Examples of toy games built on top of Sui!
- TicTacToe: the pencil and paper classic, now on Sui, implemented using single-owner objects only.
- SharedTicTacToe: the pencil and paper classic, now on Sui, using shared objects.
- Hero: an adventure game where an intrepid hero slays vicious boars with a magic sword and heals himself with potions.
- SeaHero: a permissionless mod of the Hero game where the hero can slay sea monsters to earn RUM tokens.
- SeaHeroHelper: a permissionless mod of the economics of the Sea Hero game. A weak hero can request help from a stronger hero, who receives a share of the monster slaying reward.
- RockPaperScissors: a commit-reveal scheme in which players first submit their commitments and then reveal the data that led to these commitments.