleased entries, run following Gradle task:./gradlew generateChangelog
Support view-param popup reload on dashlets
<view-param name="popup" value="true"/>
Open dashlet edit in popup (instead of new tab). (This is currently for grid dashlet only. Other dashlet types always open popup.) After closing, dashlet has up-to-date data for the record that was opened and edited. (Search request may be performed by some dashlet types to achieve that result, but it's room for later improvement.)
<view-param name="popup" value="reload"/>
Reload current tab after closing popup from dashlet. If the tab is dirty before opening the popup, save confirmation dialog is shown before proceeding.
configurationNormally, form client is the default client used for authentication. When an authentication provider is defined as exclusive, form client is not loaded at all.
Now, with
configuration, you can specify another non-exclusive client as default.Example:
auth.provider-default = google
// google auth provider is used by defaultYou can specify another client via the
query parameter in login URL.Example: // Default client is used http://localhost:8080/open-platform-demo/
// Specify another client http://localhost:8080/open-platform-demo/?client_name=form
Export and view MetaFields
Add x-can-export attributes on O2M metaFields on MetaModel form view
Allow canMove sequencing on any field specified by orderBy
, the field used for sequencing does not have to be a field namedsequence
anymore, but can be any field specified byorderBy
.Sequencing is done on field specified by
, and it must be only one integer field. If not specified, not sequencing is done.On top-level grid,
. -
Add index to MetaTranslation on message field
elements specific to asearch
elements can now be defined inside asearch
view to specify that they are specific to that view, and not available to all search views. -
settingsThese settings allow to define an application icon used for website favicon and small logo. They can be used similarly to the
settings. The icon must be a multiple of 48px square for favicon compatibility with most browsers. -
Add Rating widget
Rating widget can be used on Integer,Long and Decimal field. It provides ability to collect measurable opinions/experiences/feedbacks/...
Example :
<field name="note" type="Integer" widget="Rating"/> <field name="note" type="Integer" widget="Rating" x-rating-icon="heart"/>
Upgrade Jackson from 2.13.4 to 2.15.3
/ws/app/info endpoint moved to /ws/public/app/info
/ws/public/app/info either gives application login info or session info if the user is logged in. /ws/app/info is deprecated and will be dropped in a future release.
Upgrade Guava from 31.1 to 32.1.3
Upgrade Undertow from 2.2.19 to 2.2.28
Upgrade Woodstox from 6.3.1 to 6.5.1
Improve flagging mail messages
The flag associated to the user and message is now retrieved on backend. This avoids duplicated mail flags after reflagging messages. As part of the change, the message is also required and indexes as been reviewed.
Run following SQL script to adjust MailFlag table changes :
ALTER TABLE mail_flags ALTER COLUMN MESSAGE SET NOT NULL; DROP INDEX mail_flags_message_idx; DROP INDEX mail_flags_user_id_idx; CREATE INDEX mail_flags_user_id_message_idx ON mail_flags (user_id, message);
Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.6.12 to 5.6.15
Upgrade Redisson from 3.17.6 to 3.19.3
Upgrade EhCache from 3.10.1 to 3.10.8
Upgrade Flyway from 9.3.1 to 9.22.3
Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC from 42.5.0 to 42.7.1
Upgrade Apache Shiro from 1.9.1 to 1.13.0
Upgrade hsqldb from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2
Upgrade logback from 1.2.11 to 1.3.14
Refactor domain context of collection field search request
for collection field search request:{ "_model", "_field", "_field_ids", "_parent": { "id", "_model" } }
Upgrade Jansi from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
Upgrade ASM from 9.3 to 9.6
Upgrade Apache Commons CSV from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
is no more supported.As part of the new v7 front-end built on top of React,
is no more supported. It will be re-added in a future version. -
Use ref-select widget for User/Group homeAction
Remove special case for User/Group records where we added a dummy
field. Instead, use ref-select widget onhomeAction
. -
Upgrade Hibernate Validator from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5
Upgrade MySQL JDBC from 8.0.30 to 8.0.33
Upgrade Junit5 from 5.9.1 to 5.10.1
Use Feature to discover studio module
Instead of checking using module name, use specific feature to discover if studio module is used. This can be enabled using Studio feature.
Example of how to enable the Studio feature from the module:
public class MyModule extends AxelorModule { @Override protected void configure() { AppSettings.get().enableFeature(AvailableAppFeatures.STUDIO) } }
or using
features.studio = true
in `axelor-config.properties. -
Upgrade Resteasy from 4.7.7 to 4.7.9
property is now set tocheckbox
by defaultCheckbox selection in grid is now enabled by default.
Change to
view.grid.selection = none
to disable it globally. -
Upgrade Gradle Spotless plugin from 6.11.0 to 6.13.0
Upgrade slf4j from 1.7.36 to 2.0.9
Upgrade Jsoup from 1.15.3 to 1.17.1
Upgrade EclipseLink Moxy from 2.7.11 to 2.7.14
Upgrade pac4j from 5.4.5 to 5.7.2
Upgrade Caffeine from 3.1.1 to 3.1.6
Upgrade XStream from 1.4.19 to 1.4.20
Upgrade Apache Commons IO from 2.11.0 to 2.15.1
collection editor without x-viewer no more used in readonly
For collection fields, if the editor isn't marked with
and doesn't have any viewer defined, the editor is no more used in readonly mode. The default rendering behavior will be used instead (ie grid). This is more consistent with others fields behavior. -
Upgrade Apache Commons CLI from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
actions should not affect parent formx-show-bars
actions used to affect parent form. Now, they affect local grid context only. -
Upgrade Apache Tika from 2.4.1 to 2.9.1
Update shortcuts
Here are the changes of the shortcuts :
Changed :
- delete current/selected record(s) :
instead ofCtrl+D
- navigate to previous page/record :
Alt+Page Up
instead ofCtrl+J
- navigate to next page/record :
Alt+Page Down
instead ofCtrl+K
Added :
- duplicate current record :
- delete current/selected record(s) :
Upgrade embedded Tomcat from 9.0.65 to 9.0.84
Upgrade Groovy from 3.0.13 to 3.0.20
Upgrade ByteBuddy from 1.12.17 to 1.14.11
Upgrade Hazelcast from 5.1.3 to 5.3.6
Upgrade Hibernate Search from 5.11.10 to 5.11.12
Upgrade Greenmail from 1.6.10 to 1.6.15
Upgrade Unboundid LDAP SDK from 6.0.6 to 6.0.11
Upgrade Infinispan from 13.0.11 to 13.0.21
Upgrade Ldaptive from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0
No longer encrypt plain passwords on startup
Due to historical reason, any users passwords stored in plain text in the database are encrypted on startup. On databases having large number of users, it is unnecessary time consuming on startup.
To reset a forgotten admin password, update or insert an active admin user with a temporary password 'admin123' in database using the hashed password :
UPDATE auth_user set password = '$shiro1$SHA-512$1024$NE+wqQq/TmjZMvfI7ENh/g==$V4yPw8T64UQ6GfJfxYq2hLsVrBY8D1v+bktfOxGdt4b/9BthpWPNUy/CBk6V9iA0nHpzYzJFWO8v/tZFtES8CA==' where code = 'admin';
Another way to generate passwords, is to use the Apache Command Line Hasher :
$ (cd /tmp && curl -sSL -O https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/shiro/tools/shiro-tools-hasher/1.11.0/shiro-tools-hasher-1.11.0-cli.jar) $ java -jar /tmp/shiro-tools-hasher-1.11.0-cli.jar --algorithm SHA-512 --iterations 500000 -p Password to hash: Password to hash (confirm): $shiro1$SHA-512$500000$pbUIjvJh1moFNc98vH+YbA==$Wtu3fIgNIL4ab9jWp6DyRa7vW5Zo33knW7JNV9KFJj08lal4WHBmVJSOHxJ0w+7SwlPvJ25O1QYNVb6wgmTHnA==
Also, if you import users with passwords from any source, either password must be hashed or you can use helpers methods to encrypt it :
: Encrypt the given password text.com.axelor.auth.AuthService.encrypt(com.axelor.auth.db.User)
: Encrypt the password of the given user.com.axelor.auth.AuthService.encrypt(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map)
: Adapter method to be used with csv/xml data import in order to encrypt the password of the given user.
Field names used by the create on the fly
The create on the fly feature control by the
attribute is used to quickly create records and/or pre-filled values base on the current search input.Previously, any fields named
and the namecolumn of the object were filled by default. This is no more the cases: only the field names provided in thex-create
attribute will be. -
Upgrade Snakeyaml from 1.32 to 1.33
settingThe setting
has been removed. It was use to show confirm/cancel buttons from grid row editor. -
variable in frontend eval expressionsThis was never intended to be used. Stick to direct field access:
, not$context.myField
. -
Remove DMS spreadsheet
DMS spreadsheet is not implemented in community version of new frontend.
Enable or disable internal features using
.Example of how to enable the DMS spreadsheet feature from the module:
public class MyModule extends AxelorModule { @Override protected void configure() { AppSettings.get().enableFeature(AvailableAppFeatures.DMS_SPREADSHEET) } }
or using
features.dms-spreadsheet = true
in `axelor-config.properties. -
settingThe setting
has been removed. It was used to show confirm dialog with yes/no buttons (else is Cancel/OK). -
Drop custom style
Custom Style (provided from special context setting
) has been dropped. There is no replacement at this time. -
Drop StaticResourceProvider
StaticResourceProvider, used to register custom css or js files, has been dropped. There is no replacement at this time.
Remove CodeEditor
support in favor ofx-code-syntax
Drop custom theme
Custom theme is no more supported and has been dropped. There is no replacement at this time.
Drop extra partial JSP templates
Extra partial JSP templates support is no more supported and has been dropped. There is no replacement at this time.
setting -
Remove top menus support
In this new version of the frontend, top menus aren't supported anymore.
Run following SQL script to drop unnecessary columns :
ALTER TABLE meta_menu DROP COLUMN top_menu ; ALTER TABLE meta_json_model DROP COLUMN menu_top;
settingThe setting
has been removed. It was used to set menu style (left, top, both). There is no more support of top menus.
Fix bpm module discovery
Fix destination of data errors in CSV data import
In a CSV data import, we can log the rows with an error in a new CSV file. They used to be logged in the XML config file.
Fix menus loading when menus that can't be added to N-ary Tree
When fetching the menus, if a menu is parent of itself or having wrong parent references, it load indefinitely. A log will be displayed in console for menus that can't be added to N-ary Tree.
Fix StackOverflowError in CSV data import
In a CSV data import, if we log the error rows in a file, a StackOverflowError was thrown when more than 2 CSV files have some errors.
Fix pending actions not launched after notify
Fix error when retrieving menu
If an error occurs when evaluating menu conditions (ie script errors), it shouldn't fail the all process, but don't display the failed menus.
Fix tracking message value for datetime fields
For datetime field, the tracking value stored in database should be in UTC so that it will be displayed depending on user timezone.
Fix search permission check on parent
In search request, need to check parent really has requested items. Otherwise, it is possible to specify unrelated parent and bypass permissions.
- Meta json field precision for decimal field is now 20 by default
- Fix label field title reset
- Fix static widgets causing editor dirty
- Fix setting/resetting widgets title
- Preserve grid scroll position on form save/reload
Fix buttons actions in Tree views
Fix on how application and module are determinate during gradle resolution
Due to the merge of
gradle plugins, it is now hard to determinate who is the module from the application. A module can be built itself, so it is seen as an application (when checkingproject == project.getRootProject()
) and wrong plugins/dependencies/tasks are applied.To overcomes this, when a module need to be built standalone,
axelor.application = false
property can be added ingradle.properties
. This way, it will be seen as a module instead of an application.Better support will be added in a future version.
Fix going into edit mode in editable grid when clicking readonly cell
Fix selection widget stealing focus after focusing another cell
Readonly fields, included dot fields, shouldn't be focusable
Fix search request when adjusting page boundary
Fix onChange on Enter key in simple fields
Fix lost dotted fields in grid when using master-detail widget
Fix editable grid that don't wait for pending actions
Fix deselected row after save triggered by previous row in editable grid
Fix search box show/hide on cards view dashlet depending on dashlet
attribute -
Fix onNew action on editor
Don't create webapp folder in war
Fix toolbar buttons display when same grid is displayed multiple times
- Check for unauthorized users inside security filter directly
- Align script helper test expressions with Action behavior
- Fix attributes that need a test instead of an evaluation
- Fix action test condition when context proxy is used
- Do not try to generate binary download link on unsaved record
Improve resolution of AOP core dependencies
Use AOP version defined in root project. This avoids to use a version coming from transitive dependencies.
For example, if a module is built and published using AOP version 6.1.2 and the root project use AOP version 6.1.1, it will now use the AOP version of the project, ie 6.1.1 (instead of getting the AOP version of the transitive dependency of the module).
Don't reload dashlet custom view when the widget is not visible
Disable exporting on Kanban views
Fix empty recipients list when posting message or adding followers
Fix onChange triggered after grid edit cancel
Fix missing "refresh", "new", "prev", and "next" keyboard shortcuts on cards and kanban views
Fix moving record on top level grid
Fix grid not editable depending on readonly/canEdit conditions
Fix redefined User namecolumn in collaboration widget
When the namecolumn of the User entity is redefined, it was not taken into account in the collaboration widget.
Fix editable grid preventing save
On slow network and/or big grids, going in and out of grid edit may trigger duplicate grid edit events and mess with the counting of active editable grids. This could cause saving to fail.
Fix export on relational fields
Fix spinner buttons triggering onChange inside editable grid
Escape data when generating xml
Don't allow to post message without body
- Check
view attribute with "create new record" keyboard shortcut
Fix dirty view when an editor contain a button
Don't set default value on dotted fields of existing records
This fixes values mismatch of dotted fields having default values after saving new record from form view and switching back to grid.
Fix merging of namecolumn fields in code generator
Fix multiple grouping on grid
Fix reloading meta on systems having high number of cores
Fix onnew popup actions called with delay
Fix hidden panels/buttons in editor when the record changes
Fix details from view attrs reset when reloading from grid/tab
Fix auth provider setting
Forbid adding init params
When merging properties, it should be forbidden to add any init params, whether we're overriding fields or adding fields.
Don't warn about unchanged ref when merging entity props in code generator
may be specified as simple name or fully qualified name. When one is using simple name, compare by simple name only, as to avoid spurious warning. -
Fix tab refresh with HTML dashlet
Fix grid grouping with evaluated scale
Fix grid grouping when there are fields using scale evaluation (
). Use the maximum scale in the group for the formatted aggregation.
Change code generator strategy to merge item attributes
Previously, the code generator replace the field definition by the new one. Now the code generator will merge initial field attributes with overridable attributes. So, only necessarily attributes that need to be override should be defined in the overwritten entity.
This applies to both entities and enums.
In the case of entity fields, there are a few restrictions:
- Attributes that are not overridable:
- Attributes that are overridable with some conditions:
: large field cannot become non-largetransient
: persisted field cannot become non-persisted
- Attributes that are not overridable:
property -
Allow setting min/max to blank in order to remove the attribute in code generator
Define maximum number of records per page
This change the default
, currently allowing unlimited number of records per page, to 500. -
Admins group can now customize views by default
Disable sorting on grids having
Let JpaFixture items persist error propagate
JpaFixture is used for tests.
In case of data error, tests failed without the actual cause, and there is no point in continuing and have obscure errors happen on wrong data.
Support of
header removed in favor ofX-Forwarded-Prefix
Reorder HTML widget buttons for consistency with Markdown widget
Reorder toolbar icons for consistency with Markdown widget
Move JpaFixture to axelor-test module
Upgrade HSQL JDBC from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0
Upgrade MySQL JDBC from 8.0.29 to 8.0.30
Upgrade UnboundID LDAP SDK from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6
Upgrade Junit from 5.8.2 to 5.9.1
Upgrade Upgrade embedded Tomcat from 9.0.63 to 9.0.65
Upgrade StringTemplate from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4
Upgrade Greenmail from 1.6.9 to 1.6.10
Upgrade Redisson from 3.17.3 to 3.17.6
Upgrade Resteasy from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7
Upgrade Groovy from 3.0.10 to 3.0.13
Upgrade Flyway from 8.5.11 to 9.3.1
Upgrade Hibernate Validator from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4
Upgrade Woodstox from 6.2.8 to 6.3.1
Upgrade Undertow from 2.2.17 to 2.2.19
Upgrade EclipseLink MOXy from 2.7.10 to 2.7.11
Upgrade Shiro from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1
Upgrade Spotless from 6.5.1 to 6.11.0
Upgrade Jsoup from 1.14.3 to 1.15.3
Upgrade Pac4j from 5.4.3 to 5.4.5
Upgrade Caffeine from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
Upgrade Hazelcast from 5.1.1 to 5.1.3
Upgrade Jackson from 2.13.3 to 2.13.4
Upgrade Infinispan from 13.0.10 to 13.0.11
Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC from 42.3.6 to 42.5.0
Upgrade Tika from 2.3.0 to 2.4.1
Upgrade Byte Buddy from 1.12.10 to 1.12.17
Upgrade Ehcache from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1
Upgrade Gradle from 7.4.2 to 7.5.1
Upgrade Gradle Node Plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.4.0
Improve support of
headersApp now have full support for
headers and provides better usage of proxy management.Supported headers are:
.pac4j usage is now based on the current request. When redirecting urls, the Location is now absolute and no more relative to current servlet path. This avoids custom proxy configuration to rewrite the location or cookie path.
Implement setting scale on grid column by action
attribute on a decimal field can be change on a grid column by an action.<action-attrs name="action-set-scale"> <attribute for="items.price" name="scale" expr="eval: 10"/> </action-attrs> <form ...> ... <panel-related field="items"> ... <field name="price"/> </panel-related> ... </form>
Displays the number of displayed and totaled items on the DMS list view
Use colored letter on top right corner as placeholder user icon
This aligns user display with mail message and collaboration.
Implement Markdown widget using TOAST UI Editor with Code Syntax Highlight Plugin
<field name="myTextField" widget="markdown"/>
Attribute Description x-lite
Enable lite toolbar (defaults to false
Markdown editor's preview style: tab
Initial editor type: markdown
Whether to hide edit typo switch tab bar (defaults to false
) -
Fall back to colored letter user image in mail message thread in case of permission failure
Allow to get value of field with selection in string templates
For example, use
to get the value of the selection. With<SaleOrder.statusSelect>
, you still get the title of the selection. -
Support x-field attribute with InfoButton widget to specify the bound field
Use the
attribute oninfo-button
widget to specify the bound field. When usingx-field
, the button and the field are 2 distinct elements. Any attributes defined on that field will be used to format the value. Moreover, this allows to change the button attributes without impact on the bound field.<panel> <button name="amountBtn" title="Amount" widget="info-button" x-field="totalAmount" onClick="my-action"/> <field name="amount" hidden="true"/> </panel>
Dynamically evaluate x-scale from context
On a decimal field,
attribute accept an field name for a dynamic evaluation. Grid and form view are both supported.<field name="decimalField" widget="Decimal" x-scale="currency.decimalPlaces" x-precision="18"/>
Implement support to see users on same view in realtime
This allows to see users that are seeing/editing/updating the current opened record.
Feature can be disabled with
property. By default, it is enabled. On groups, there is a new booleancanViewCollaboration
to determine whether members can view collaboration (true
by default). -
Introduce default number of items displayed per page config
Introduce new config
:# Define the default number of items per page api.pagination.default-per-page = 40
This config is used in UI, especially in grid views, to define the default number of items displayed per page. Default value is still 40 records.
Allow code generator to merge transient and multirelational fields
Previously it was not able to override any attributes of transients and collections fields. Now it is allow to change some of their attributes.
Implement client-side sorting of o2m/m2m grids
When there were some pending changes on a grid, sorting used to be disabled. This is no longer the case thanks to client-side sorting. Also transient/dummy fields can now be sorted. Only o2m/m2m grids can be sorted client-side. Other grid views that use pagination still send search request upon sorting.
Fix truth value of action test expressions
When evaluating action test expressions, "expr" should have the same truth value as "!!expr".
It was working with types boolean, integer, date, time, datetime, enum, references (any-to-one), but was failing with long, decimal, string, binary, collections (any-to-many).
Fix x-scale="0"
Fix blank m2o in grid when there is no namecolumn
Upgrade Hibernate from 5.6.9 to 5.6.12
This fixes null mapped one-to-one field on an entity loaded from L2 cache.
Update meta field labels and descriptions when restoring meta models
Update meta field labels so that they can be used in grid customization.
Improve details-view usage
In a details-view, the form view can be closed on demand or if there is no selected line. When we delete a line in the grid, the record in the form is no more displayed.
This also fix duplicated requests, missing onLoad/onNew calls in some conditions and reset attrs states on form view.
Preserve scroll position after saving form in details view
Fix grouped grid display when already initialized
Fix chart context evaluation when calling from action-view
Fix page on grid customization popup when containing extra fields
Make sure grids have committed before firing button action
Fixes application that can become unresponsive after clicking on a button on a form view while having uncommitted editable grids.
Fix record pager display issue in popup
Fix missing cell css applied on item's parent
Merge search-filter fields title with the model field title in grid customization popup
Fix query fetching missing fields in TagSelect widget
Fix delete metafile if target file is not found
Fix dependency conflict between GraalJS and Birt with package "com.ibm.icu"
Fix adding duplicate dotted field in grid customization
Fix adding duplicate dotted field in grid customization when it exists both in view and search filters.
Fix customize dashboard with drag & drop
Fix wrong number of attachments displayed on record toolbar paper clip icon
- Add view action to help popover
Fix missing item context after creating M2M item from popup
Check for
setting when saving customized view -
Fix save action on top grid preventing further actions
Fix wrong css class applied on editable grid
Fix custom fields on editable grid
Fix restarting jobs after scheduler shutdown
Fix model class resolution in Groovy expressions
Fix refreshing html dashlet when record changes
Fix non editable grid view customization popup
Fix required field using TagSelect widget
Skip default values of dotted field in editable grid
Fix timezone issues with date adapter
When the server is running on UTC- timezone, date could be converted back by one day.
Fix conflicting
title -
Fix saving boolean false filter
In the case of boolean fields with operator
, filter was transformed in order to check for null or false. But by doing that, original criteria was lost, breaking meta filter saving. Replaced client-side operatorstrue
by new virtual operators$isTrue
which perform client-side transformation. -
Fix ReferenceError with "<=" operator on custom date/datetime fields
Fix sidebar toggle on window resize
Fix client authentication using path based callback url
Some clients, ie AzureAd2Client, use path based callback url (/callback/AzureAd2Client) instead of default query based callback url (/callback?client_name=AzureAd2Client).
Fix missing TagSelect placeholder until we add and remove an item
Fix auth properties that exist in client and configuration
When a property exists in the configuration and the client, try to set both.
For example,
exists in bothGenericOAuth20Client
. -
Fix clipped field in Modern theme when using
on WebKit-based browsers -
Apply client-side operators on export and masss update
Applying client-side operators was done on search only. Now, it is also done on exports and mass updates.
Fix setting $-prefixed dummy fields from onNew with default values
Issue happened when setting $-prefixed dummy fields from onNew and record has some default values.
Fix wrong selected rows after grid sorting
Fix custom date/datetime criteria processing combined with column search
Use access token to retrieve user profile picture from OpenID Connect
This fixes retrieving user profile picture from Azure Active Directory, where sending the access token is required.
Fix refreshing html view from tab right click
Fix save action with only default values
This allow to save a record that contain default values (generally coming from domain definition) when calling
action. This behavior will be same as the toolbar save button behavior. -
Fix changing dashlet url from
Fix setting authentication map property
This fixes setting
. Issue happened when there was no getter.# profile attributes: map of key: type|tag # supported types: Integer, Boolean, Color, Gender, Locale, Long, URI, String (default) auth.provider.oauth.profile-attrs.age = Integer|age auth.provider.oauth.profile-attrs.is_admin = Boolean|is_admin
Improve report-box template in custom view
- Implement icon attribute
- Format value
- Translate label
- Implement dynamic percent style
- Implement dynamic percent level style
- Fix tag positioning
Add config to define the maximum number of items displayed per page.
Introduce new config
:# Define the maximum number of items per page api.pagination.max-per-page = 1000
This config is used globally in UI to limit and set the maximum number of items displayed per page. -1 means unlimited (default value). This will block users who try to get a high number of records. Fetch a too large dataset can result in some high server side load.
Minor fields tracking UI improvements
Add minor fields tracking UI improvements :
- Use right arrow character instead of right angle quote
- Display
instead of an empty value - On create event, don't generate tracking on empty field
custom view- Translate titles
- Use title attribute from fields
- Preserve column declaration order from dataset if report-table columns attribute is not specified
- Format data according to field type, including selection with translation
- Support field translatable attribute
- Sticky header and footer
- Skip having to define data='data'
- Ability to sort by columns
- Ability to use widgets supported in grid views
- Allow to export dataset from dashlet export button
<custom name="my-report-order-lines" title="Order lines"> <field name="statusSelect" type="integer" selection="selection-order-status" title="Status"/> <field name="product" type="string" x-translatable="true"/> <field name="total" type="decimal" x-scale="2" /> <dataset type="jpql" limit="10"> <![CDATA[ SELECT self.name AS name, self.statusSelect AS statusSelect, item.product.name as product, item.quantity * item.price AS total FROM Order self LEFT JOIN self.customer AS c LEFT JOIN self.items AS item WHERE c = :customer ORDER BY self.name ]]> </dataset> <template> <![CDATA[ <report-table sums='total'></report-table> ]]> </template> </custom>
Fix chart dashlet data export
Fix unregistered request scope causing database task to fail
If application has any bound RequestScoped classes, it will cause the database task to fail to install AppModule with "No scope is bound to com.google.inject.servlet.RequestScoped." error.
Fix advanced search with custom any-to-many fields
Fix html view height in popup
Ignore forceEdit if user has no write permission
Fix TypeError when user has insufficient permission to display a panel tab
Fix duplicate data loading of kanban dashlet inside form view
Fix context of kanban in dashlet
Apply the same context behavior as other dashlets, ie. merge action-view context with current record context.
Instead of domain, use criteria (as it is done for calendars) for the
filter, as to avoid conflict with current record context. -
Fix reload action on cards and kanban view
Fix grid JS error if action sent a list of IDs instead of a list of records
Don’t update the number value on spin events
This fixes action iconsistencies between changing number value via manual input and spinner.
Take into account view-param limit on kanban views
Fix spurious invalid fields notice when master detail is not shown
Fix adding row on top editable grid when editor buttons are disabled
Prevent popup from handling editable grid key down events
This fixes popup closing when pressing escape in editable grid.
Fix the view opened on mail thread creator link
view can be bypassed if we refresh the browser tab after clicking on mail thread creator. The view is now opened in popup. If no view is defined, nothing is opened (no more fallback onuser-form
). -
Fix grid column search combined with predefined and custom search filters
Don’t check for CSRF tokens with direct clients
Don't reload dashlet calendar data when the widget is not visible
Fix adding row on grouped editable grid
Fix array of strings in context
For example:
<context name="_myStrings" expr="eval: ['hello', 'world']"/>
Commit editable grid when closing popup without confirming
In a popup containing an editable grid, the line being edited was not committed if we directly close the popup via the "OK" button without clicking on "Confirm" in the editable grid.
Fix missing group on views and menus when loading
Fix emptying a field using SingleSelect widget
Fix uninitialized injector when running database task
Fix broken translation popup
Fix exporting selection field if multi-select widget is used
Upgrade embedded Tomcat from 9.0.62 to 9.0.63
Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.6.8.Final to 5.6.9.Final
Upgrade Byte Buddy from 1.12.9 to 1.12.10
Upgrade Infinispan from 13.0.9 to 13.0.10
Upgrade Redisson from 3.17.1 to 3.17.3
Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC from 42.3.4 to 42.3.6
Upgrade Flyway from 8.5.10 to 8.5.11
Upgrade Jackson from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3
Upgrade UnboundID LDAP SDK from 6.0.4 to 6.0.5
Rework mail message endpoints
Some mail message endpoints has been reworked to use dedicated path. This avoid to give permission to
objects in order to access the mail menus and deal with messages and flags.MailMessage
action-view is now always allowed in order to open mail views. -
Upgrade GreenMail from 1.6.8 to 1.6.9
Update file name format for duplicate file name
Update format from
file (1).txt
. This avoids necessary space in file name. -
Show configured application logo in about page
Report duplicate view items at the end of the view loading process
Sanitize uploaded filenames
Sanitize uploaded filenames :
- Removes special characters that are illegal in filenames on certain operating systems
- Replaces spaces and consecutive underscore with a single dash
- Trims dot, dash and underscore from beginning and end of filename
Don’t save meta filters with spurious
attribute -
Fix saving filter with string field
In the case of string fields with operators
, filter was transformed in order to check for null or empty. But by doing that, original criteria was lost, breaking meta filter saving.Instead, use new virtual operators
which perform client-side transformation. -
Fix MetaModule#application flag not filled
Take column filters into account when refreshing dashlets
Fix calendar dashlet refresh after refreshing/saving form view
Fix mail thread avatar img display
Fix downloaded filename from html action-view
Fix uploading file if a file with the same name exist
Fix missing name and color fields from selector with TagSelect widget
Fix missing
from context of kanban in dashletThe attribute
is needed to reevaluate the context server-side. -
Fix ignored canNew attribute and permissions when pressing enter on last row of editable grid
Fix deadlock when loading views of different types with same 'id'
Fix meta file not found error
Fix downloaded filename encoding in Content-Disposition header
Clear dashlet filters when changing to another record
Allow users to paste into password fields on change password form
Preventing password pasting undermines good security policy. https://web.dev/password-inputs-can-be-pasted-into/?utm_source=lighthouse&utm_medium=devtools
Fix duplicate data loading for grid dashlets on dashboards
Fix closing of resources in CSV/XML importers
Fix chart onAction and onClick having no context
onAction and onClick should have context just like onInit.
Fix keyboard shortcut popup content
Fix grouping by extra custom field in grid view
Fix grouping by custom field defined on JSON field other than default
. -
Fix too many redirects error in case of missing pac4j user profile
Fix missing
from context of calendar in dashletThe attribute
is needed to reevaluate the context server-side. -
Fix hide issue on archive/attach/log grid built-in toolbar buttons
attribute on built-in toolbar buttons wasn't taken into account for archive/attach/log buttons.For example:
<toolbar> <button name="log" onClick=" " hidden="true"/> <-- Hide audit log button --> <button name="attach" onClick=" " hidden="true"/> <-- Hide attachment button --> <button name="archive" onClick=" " hidden="true"/> <-- Hide archive/unarchive button --> </toolbar>
Re-implement action-ws using http client
Update join table columns names due to database reserved words conflicts
Due to reserved words added in recent versions of supported databases, change columns name
to respectivelygroup_id
in the join tables namemeta_menu_groups
.Use these SQL statements to upgrade existing database :
ALTER TABLE meta_menu_groups RENAME COLUMN groups TO group_id; ALTER TABLE meta_menu_groups RENAME COLUMN menus TO meta_menu_id; ALTER TABLE meta_view_groups RENAME COLUMN groups TO group_id; ALTER TABLE meta_view_groups RENAME COLUMN views TO meta_view_id;
Upgrade from Guice 4.2.2 to 5.1.0
in favor ofjavax.annotation.Priority
Not allowed to customize the search engine grid
Upgrade to Hibernate Search 5.11.10.Final
Search engine improvements
The search engine view has been improved. It allows to implement recursive filters for more flexibility on the search condition, but also:
- Add support for
field type in search fields. - Allow to define
on eachselect
. It gets preference overlimit
attribute ofsearch
. - Add support for
(also autodetectmulti-select
values) for fields in result fields. - Add support for returning only distinct records (based on
) on eachselect
. - Allow to add an
condition onwhere
. It the value of the expression is false, the element is skipped. - Add support for hiliting on row as well as on field.
- Add support for adding buttons in grid view.
Breakings changes:
- The
fields should refere to field names of the object graph (and no more theas
attribute). - When searching on a multi-valued field (O2M/M2M), it shouldn't need to be suffixed with [] anymore. For example,
should now beitems.product
- Add support for
Improve groups and jobs
The default
group is now marked as technicalStaff. The defaultmail.fetcher
job is no more active by default. -
Upgrade to StringTemplate 4.3.3
Format numbers, dates, and currencies preferably according to the user language
Formatting of numbers, dates, and currencies used to be based on browser locale only. Now, formatting is done preferably according to the user language. If the user language has no country information, we select the first browser locale that matches the user language.
Upgrade to Guava 31.1-jre
The internal configuration file
is renamed toaxelor-config.properties
Upgrade from JDK 8 to JDK 11
Upgrade to Spotless 6.5.1
Use jcache in combination with Caffeine as second-level cache provider
Ehcache2 second-level cache is deprecated since Hibernate 5.3. Use
in combination with Caffeine by default as second-level cache. -
Rework actions on chart menu
Adding buttons on chart menu was working using the following syntax :
<config name="onAction" value="some-action"/>
This syntax has been updated to the following :
<actions> <action name="myBtn1" title="My action 1" action="some-action1"/> <action name="myBtn2" title="My action 2" action="some-action2"/> </actions>
This allows to support more than 1 button on chart menu, but also provide a flexible usage of the feature.
Upgrade PostgreSQL Jdbc to 42.3.4
This add support new
password encryption method which is
now the default password encryption method is PostgreSQL 14.Jdbc also introduce a change about Timestamp rouding : 2018-06-03T23:59:59.999999999 is rounded to 2018-06-04 00:00:00 (previously it was rounded to 2022-03-08 23:59:59.999). This new behavior follow psql’s suit. Especially if you work with Datetime/Timestamp having
as time, make sure to adjust your query. -
Adopt a better configurations naming
A lot of configurations names has been updated to have better and uniform naming across all settings. Refer to migration notes.
Support indirect/direct basic auth client via setting
Indirect basic auth allows to log in on callback, while direct basic auth requires credentials in each request.
# enable indirect and/or direct basic auth auth.local.basic-auth = indirect, direct
, which was for direct basic auth only, is removed. -
Upgrade to Hibernate 5.6.8.Final
Most notably, positional parameters for native queries are now one-based.
Upgrade to intl-tel-input 17.0.16
Upgrade to Gradle 7.4.2
Fire PreRequest and PostRequest events outside of transactions
events are now fired outside of transactions. This fixes accessing the created/update records in a multithreaded process fromPostRequest
observers. However you can no longer rollback the request process in aPostRequest
observer. -
Upgrade to Apache Tomcat® 9.x
Upgrade to pac4j 5.4.3
Reimplement code generator in Java
Dropped old code generator written in Groovy in favor of a new code generator written in Java.
Upgrade JUnit4 from 4.12 to 4.13.2
Upgrade from Groovy 2.4.10 to 3.0.10
Beware of breaking changes. See release note for more details :
gradle pluginsNow there is only a single
plugin. All modules should use the app plugin only.Now all axelor modules are axelor apps.
Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.2.3.Final
Default gantt view mode is now
instead ofweek
This can be changed on
view definition using themode
attribute. -
Upgrade to Shiro 1.9.0
Replace nashorn script helper with GraalJS engine
The nashorn script engine is deprecated in JDK-11 and has some incompatible changes than JDK-8.
The new implementation uses GraalJS which supports latest ECMAScript features.
The collection helpers
are removed as corresponding native JavaScript objects are passed with appropriate Java equivalent wrapper to the Java calls. -
Rename method
Use a more generic method name, because users may override and use custom behavior.
Rework authentication implementation to use reflection and providers
Reflection is now used to configure authentication clients. The new syntax is
. You may use any of the built-in providers:google
. Or you can configure any other clients supported by pac4j using your own custom provider name. You may even create and use your own custom authentication clients. -
Upgrade to Quartz 2.3.2
Allow to customize notify/info/alert/error message modal/notification
This allow to add more customization on modal/notification :
: allow to change the title of the notificationinfo
: allow to change the title of the popup and the title of the confirm buttonalert
: allow to change the title of the popup and the title of the confirm and cancel buttonerror
: allow to change the title of the popup and the title of the confirm button
Example usage:
<action-validate name="my-action"> <notify message="A notification" title="My notif"/> <info message="This is an info" title="My info" confirm-btn-title="Got it"/> <alert message="This is an alert" title="My alert" confirm-btn-title="Got it" cancel-btn-title="Abort"/> <error message="This is an error" title="My error" confirm-btn-title="I understand" cancel-btn-title="Do something else"/> </action-validate>
or with
:response.setNotify("A notification", "My notif"); response.setInfo("This is an info", "My info", "Got it"); response.setAlert("This is an alert", "My alert", "Got it"); response.setError("This is an error", "My error", "I understand", "Do something else");
Parallelize generation of computed views
Use Gradle Node Plugin to run npm tasks
No more need to install Node.js locally to build web resource bundles, aka
task.If your project already depends on
, there will be conflicts between both. As the provided plugin is only applied on root project, the best fit is to delegate the process to a subproject. That way, the subproject can process and build your needs, and the root project can depends on that subproject and gets produced build.To use it, you need to Declare Node.js repository in
, sectiondependencyResolutionManagement
:// Declare the Node.js download repository ivy { name = "Node.js" setUrl("https://nodejs.org/dist/") patternLayout { artifact("v[revision]/[artifact](-v[revision]-[classifier]).[ext]") } metadataSources { artifact() } content { includeModule("org.nodejs", "node") } }
Implement WebSocket support
Add support to encrypt secrets in properties
Secrets defined in
can be encrypted. Value should be wrapped inENC()
to indicate that the value is encrypted :db.default.password = ENC(<some_thing>)
To use encrypted secrets,
properties should be added : this is the secret key used to encrypt/decrypt data.Others optional properties can be added to use custom encryption :
, andconfig.encryptor.string-output-type
. The default algorithm isPBEWITHHMACSHA512ANDAES_256
.For convenience, a Gradle task
have been added to generate the encrypted value of a string :./gradlew :encryptText --text="A secret to encode" --password="MySecureKey"
This will generate for you, the necessary properties and the encrypted value to used insideENC()
. -
Add application setting
to set authentication provider orderBecause of multisource application settings, settings order is undefined. Use
if you require authentication providers to be displayed in a specific order on login page. -
Add JpaRepository#findByIds(List) method to find multiple entities by their primary key
Add support to MySQL 8
Allow closing preference view manually with
action -
Add validation support for csv import
Two new attributes added to validate data being imported.
- boolean expressioncheck-message
- the validation message
fails, thecheck-message
or default validation message is shown and import will be terminated. -
Add Gantt view attribute
Gantt view attribute
allows to define the default view mode. It can be set toyear
, orday
. -
Add some predefinied css classes for dialogs and notify components
Sanitize HTML where it is needed with DOMPurify
Instead of sanitizing all jQuery.html calls, use DOMPurify to sanitize HTML where it is needed only. This should reduce scripting load in the web client.
Perform accent-insensitive navigation search
Refactoring menu and tags processing
This is a refactoring on how menus and tags are processing. The original way was complex and mixing tags and menus rules in a single method. There is no changes on how it works.
Now, menus and tags processing are separate. Moreover, instead of parsing each menu one by one (but also recursively checking parent access), it builds a tree. The tree is a representation of the menus' hierarchy, where each menu have a parent and some child's. Then the tree is traversed, checking each node access. When a node is allowed, it continues traversing each child's. When a node is not allowed, it skips the node and all the child's.
Support YAML configuration format, env variables and system properties
Now support YAML format for internal configuration file :
can be in YAML format (yml
ext). It should only have a one internal configuration file (in properties or YAML format).External configuration file can be provided by using system properties (
) or using env variables (AXELOR_CONFIG=<path_to_file>
). Same as the internal configuration file, it also supports YAML format.The internal configuration file is now optional. Final properties are built using internal configuration file + external configuration file + env variable + system properties. If variables are redefined, they will take preferences over the previous values.
Configuration values can also be provided with system properties using
format. For exampledb.default.user
.Configuration values can also be provided with environment variables using
format, where<key>
is underscored uppercase equivalent of the configuration key. For exampledb.default.user
. -
to allow running actions from default pageExample usage:
public class MyQuickMenu implements QuickMenuCreator { @Override public QuickMenu create() { final QuickMenu menu = new QuickMenu(); menu.setTitle("My menu"); menu.setOrder(0); menu.setShowingSelected(false); menu.setItems( List.of( new QuickMenu.Item("All projects", "project.all"), new QuickMenu.Item("All tasks", "project.task.all"))); return menu; } }
and register the QuickMenu in module configuration :
public class MyModule extends AxelorModule { @Override protected void configure() { addQuickMenu(MyQuickMenu.class); } }
Improve index generation
We can now specify order on column names with
. Some examples:<index columns="code,name"/> <index columns="code ASC,name DESC"/> <index columns="code,name DESC"/>
We can also specify whether the index is unique.
<index columns="code,name" unique="true"/>
This will replace and makes
<unique-constraint ... />
obsolete in future. -
Allow to enable/disable cache from
property inaxelor-config.properties
can be used to overwrite theshared-cache-mode
. It allow to enable/disable the shared cache mode (ie second-level cache). -
Add support to manage multiple matching notify in
Fix undefined when calling search engine with route params
Fix secure cookie on login attempt or change tenant request
Prevent concurrent meta restoring
Fix usage of multiple matching
, if there is multipleinfo
matching, only the first will be displayed on UI. -
Fix radio style for grid selector
Fix MySQL exception reporting
Use whole value comparisons in datetime searches instead of using
operatorPostgreSQL JDBC driver 42.2.3+ introduce a change on how Timestamp are rounded : pgjdbc/pgjdbc#1211
For example,
is rounded to2018-06-04 00:00:00
was rounded to2022-03-08 23:59:59.999
If nanoseconds is greater than 999999500 , value is now rounded. This is how PostgreSQL works :
$ insert into some_table(date) VALUES('2018-06-03 23:59:59.999999999'); date ---------------------------- 2018-06-04 00:00:00
operator used when searching on date/dateTime in UI have been updated to use>=
operators instead. -
Fix JAXP usage
Thread safe usage of JAXP API. Use
to protect XML Parsers from XXE attacks but also disable external entity processing.
Remove deprecated usage of
instead. -
Remove deprecated
instead. -
Remove domain model lang attribute
Domain models are generated in Java only.
Remove dependency to OpenCSV
Remove deprecated
instead -
Remove deprecated
instead. -
Remove deprecated
domain attributeUse
attribute instead. -
Remove ModuleChanged event
Since dropping support of removable modules, this event is no more used.
Remove deprecated
instead. -
Remove IDE app launcher support
to be aligned withaction-validate#info
instead. -
Remove legacy form widgets
, and<include>
Form widgets
, and<include>
are deprecated.cols
form attributes used for legacy form layout are also deprecated. Those have be removed. Use panel layout instead. -
Drop removable module support
The feature is not used by any axelor apps and has many technical issues.
Run following SQL script to drop unnecessary columns
alter table meta_module drop column installed; alter table meta_module drop column removable; alter table meta_module drop column pending;
Improve MasterDetail usage
MasterDetail form is no more displayed by default, but only when a line is selected and we want to create new record from. Also, when we add a new record, cancel current edit or click on back button, MaterDetail form is hidden. Add a new button "Add and new" to allow pushing current record in grid and quickly create a new one.
Add support to use MasterDetail with editable grid
When MasterDetail is used with editable grid, the form is readonly and record is now live sync with the changes made in editable grid.
Fix downloading attachment of action-report
Fix permission checking with charts and custom views
Should not check for permission on
when executing actions from charts.onInit
action on charts use current model if calling fromaction-view
is used, so that we still have a context. -
Fix file name downloaded in notify box
Prevent grid sorting when there are dirty rows
Allow dashboard drag&drop according to view customization permission
Add model attribute to action-report
If a model is not specified on action-report, permission is checked against context.
Check context read perm on action-report in case of attachment
If action-report attach the generated report to current object, it now check for read permission on that object.
- Add missing hilite style CSS
- Add missing attributes when processing widgetAttrs
Allow access to custom fields in StringTemplate via dotted notation
StringTemplate doesn't allow
character in expressions. This is the way we use to access custom field from context :$extraAttrs.myCustomField
. Accessing custom fields need to be prefixed by the related json field name (ex:<SaleOrder.extraAttrs.myField>
). For custom fields in defaultattrs
field, it is not needed to use prefix (ex:<SaleOrder.myField>
). However, it is recommended to always use the related json field name as prefix. -
VM argumentsDefaults are as follows (working on Eclipse/IntelliJ on Linux):
-Daxelor.view.watch.kinds=ENTRY_CREATE -Daxelor.view.watch.delay=300
is a list of comma-separated strings of the following values:ENTRY_CREATE
is the update delay in milliseconds.Varying development environments may require special configuration in order to have view hotswap working.
For example, on Windows, only
events might be triggered in some cases. Moreover, there may be a big gap between those events, requiring to increase the update delay. So one might want to use:-Daxelor.view.watch.kinds=ENTRY_CREATE,ENTRY_MODIFY -Daxelor.view.watch.delay=4000
Fix parsing field widgetAttrs to preserve type depending on attribute
Extra widget attributes doesn't takes into account the type of each attributes. This result of some unexpected behaviors. For example, the
cause error onBooleanSelect
widget. Depending on the attribute, the value is converting to the right type. -
Preserve selected flags from action values
Preserve selected flags when using
response.setValue(field, collection)
with collection of maps without version field. -
Sort advanced search fields in lexicographic order
Fix view hotswap when running embedded Tomcat
Fix JS error when having favorite menus with duplicate names
In "Organize favorites", in the user changes a menu link, they may then add another menu with the same name, causing AngularJS error tracking for unique names.
Fix panel
attribute -
Translate toolbar menu customization shown to technical staff
Fix back button when view-parem
is used -
Fix m2m field update upon select record
Populated the m2m items all data. Only omit the version field (not fully populated as the record is already saved)
Fix position of field error message to be always to bottom of the field
Fix file upload when using filename pattern
should be evaluated on each upload in order to evaluate{year}
keys. Moreover, when using a custom filename pattern,{name}
should be placed at the end of the pattern. If omitted, he is appended by default at the end.
- Fix sanitize to prevent XSS vulnerabilities
Fix AuthSecurityWarner initialization on app startup
Resource might be loaded before Guice is initialized, which causes "Guice is not initialized." error.
Deprecate legacy form layout in favor of panel layout
Form widgets
, and<include>
are deprecated.cols
form attributes used for legacy form layout are also deprecated. Those will be removed in the next major version. Use panel layout instead. -
Deprecate Groovy domain models
In next major release, domain models will be generated in Java only.
Add application setting to disable permission check on actions
application.disable.action.permission = true
to disable permission checking on actions. That setting severely breaks security. It should be used with extreme caution and as a last resort only. It will be removed in the future. -
Add application setting to disable permission check on relational fields
application.disable.relational.field.permission = true
to disable permission checking on relational fields. That setting severely breaks security. It should be used with extreme caution and as a last resort only. It will be removed in the future. -
Better visibility in DMS file details
Add setting "auth.saml.logout.request.signed"
Allow to select multiple records in o2m/m2m inside an editor
Prevent sorting when any row is dirty in o2m/m2m grid
This fixes losing changes after sorting on a column.
Fix default value of Boolean custom fields
Fix checking for create permission on add actions
Fix static/tooltip/button-group widget in views extensions
Translate "Use offline..." text in dms file details
Fix view hotswap with IntelliJ IDEA
Check for permission in suggest box create actions
Fix going into edit mode in editable grid with large horizontal scrolling
Don’t trigger popup’s onLoad upon closing
When a popup was closing when saving the record, onLoad actions was triggered. This is unnecessary as the popup will be closed in all cases. It was also causing errors because the actions results was applied on a closed popup/form.
Fix m2m field update issue
The m2m items, upon select/edit should not be fully populated as the record is already saved (similar to m2o). In controllers, make sure to return a compact map in m2m fields, ie a list of map with the records ids. Then, the view will fetch the records with all necessary fields by itself.
Only show access type error for all users
Technical and non-technical users are now notified the same undetailed access type error message. Details are shown in the logs only.
- Add support to UTF-8 BOM file in CSV Importer and
helpers class - Log technical message for AuthSecurityException
- Do not test pattern on empty string
- Check for create permission when adding row in editable grid
- Fix web service
parameter when noid
is specified - Translate tree node Expand/Collapse tooltip
- Exclude auditable fields,
, when copying record
Check for relational permissions recursively in save request
Escape data to prevent XSS vulnerabilities in JSP pages
Upgrade to SLF4J 1.7.32 and logback 1.2.9
Mitigate LOGBACK-1591
- slf4j to 1.7.32
- logback to 1.2.9
- jansi to 1.18
Improve editable grid shortcuts to confirm/cancel edit
We can now use
key to confirm current edit andESCAPE
key to cancel.
application configuration -
attribute topanel-dashlet
The new
attribute onpanel-dashlet
will control whatever we can edit dashlet records even if the dashlet is in readonly. By default, when apanel-dashlet
is in readonly (or main view is readonly mode or top container element is readonly), the record will be opened in popup. We can't edit the records. If editable, the record will be opened in a new tab, in readonly mode. We can then switch to edit mode to edit the record.Few more improvements :
- Show file icon in grid dashlet when in readonly mode
- Show pencil icon in grid dashlet when editable
- Fix ignored dashlet attributes in dashboard
Fix login failure event
Fire login failure event with form client, LDAP, and Basic Auth.
Can't be triggered with other indirect clients like OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, etc.
Fix memory leak in session listener
Fix horizontal scrolling in editable grid
Fix field sometimes blank on initialization with CodeEditor widget
Check for permission on messages requests
dependency conflict when using SAML -
Check for read permission on action-record changing dummy fields
Translate grid selection checkbox tooltip
Fix readonly dashlet with forceEdit should open readonly popup in readonly mode
Fix Gantt view sometimes blank on initialization
Fix resetting of shared custom views
Fix keyboard shortcuts on Mac-like devices
When Macintosh is detected, use specific keyboard shortcuts. Macintosh keyboards don’t have AltGr nor Insert keys.
Fix concurrent update error when moving tasks in Gantt view
Check for permission on followers requests
Fix NPE with null password to
Fix blocked loading of custom translations
Fix ignored regex on custom field
Check for permission on attachments requests
Fix dashlet with popup should open editable popup in editable mode
Add view customization permission on Group and
application configurationAll users used to be allowed to customize views, and only admins could share. Now, view customization permission is checked on Group, and can be set to "Not allowed" (default), "Can customize", or "Can share".
application configuration defaults totrue
. If set tofalse
, Customize menu and custom views are disabled.
- Fix null value with BooleanRadio when switching from a record to another
- Fix permission check on action targeting a different model from current record
- Check for permission on action model if defined
- Fix infinite recursive popup grid loading
- Fix alignment of meta JSON field using contextField
- Fix JS error when M2O field has no namecolumn
- Add scrollbar in DMS Permission dialog box
- Fix missing ID on created records from TagSelect widget
- Fix detaching of one-to-one from non-owning side
- Prevent script execution from custom stylesheet
Serialize Time with seconds
Time is now serialized with formatter "HH:mm:ss". Seconds are still not displayed by default in client (need to use
). -
Require manual closing of datetime picker
Disable translation joins on queries by default
Add Query.translate() and Filter.translate() to enable translation joins.
REST API now accepts parameter
to enable translation joins on criteria and for ordering, but never for domains.Web client always uses the
Clarify title/placeholder of user password fields
Clarify title/placeholder of user password fields in form view and change password page.
- Change title depending on existing or new user
- Add help popovers
- Add password pattern help using
(customized via translation)
Use select control type on year, month, and time in datetime widget
Add support for related parameters in domain expressions
is used to access related fields in domain expression parameters. This can be used to access other JSON fields. Example:"self.product = :$extraAttrs$myCustomProduct"
Add view-param
to set width of grid in details-viewExample:
<action-view name="sale.orders" model="com.axelor.sale.db.Order" title="Sale Orders"> <view type="grid" name="order-grid" /> <view type="form" name="order-form" /> <view-param name="details-view" value="true" /> <view-param name="grid-width" value="25%" /> </action-view>
Add multi-tenant aware thread implementation
is a customThread
implementation that keeps track of current tenant and runs the thread in transaction with current tenant in the context. -
Add setter methods for all attributes in XMLInput/XMLBind CSVInput/CSVBind
Support adaptive date/time/datetime quick search in grid view
Add support for CSV/XML data import of custom fields
<!-- for CSV data --> <input file="some-data.csv" ...> <bind column="some" to="$attrs.some" /> </input> <!-- for XML data --> <input file="some-data.xml" ...> <bind node="some" to="$attrs.some" /> </input>
For custom model records, you can specify
in order to automatically bind jsonModel, handle search domain, and set namecolumn.CSV import example:
<input file="data.csv" json-model="ElectricityBillSubscription" search="json_extract_text(self.attrs, 'name') = :name"> <bind column="name" to="$attrs.name" /> <bind column="startDate" to="$attrs.startDate" adapter="LocalDate" /> <bind column="endDate" to="$attrs.endDate" adapter="LocalDate" /> <bind to="$attrs.billSubscription" search="json_extract_text(self.attrs, 'name') = :billName"> <bind column="billName" to="$attrs.name" /> </bind> </input>
name,startDate,endDate,billName "Bill Jan2021","01/01/2021","31/01/2021","Test01" "Bill Feb2021","01/02/2021","28/02/2021","Test02"
XML import example:
<bind node="electricityBillSubscription" json-model="ElectricityBillSubscription" update="true" search="json_extract_text(self.attrs, 'name') = :_electricityBillSubscriptionName"> <bind node="name" to="_electricityBillSubscriptionName" /> <bind node="name" to="$attrs.name" /> <bind node="startDate" to="$attrs.startDate" adapter="LocalDate" /> <bind node="endDate" to="$attrs.endDate" adapter="LocalDate" /> <bind node="billSubscription" to="$attrs.billSubscription" update="true" search="json_extract_text(self.attrs, 'name') = :_billSubscriptionName"> <bind node="@name" to="_billSubscriptionName" /> <bind node="@name" to="$attrs.name" /> </bind> </bind>
<electricityBillSubscription> <name>Bill Jan2021</name> <startDate>01/01/2021</startDate> <endDate>31/01/2021</endDate> <billSubscription name="Test01"/> </electricityBillSubscription>
attribute on DateTime and Time widgets -
Add ui-action-context attribute to use with ui-action-click
can be used withui-action-click
in custom view template to provide extra details in action context. -
Expose $scope.openTab as axelor.$openTab
The api can be useful for some apps loading in iframe.
Improve the indicator and delay the wait cursor
- delay showing of loading indicator by 1 second
- delay wait cursor till the wait spinner appears
Add support for view auto-reloading
, with value specified in seconds. Example:<view-param name="auto-reload" value="30" />
Auto-reloading is paused when tab is not selected or when record is in edit mode.
Add JSON field meta info on all views
Fix CSS of invalid BinaryLink
Fix value update action after save in one-to-many/many-to-many editor
Fix dirty form when there are custom multirelational fields
Fix grid search on custom fields
Fix grid customization when view has duplicate fields
Fix duplicate computed views after upgrade
signal from editor -
Fix NavSelect widget with M2O record having an empty name
Fix attribute
not taken into account -
Fix user notifications for followers added by email address
Fix dashlet search triggering buttons
Log errors when persisting JpaFixture items
Exclude UI custom fields from exports
Fix missing handling of LocalTime in JpaFixture::load
When loading fixture in tests with LocalTime fields, the JpaFixture throw a exception because LocalTime hasn't appropriate constructor.
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: No single argument constructor found for class java.time.LocalTime : null
Wait for actions before confirming line on editable grid
Fix unsupported regular expression in WebKit causing empty grid
Fix currency filter with symbols other than $, €, ¥, £
Use number input type on number fields
Fix text value escape on M2O names
Fix multi-tenant datasource configuration
Fix generated code when setting
on nullable boolean -
Fix broken free search
Fix stuck login dialog after wrong attempt
Fix recursive child grid view in popup
Fix readonly input in mass update form when grid has readonlyIf in fields
Fix grid export IndexOutOfBoundsException with collection columns and translatable order by
Fix ignored grid orderBy when applying default search filters
Fix empty PDF tab with latest Chrome
Fix readonly button on grid
Fix mass applying same permission to children DMS files
Fix free search with custom fields
Fix button showIf/hideIf on editable grid
Fix unnecessary fetch from field editor
Fix missing "contains" search with MultiSelect widget
Fix dirty checking issue with relational fields
When some o2m has an onChange action that updates parent record with
the o2m items were wrongly marked as dirty if the o2m doesn't have named column. -
Fix multi-tenant datasource configuration
Preserve view-param showArchived when clearing filters
Fix uploading of meta files in form view
Fix Binary/BinaryLink in editable grid
Check for permissions when calling actions
Check for permissions on dotted fields
Check for permissions on dotted fields:
- Filter permitted dotted fields in fetch request
- Filter permitted dotted fields in search request
- Filter permitted fields in ActionRequest.setValue
- Check for create/write permissions on related fields in save request
- Check for write permissions on editable grid
- Hide dotted fields if user has no read permissions
Users are still permitted to read dotted fields’ id, version, and namecolumn regardless of permissions.
Default setting
to UTF-8When UTF-8 is used, BOM is added so that Excel recognizes the encoding.
Remove jcenter and prevent dependency confusion risk
Migrate from opencsv to commons-csv
Format exported dates and times with client locale
to set a fixed locale for all exports. Settingdata.export.separator
defaults to ';'. Only numbers (integer, long, decimal) were formatted using client locale. Dates, times, and datetimes now also use client locale. Settingdate.format
is removed.
Improve grid customization
- Show translated field titles besides field names
- Allow to save column widths
- Add removed fields as hidden as to preserve expressions
- Add reset customization button
- Don’t delete customized grids when clearing cache
- List fields from search filters in selector
- Remove move icons in selector
Add action to select a
<form ...> ... <panel-tabs> <panel title="One" name="t1"></panel> <panel title="Two" name="t2"></panel> </panel-tabs> </form> <action-attrs ...> <attribute name="active" for="t1" expr="true" /> </action-attrs>
Apply translations on translatable fields and enums for data exports
Only headers and selections were translated. Translatable fields and enums are now also translated.
Add "auth.ldap.user.dn.format" and "auth.ldap.user.username.attribute" configurations
to apply filters by defaultExample:
<view-param name="search-filters" value="filter-sales"/> <view-param name="default-search-filters" value="confirmed,highValue"/>
Filters named
will be applied by default. For that usage, use new attributename
for eachfilter
. -
Use thin scrollbars on grids inside form views
Add workflow status help
public void onFetch( @Observes @Named(RequestEvent.FETCH) @EntityType(Order.class) PostRequest event) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) event.getResponse().getItem(0); if (values != null) { List<Map<String, Object>> status = new ArrayList<>(); status.add( ImmutableMap.of( "name", "s1", "title", I18n.get("Status 1"), "color", "red", "help", "Some help…")); values.put("$wkfStatus", status); } }
- Fix NPE when loading extension views without corresponding base views
- Fix "cn" used as ID attribute with LDAP
- Fix Unexpected character '`' when running npm-build
- Fix evaluation of filter
attributes - Fix grid column widths when popup is opened as maximized
- Fix attrs reset for bpmn use case
- Fix looped view loading when grid has o2m/m2m fields referencing themselves
- Fix duplicate onChange call with BooleanRadio widget
- Merge menus into mobile toolbar
- Fix fetching LDAP attributes with Active Directory
- Fix row height when using Image widget in editable grid
- Fix missing ID in context after 'save' action in multirelational editor
- Apply view attributes to new records as well
- Fix "Cannot change session ID" exception when using basic auth on non-secure requests
- Fix search query causing dirty form
- Fix Phone widget readonly width adjustment
- Fix wrong query string append with dynamic URL in HTML view
- Add
attribute topanel-related
(disabled by default)
- Add relative dates and current user/group criteria to advanced search
- Add support for defining Column attributes
- Add tel link on grid view when using Phone widget
- Add support for aggregation with Duration widget
- Add flag dropdown to Phone widget
- Fix requiredIf with some widgets (BinaryLink, CodeEditor…)
- Fix setting null on nullable number field with min/max attributes
- Preserve per module web resource inclusion order
- Fix sidebar="false" panel attribute evaluation
- Fix URL widget in grid view
- Fix grid field hilite overwritten by grid view hilite
- Fix parent toolbar/menubar displayed in dashlet
- Fix search engine action menu selection
- Group M2O/O2O by ID in grid, but show namecolumn
- Set "SameSite=None" attribute on cookies to allow CORS requests
- Set first day of week according to browser locale
- Fix modern theme button alignment in O2M editor
- Fix HTML sanitization
attribute marks field to be included in equality test, instead ofhashKey
Improve keyboard shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+F and Ctrl+G were conflicting with browser shortcuts, they are now changed to Alt+F and Alt+G respectively. Also fixed some broken shortcuts.
Also added a dialog to show keyboard shortcuts which can be shown from the top-right corner menu.
Add support for toolbar and menubar on dashlet and o2m/m2m widgets
For the toolbar, only first 3 buttons will be visible. For the menubar, only first menu will be visible.
- Deprecate
in favor ofWebUtils.issueRedirect
- Deprecate
in favor ofequalsInclude
Add support for separators in editors
Add menu item in form view to show workflow
Add support for x-show-icons on panel-related
response signal -
Add helper api to easily open html tabs
Add support for defining view attrs externally
Improve Context api to allow overriding proxy usage
Add support searching on translatable fields
Override/add filters: currency, percent, number, date
Implement grid view customization
We can now customize the top-level grid view with a customize column menu and selecting/removing/reordering fields.
The customized view can be shared to all users by admins.
Add support for more hilite colors
We can now use more named colors with hilite besides the hilite styles.
Alert when DMS files and exported files are not found
functionThe function can be used to update json values using JPQL.
For example:
UPDATE Product p SET p.attrs = json_set(p.attrs, 'seller.name', '"Some NAME"') WHERE json_extract(p.attrs, 'seller', 'id') = 1
Add before transaction complete event
The event is for internal purpose only. We may promote it as public api in some future version. The event is fired with total number of records updated/deleted in current transaction.
Numeric and Decimal format support based on browser language
Date and DateTime format support based on browser language
Add support for
attribute to panel widgets -
Add support for field tooltip templates
Support CSS on grid buttons
application setting -
Add support to show workflow status on top of the form
Charts decimal/date format support based on browser language
Add current view type and view names in action context
Add reset search terms icon to advance search box
Add support for maximized popups for relational fields
We can specify
x-popup-maximized="all|editor|selector" to specify whether to show the
selector` or both popups in maximized state.
Fix random mail sender test failure
Fix save action in editable grid
Fix onChange issue on html widget
Fix select image button text in HTML widget
Fix js error when clicking on html view tab
Fix Response#setValue with $-prefixed dummy field
Fix PDF visibility in DMS when changing tab content with Chrome
Fix image-select widget issues
Fix updating of selected flags for JavaScript expressions
Fix dotted target-name on TagSelect and many-to-one fields
Prevent sorting/searching on transient/dummy field in grid
Reset attributes when navigating and refreshing records from form view
Fix image height in *-to-many editor
Prevent searching on relational field without namecolumn in grid
Fix OK/Cancel button order on editable grid and master-detail
Fix needless recomputing of views
Fix visibility evaluation of field using master-detail widget
Fix empty selection in grid when action initialized selection state
Fix $fmt with dotted fields and custom views
Remove unsupported grid button attributes from autocompletion
Add missing Indian momentjs locales
Fix o2m/m2m field button bar display
attribute issue on m2o field of grid view -
Fix save action in master-detail
Apply view extensions by matching name and groups
Fix NPE when finding computed field dependencies
Fix translation of dotted target names
Fix touchpad click to confirm on a popup
Fix custom field value expression doesn't make form dirty
Fix Thai momentjs locale
Fix rendering of buttons and action execution on editable grids
Fix TypeError when several editable grids have the same dummy fields
Add missing English momentjs locales
Fix reference names in json fields
When name field of the reference record is changed, the name value saved in json field is updated to reflect the updated name.
Fix custom fields support in string templates
Fix editable row reset to old value issue
Fix context issue with chart click actions
- Add index to MetaHelp on model, language, view fields
- Prevent usage of proxies in search request
- Fix o2m/m2m sorting issue caused by permissions
- Fix missing CSRF header upon successful login request
- Fix searching for o2o field on the non-owning side
- Fix MenuItem tag display with null/empty value
- Save decimal value with applied x-scale from view
- Fix translation of dotted fields on references in grid view
- Fix one-to-many editor validation issue
- Fix misalignment on grid group row
- Fix required field validation on contextual custom fields
- Go into edit on focus for multiline string in editable grid
- Add index to MailMessage on relatedModel, relatedId fields
- Fix change tracking translation issue
- Hide edit in grid icons bar while editing row
- Set authentication request character encoding to UTF-8
- Fix customize dashboard with drag & drop
- Fix Context#asType invalid type error message
- Fix boolean field focus issue in editable grid
- Fix timezone issue with start/end time in calendar view popup
- Fix timezone issue with start/end of calendar view
- Fix single-select widget on integer field
- Fix readonly rendering of inline HTML widget
- Fix readonly rendering of large string in editable grid
- Fix setting of o2m/m2m field in editable grid from action
- Fix PostAction event issue for action-record
- Fix buttons not shown when using x-selector="checkbox"
- Ignore hiding of fields in editable grid
- Update dotted fields in grid from form dotted fields
- Fix onChange not triggered when setting date to null
- Fix rare emptied row on save issue in editable grid
- Fix multi-month calendar events missing for intermediate months
Add support for help on panel-dashlet
Add support for per grid widget checkbox selector
Now we can use
on grid view or panel-related to show checkbox selection. -
Fix gantt view pagination issue
- Fix switching to another tenant
- Fix dotted fields disappearing after edition on top-level editable grids
- Fix black and white tag colors
- Fix empty form after saving new records in details view
- Fix downloading of meta files if parent has collections of meta files
- Fix missing read permission on user/group for DMS
- Fetch target names for tag-select widget
- Fix view extension replace on menubar/toolbar/panel-mail
- Fix action method call with arguments having ':'
- Fix charts with zero in series
- Fix emptied field not present in grid after opening popup form
- Fix truncated title and vertical alignment of tag-select with modern theme
- Fix view watching from mixed location kinds
- Fix nullable boolean radio displayed as false
- Fix search null or empty string field values
- Fix grid toolbar button js expression issue
- Fix onNew on editable grid row
- Fix column menu show/hide item in grid view
- Fix wrong positional parameter resolution from query binder
- Fix mail base64 image max line (RFC2045)
- Fix dotted field translation in grid view
- Fix NavSelect and MenuBar size adjust issue
- Validate external input for tree view
- Fix mass update on grid view because of dotted fields
- Restrict system page to technical staff
- Fix the button _signal in context
- Fix query building with empty logical filters
- Formatting the restoring meta execution time in ISO time
- Fix NPE caused by response exception handler
- Fix missing delimiter in advanced search when no export permission
- Fix input left padding with ImageSelect widget when element is not shown immediately after edit mode
- Consider permissions and showArchived view-param for tag-count
- Fix meta file link with no parent
Add support for font config for birt reports
Support axis titles on charts
Support cards, kanban, and calendar views on dashlets
Add support to use m2o fields for kanban columns
Allow to show additional details with ref-text widget
Add single-select and improve multi-select widget with color support
Add support for popup editor on cards and kanban views
A new attribute
is added with the following values:self
- show editor in same tabpopup
- show popup editorpopup-new
- show popup editor for new records only
- Fix unnecessary requests for name values
- Fix validation error in editable grid
- Fix "Invalid or non-matching id" when committing edit in grid
- Fix meta loading deadlock when creating groups
- Fix group creation when generating computed views
- Fix custom view refresh issue in dashlet
- Fix embedded tomcat runner
- Preserve column order in data exported from charts
- Fix text value escape in grid widget
- Fix details-view with grouped grid not working
- Fix path resolution in view watcher under Windows
- Fix CSRF token cookie when using SSO
- Allow deletion of one-to-one on the non-owning side and change of owner
- Allow inline edit with grouped grid
- Fix no file in response when observing exports
- Fix view watcher on application's resources
- Don't show fallback characters instead of icons on slow network
- Fix editable grid issue in details-view
- Fix setting of owner of one-to-one
- Fix checkbox alignment in editable grid
- Limit parallel meta loading to maximumPoolSize
- Add support for providing webapp resources from modules
- Add support for registering static web resources
- Fix backward-compatible authentication via login.jsp
- Fix compile classpath issue
- Fix context issue with js expressions on m2o fields
- Fix spurious onLoad execution from calendar and kanban views
- Fix new line confirmation in editable grid after ActionResponse#setValues
- Align kanban hilite colors with grid hilite colors
- Fix view watching with IntelliJ IDEA
- Wait for actions when committing changes in editable grid
- Fix embedded tomcat run task issue
- Fix large text field in editable grid widget
- Use permission filter in order to count attachments
- Context from grid row editor should use row record
In order to migrate User activateOn and expiresOn fields, use these SQL statements:
ALTER TABLE auth_user ALTER COLUMN activate_on TYPE timestamp; ALTER TABLE auth_user ALTER COLUMN expires_on TYPE timestamp; UPDATE meta_field SET type_name = 'LocalDateTime' FROM meta_model WHERE meta_field.meta_model = meta_model.id AND meta_model.name = 'User' AND meta_field.name IN ('activateOn', 'expiresOn');
- Change User activateOn and expiresOn to datetime type
- Check for active user on every pre-request
- Fix CSS of calendar bubble content
- Fix menu title wrapping with tag
- Fix combining selection simple filters with custom filters
- Don't show kanban popover with empty content
- Fix NavSelect widget on integer selection
- Fix extension insert before in declaration order
- Fix Overview panel randomly still present despite having custom panel as first element
- Do not allow deleting tasks when scheduler is running
- Fix tomcat 8.5.51 issue caused by javax.el service discovery
- Fix unknown tracked field detection when using inheritance
- Fix target-name on dotted field after selection from grid
- Fix same duration widget mask being applied to subsequent fields
- Remove licenseCheck from check dependencies
- Upgrade to Gradle 5.6.4
- Run license task on src files only
- Migrate LDAP to pac4j
- Refactor grid widget to improve inline edit experience
- Make button onClick attribute required
- Upgrade to Spotless 3.24.3
- Improve hotswap-agent support
- Upgrade to pac4j 3.8.3
- Upgrade to Guava 28.1
- Increase custom field conditions limit to 512 characters
- Add canNew, canEdit, and canDelete to cards and kanban views
- Set default logger config for pac4j package
- Centralize properties from application.properties
- Display
on meta menu view - Add Request#getUser() method that returns current session user
- Log request data at trace level
- Watch for view updates
- Improve display of forced password change
- Sort mail messages by most recent reply if any
- Only update visible tags
- Parallelize loading of models, views, and i18n with rollback per module
- Add tel link and pattern to phone widget
- Add direct basic authentication client
- Add position "inside" for view extensions
- Add support for groupBy on custom models
- Add hideIf and showIf support to grid buttons
- Add responseBindingType to SAML configuration
- Ability to toggle chart legends and ellipsed labels with tooltip
- Add hideLegend config to charts
- Add support for NavSelect widget on many-to-one fields
- Scan for css/js files to minify
- Trigger onChange on Enter key in simple fields
- Fix 'x-' prefixed extra attributes on custom fields
- Fix Query#update with null value
- Re-throw exception on Birt report generation exception
- Fix JNDI data source not working
- Fix currency formatting with IE11
- Do not set WWW-Authenticate response header when request has no basic auth header
- Fix scope syncing on charts
- Fix inline-checkbox widget title wrapping issue
- Use styled checkbox for grid row selector
- Block the UI as early as possible on action call
- Fix Query#update when query has ORDER BY clause
- Fix Gantt view scrolling
- Fix untranslated namecolumn when fetching missing values
- Fix m2o field in grid not showing translated value
- Fix dashlet refresh issue
- Update menu tags using
- Fix tag-select widget's search field width issue
- Fix popup editor issue when a tab is opened from it
- Fix widget name check inconsistencies
- Allow empty panel inside a panel
- Fix migration of existing views to extension views
- Fix Query#update with several fields
- Fix archived records not displayed when simple filter and advanced filter are applied
- Fix redirection to originally requested URL
- Fix dashlet refresh issue
- Remove deprecated api usage from Logger injection support
- Fix wrong redirection to favicon.ico
- Fix table layout on field editors
- Fix month variable replacement in app settings value
- Fix multi-tenancy with pac4j
- Fix tests
- Fix error popup with empty message not showing up in prod mode
- Remove showTitle from panel-related
- Fix query filtering on collections and using order by
- Fix duplicate m2m item issue
- Fix dotted fields setting unwanted intermediate records
- Silent requests should not hide loading indicator
- Fix ajax login should re-execute pending requests
- Fix target-name of a custom field in grid view when visibleInGrid is not used
- Fix issue caused by empty string value on decimal field
- Fix untranslated namecolumn value in TagSelect
- Fix collection fields with editor validation issue
- Fix relative style/script source in JSP
- Fix popup editor issue when a tab is opened from it
- Fix selecting a m2o on editable grid when server is slow
- Fix SAML postLogoutURL for webapps deployed at root
- Fix DMS file being automatically downloaded on form view
- Fix XSS vulnerability with html widget
- Add CSRF protection using pac4j CSRF authorizer
- Add
gradle task to generate final CHANGELOG from unreleased entries. - Log tracking of unknown fields during code generation
- Fix distinct query issue when search is done on o2m/m2m
- Prohibited usage of unsupported xml attributes in grid fields.
- Invalid meta and translations when restore is done
- Fix security issue in criteria filter, Query and json function
- Upgrade to Shiro 1.4.1
- Add support for SAML2
- Add support for OpenID Connect
- Log authentication failure
- Add support for sidebar panels with custom models
- Add support for customer field type spacer
- Add "auth." prefix to authentication-related configurations
- Implement CAS via pac4j
- Use view.menubar.location instead of application.menu
- Add support for more CAS client types
- Improved custom field views
- Do not generate default value if default="" is given
- Add support for OAuth
- Allow to set target-name attribute on custom model fields
- Use woodstox StAX API for data import
- Improve tracking message formatting
- Add support for toolbar and menubar in kanban view
- Prohibited usage of some unsupported editor attributes
- Add domain field name validation for few more reserved names
- Add x-big and x-seconds attributes
- Configure XStream security framework
- Add scale attribute to chart series
- Clear the persistence context after job is executed
- Add /ws/public/** as anonymous rest endpoints
- Use icon if user profile image is not set
- Have boolean-radio behave like radio-select
- Restrict x-direction values to "horizontal" and "vertical"
- Improve Meta Scheduler views and usage
- Add x-accept support to specify file type filters
- Skip linked bindings when finding observers
- Fix json field ordering issue
- Fix unable to open form from grid dashlet
- Fix calendar view color issue
- Fix BinaryLink & Image widgets with custom json models
- Fix advanced search on transient fields
- Fix showIf expression on custom o2m field issue
- Fix button in custom model grid
- Fix readonlyIf on button of custom model grid
- Fix downloading of meta files in JSON fields
- Fix EntityHelper#hashCode inconsistent with generated entities
- Fix toolbar buttons remains highlighted on view switch
- Center mail message avast image
- Fix grid selected rows (exclude group rows)
- Fix display time on calendar
- Fix hilite expression parsing issue
- Fix pagination issue caused by use of query cache
- Fix pagination issue when searching on collection fields
- Fix file name encoding when upload DMSFile
- Fix random view if view by name not found
- Fix initParam with field override
- Fix img-button css
- Fix dotted fields issue
- Fix image widget reload issue
- Do not show concurrent updates error on missing reference
- Fix html widget empty value issue
- Exclude archived records from tag-count
- Fix empty PDF tab with Chrome
- Extract title attribute in extensions for i18n
- Fix kanban view tooltip placement issue
- Fix redirect issue with https proxy
- Fix nested editor issue with canSelect=false
- Fix ImageSelect widget regression
- Fix translation value of translatable m2o name field is not reflected
- Fix old-style view extensions when base view has panel-mail
- Fix advanced search state sharing on card and grid views
- Fix if condition on help element of grid view not working
- Fix change tracking emails having null values
- Fix csv import on collection fields
- Fix xml import on collection fields
- Allow non csv column in local context values
- Fix xml import on collection fields
- View lookup: if a view with a specified name is not found, no view is now returned, instead of returning another unpredictable view.
- All authentication-related configurations are now prefixed with "auth.". For instance, previous "cas.*" configurations are now named "auth.cas.*".
attribute (used withboolean-radio
widgets) is now restricted to either "horizontal" or "vertical".
Check the 5.1.0-rc1
and 5.1.0-rc2
Changelog for complete list of changes.
- Only log when non-existing field is referenced in expressions (breaking change)
- Properly handle expression errors
- Prevent calling arbitrary methods with action (breaking change)
- Add app startup/shutdown events
- Fix value assignment in EL expression
- Fix duplicate results in number of attachments
Calling arbitrary methods from action-method or with
is not allowed.All such methods should be annotated with
annotation (com.axelor.meta.CallMethod
). Use following shell command to find all the method calls in your code base:$ grep -P "(expr)(\s*=\s*)(\"call:([^\"]+\([^\"]+)\")" -r * -oh --include="*.xml" \ | cut -d\" -f2 \ | sed -E 's|call:\s*||g' | cut -d\( -f1 | sort -u
Scripting expressions in xml actions are now not silent on errors.
All errors during expression evaluation except missing attribute error are propagated to the user so evaluation of such expressions will fail and ultimately actions too.
DMS permissions (requires manual intervention)
DMS permissions are created and removed recursively for all children documents/folders. The
permission is no longer used. Also, DMS permissions are readonly once created, but can be removed.Remove DMS file related permissions (permissions with a name starting with
). Those permissions will be recreated and updated after adding new DMS permissions. Remove and add back DMS permissions on your documents from the DMS view. -
method should now use helperMetaFiles#getDownloadLink
instead of returningMetaFile
. -
On ManyToOne fields,
attribute isfalse
by default now. -
to search on name field should be changed tofreeSearch="actualNameField"
attribute onentity
definition is now deprecated and replaced withcacheable
.$ find -iregex ".*domains.*.xml" | xargs -l sed -i 's|cachable="|cacheable="|g'
- Add support for base64 encoded images with mail builder api
- Set Monday as first day of week in calendar view for French locale
- Improve date formatting in calendar view for French locale
- Fix calendar view layout issues
- Fix dms permissions preventing attachments
- Fix grid row selection issue when deleting o2m/m2m items
- Fix wrong context with grid button after 'save' action
- Fix fetch request data serialization issue caused by rollbacked transaction
- Fix js expressions with dummy not evaluated inside field editors
- Fix named width styles not working
- Fix double escaping of html chars in grid widget
- Fix grid rendering issue caused by page change from form view
- Do not fetch archived records in tree view
- Fix x-can-copy issue (unable to copy if parent is now saved)
- Fix NestedEditor issue when name field is missing
- Upgrade to hotswap-agent 1.3.0
- Improve help popover
- Fix deprecated nested editor issue (for legacy use cases)
- Fix tracking message formatting issue
- Fix lost changes issue with child grid
- Fix change tracking clean up issue (transaction rollback should discard tracking)
- Fix o2m list editor layout (IE11 issue)
- Fix placeholder color (IE11 issue)
- Fix no scrollbar in popup editor (IE11 issue)
- Patch jquery for possible XSS vulnerability (jquery/jquery#2432)
- Patch jquery for CVE-2019-11358
- Fix boolean-radio widget on chrome
- Fix file handle not closed issues
- Fix lost changes issue with child grid
- Fix use of "member of" in domain expression
- Fix duplicate DMS file results when several DMS permissions are matched
- Fix hiding of error message div with IE
- Upgrade to hotswap-agent 1.3.0
- Set Monday as first day of week for French locale
- Improve date formatting in calendar view with locale fr
- Check for permission when downloading files
- Validate decimal's scale and precision attributes
- New event system similar to CDI 2.0 event api
- Support for JPA event listeners
- Complete re-write of view extensions
- Major refactoring in auth api
- Improved xml view handling
- Prevent initial data fetch in grid view with
- Support for custom action on chart dashlet with
attribute - Improved user preferences view
- Add support for forcing user to change password
- Logout user if password is changed
- Add ability to specify free search fields
- Improve DMS loading performance
- Add menubar to cards view
- Support for sharable DMS file URLs
- Delete attachments when record is deleted
- Check for DMS permissions when making zip
- Give and remove DMS permissions recursively
- Add image and pdf preview into DMS file form
- Only generate menu for custom models if menu title is provided
- Support for settings form width for custom model
- Support for setting column sequence for custom model
- Support for 'orderBy' on custom models
- Support for label fields in custom model
- Support for field permission on custom model and custom fields
- Support for font-awesome icons in image-select widget
- Fix tag-select widget issue with custom fields
- Fix @RequestScoped services in unit tests
- Fix date search in grid view when user is in different time zone
- Fix I18n message bundle cache causing wrong bundle update
- Fix DMS file rename issue
- Fix @RequestScoped services when used with quartz scheduler
- Add support for changing selection-in attribute with action-attrs
- Hide attachment icon when we can't attach a file
- Fix panel-tabs visibility issue
- Fix auto fill parent field on new record on gantt view
- Fix track message textbox not clearing on new record
- Fix Column filters not applied with advance search
- Fix unexpected dirty record warning when navigating form records
- Fix popover width
- Fix o2m permission issues
- Fix onLoad issue caused by json fields
- Fix empty value in html widget with firefox
- Fix dotted field not loading
- Fix translated text gets escaped
- Use fixed width columns in kanban view
- Add support to hide kanban columns using view-param
- Add support for multiline widget attribute to custom fields
- Fix editable grid updating wrong record
- Fix i18n message extractor updating catelogs with wrong translations
- Fix required field in editor causing infinite fetch requests
- Fix NPE when using quartz job context
- Fix @RequestScoped services in unit tests
- Fix @RequestScoped services when used with quartz scheduler
- Fix data export issue from panel-dashlet
- Fix menu search
- Fix advance search issue with contains/not contains filter
- Show exception message in prod mode (but no stacktrace)
- Add support for summary popup on kanban cards
- Add support for preventing initial data fetch in grid view (x-no-fetch="false")
- Remove kanban view restriction of max 6 columns
- Fix DMS file rename issue when file name contains single quote
- Fix RefSelect sometime doesn't use configured views
- Fix kanban view scrolling
- Fix xml view validation issue
- Fix panel-tabs visibility issue
- Fix selected row flag reset issue
- Fix pagination issue in dms view
- Fix typo in Query#fetchStream methods
- Fix boolean-radio widget issue
- Check for parent to determine if a widget is hidden (#33)
- Fix I18nBundle initialization issues
- Fix idle in transaction when using quartz
- Fix pending data import of action menus not resolved
- Fix record copy api
- Fix
is not applied if used withshowIf
- Fix filter input focus issue in grid dashlet
- Fix required field clear issue in editable grid
- Fix dialog overlay opacity
- Fix column sizing issue in popup
- Allow duplicating unsaved row in o2m/m2m
- Support for
attribute on grid view - Support for
attribute on grid view fields
- Fix view popup is now opening if first view is grid
- Fix technical info popup doesn't show value of m2o fields on o2m editor
- Fix grid column size issue in popup
- Fix server error dialog from popup is not visible
- Fix grid widget row selection issue
- Fix context update issue with panel-dashlet
- Fix invalid session error on system info page
- Fix MS-Edge issue
- Fix integer value formatting in track messages
- Fix grouped grid alignment issue in modern theme
- Fix m2o field validation issue
- Fix dirty record issue on copy
- Fix number widget increment issue
- Fix button focus style issues
- Fix calendar view doesn't use predefined filters
- Fix page size input/button alignment
- Fix translation extract issue
- Fix default values on custom models
- Fix default values in custom forms
- Fix unnecessary scrollbar in mailbox view
- Fix filter input focus issue in grid dashlet
- Allow to open popup in maximized state (use
view param) - Bring back
config - Add MultiSelect widget support in grid view
- Refresh kanban view when moving card fails
- Use special user form view from message link (user-info-form)
- Improve upload progress popup
- Improve sidebar menu UX
- Fix regression caused by RM-13705
- Fix ZonedDateTime adapter
- Fix encrypted field migration
- Fix dummy values from field editor missing in context
- Fix dummy fields issues in relational field editor
- Fix homeAction field in User m2o editor
- Fix full send in message details
- Fix dotted fields in field editor causing form dirty
- Fix onNew with save action
- Fix sidebar style conflict issue with field editor
- Fix contextual custom field with hidden=true
- Fix xml view hot reload
- Fix onSave/onLoad actions on custom models
- Fix view toolbar visibility on side change
- Fix translation popup for multiline text fields
- Fix unnecessary fetch request for dummy fields
- Fix scroll position issue on grid view when switching views
- Order followers with their namecolum
- Open the Inbox mail view instead of the unread mail view
- Prevent sorting on dummy fields
- Improve modern theme
- Terminate pending actions if view is switched
- Reset form view when switched over with browser back action
- Do not load record in form view if view is switched
- Do not add grid/form views when opening view with action
- Adopt new style guide (google java format, two spaces for indentation)
- Fix advance search popup not hiding on navbar click
- Fix issue with custom filter sharing
- Fix translations
- Fix selection widget issue when value has html escape values
- Fix validation issue on date widget
- Fix form layout issue
- Fix extra scrollbar with html view
- Fix route change issue with html view
- Fix tab refresh issue on tree view
- Fix class path scanner issue with duplicate classes from bootstrap loader
Add support for domain filter blacklist pattern
domain.blacklist.pattern = (\\(\\s*SELECT\\s+)|some_function
The old
settings is removed in favor of this one.
- Fix form layout regressions
- Revert fix for conditional expressions on fields on editable grid
- Ref-select widget should not allow editing record
- Panel header is now clickable if canCollapse is true
- Improve form layout
- Improve modern theme
- Improve kanban design/UX
- Add encryption support on large text fields
- Bring back LDAP and CAS integration
- Change
header in email message
- Fix selection popup record ordering issue
- Fix conditional expressions on fields on editable grid
- Fix requiredIf condition issue
- Fix group maping from LDAP issue
- Fix advance search input issue
- Fix JavaEL expression issue
- Fix grid widget grouping issue on hidden column
- Fix NPE when trying to delete non-existent record
- Fix all day event issue in calendar view
- Fix resource leak when generating report pdf
- Add support to disallow sub-select in domain filters with
domain.allow.sub-select = false
- Fix tag select widget issue on firefox
- Fix checkbox field in editable grid
- Fix editable grid cell focus issue
- Fix editable o2m item remove issue
- Fix widget attribute reset issue
- Fix kanban view missing values issue after card move
- Fix bulk update/delete issue with MySQL
- Fix conditional permissions with empty params value
- Fix conditional permissions not checked against database values
- Encrypted field support
- Simplified access control rules
- Improve boolean widget readonly style
- Improve nav-select and boolean widget readonly style
- Remove unique constraints from User's name and email fields
- Add message stream widget to teams form
- Clear search value from advance filter when chaning field
- Fix print.css
- Fix missing help icon on some widgets
- Fix groovy support
- Fix json fields validation issue
- Fix calendar view not fetching all events
- Fix kanban drag and drop issue on firefox
- Fix advance filter save issue with dotted fields
- Fix value enum log message
- Fix long command line issue on windows
- Fix context filter ignored when exporting data
- Fix file upload whitelist not checked with file fields
- Fix grid widget auto size issue
- Fix unable translate field value from unsaved records
- Fix validation error notification not shown from popup
- Fix search text validation issue on m2o field
- Allow to export with single click
- Disable full export with
view.adv-search.export.full = false
- Add support for file type whitelist & blacklist for upload
- Fix non-imported incoming emails marked as seen issue
- Fix stream message mail subject issue
- Fix file attachment issue for stream message from popup composer
- Fix concurrent mail fetching issue of stream replies
- Fix extension view is include multiple time issue
- Fix route change issue from kanbank view
- Fix
setting was not used whith DMS interface - Refresh cards view after deleting a card to fix pagination issue
- Fix regression caused by search text validation on m2o
- Updated translations
- Fix file upload issue where file can be saved outside upload directory
- Close mail inbox after fetching messages
- Fix tree view field mapping
- Fix group permission issue on menus
- Fix grid column alignment issue in popup
- Fix onNew event issue on popup editor
- Fix image widget regression
- Revert "Current user password should be required for changing users"
- Prevent form view to switch when actions are in progress
- Improved maven publishing
- Use title as on grid button tooltip if help is not given
- Allow viewer template on relational fields without editor
- Improved new modern theme
- Add
config option, can be used when app is served over https - Do not show error stacktrace in production mode to prevent leaking sensitive details
- Current user password is required for creating or changing user records
- Reset session id to prevent session fixation
- Fix user password hash in response
- Fix XSS vulnerability by sanitizing text values
- Fix kanban column no records message dispay issue
- Fix $number helper is missing for viewer templates
- Fix code generation with gradle composite builds
- Fix m2o column reset issue with onNew action
- Fix dotted field issue in saved search filter
- Fix record delete issue with form only action-view
- Fix m2o validation issue when clearing search text
- Add maven publish support in gradle plugin
- Added new clean theme "Modern"
- New setting
to control maximum number of tabs - Set calendar date with
from action context - Set calendar mode with
from action context - Currency formatting using
- Allow to provide custom css using
- Filter detail of grid view is now accessible from action context
- Added adblocker detection (warns on login page if adblocker is detected)
- Added browser detection (warns on login page is using IE <= 11)
- Allow any action as home action if home attribute is true
- Optimize tooltip initialization
- Improve UI layout for better theme support
- Allow to show html view in popup
- Allow to manage view menus and menu items with field perms
- Only show technical popup to technical staff even in dev mode
- Optimize DMS view with huge file structure
- Support
attributes to cards and kanban views - Data export can be controlled with
- Optimize grid widget rendering
- Optimize web ui by reducing DOM size
- Customize menu for custom models
- Thousand separator formatting for numeric fields
- Implemented versioned bulk update
- Custom fields in grid view are now added before buttons
- Fix calendar view not using grid view filter
- Fix module uninstall issue
- Fix module install issue
- Fix selected row color issue in grid view when row is highlighted
- Fix encoding for CSV files
- Fix xml import eval attribute not supporting call actions
- Fix grid widget auto size issue with grouped data
- Fix XML source file processing on Windows
- Fix html widget style issues
- Fix issues with editable grid when all fields of the row are readonly
- Fix o2m/m2m field dropdown was not visible in editable grid
- Fix editable grid was not marking parent form dirty
- Fix mass update issues with null
- Fix navigation tabs icon and colors not updated properly
- Fix grid view reload with button action
- Fix placeholder issue on editor fields
- Fix
key missing in context - Fix translate icon on field without label
- Fix reference column formatting in tree view
- Fix view xsd having action-view attribute home in wrong place
- Fix o2m/m2m fields should always show archived records
- Fix m2o selection should not include archived records
- Fix duplicate row created on o2m when an action is using
- Fix attachment file updates with DMS view
- Fix NPE caused by mail fetcher job
- Fix
with name field not working on grid view - Fix various popup dialog layout issues
- Fix advance search not visible in view popup
- Fix memory leaks in web ui
- Fix parent reload from popup
- Fix unarchive menu item not visible in form view
- Fix dotted fields in editable grid not updated if related m2o changes
- Fix popup editor readonly issue
- Fix o2m editable grid sometime duplicates previous cell's value when creating new rows
- Fix time widget update issue in editable grid view
- Fix m2o field dropdown menu in editable grid
- Fix mass updatable field sometime not listed
- Fix menu overriding issue caused by wrong ordering
- Fix xml id is not utilized for menu and action definitions
- Fix context update issue caused by
call - Fix value formatting issues in tree view
- Fix
widget initialization issue - Fix advance search field selection sorting
- Fix view tabs icon and colors not updated properly
- Fix translatable field value is sometime not translated
- Migrate to Java8
- Migrate to Hibernate 5
- Migrate to java.time (drop joda.time)
- Use HikariCP as connection pool
- Oracle database support (12c)
- MySQL database support (5.7)
- Multi-Tenancy support
- Improved logging with logback
- Tomcat 8.5 and Servlet API 3.1
- Full-text search support using hibernate-search
- Sidebar menu search
- CSV export from dashlet/o2m/m2m
- Dynamic custom fields support
- Dynamic custom models support
- Contextual advance search for custom fields
- Context aware grid columns for custom fields
- Automatic form & grid views for custom models
- Master-Details support on main grid view
- Basic teams/tasks features
- JCache integration for hibernate L2-cache
- JavaScript scripting support using Nashorn
- Add new action-script action
- Add hot code change support using hotswap-agent (experimental)
- Add hot view xml changes (experimental)
- Add Intellij IDE support
- Improved Eclipse IDE support using buildship
- New embedded tomcat runner with hotswap and debugging support
- Add support to define help for views externally and overrides help defined in views
- Add SLF4J logger injection support
- Add enum type fields support
- Kotlin and Scala support
- Support for
on m2m fields - Color support in stdout logging
- Allow to override file upload directory structure
- Optimized code generation gradle task
- Allow to add message content with change tracking
- Re-implementation of context using proxy with seamless access to context values as well as database values
- Improve DMS ergonomics
- Allow to unarchive records
- Allow closing tabs with mouse middle click
- Re-implemented value translation feature
- Allow enhance base
class with simple fields
- jdbc style positional parameters are deprecated, use JPA style positional parameters only
- Removed shell
- Mail groups are replaced with team (see basic teams feature)
- Method
returns proxy instance - Changed scripting helper
- Gradle tasks
are replaced with newdatabase
column size changed from255
table droppedmail_group_users
table droppedmail_group_groups
table droppedmeta_module.depends
column droppedmeta_translation.message_key
column type changed fromtext
column type changed fromtext