Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available). They are intended, among other things, to enable the creation of effective offline experiences, intercept network requests and take appropriate action based on whether the network is available, and update assets residing on the server. They will also allow access to push notifications and background sync APIs.
public sealed partial class ExampleComponent : ComponentBase {
public required IServiceWorkerContainer ServiceWorkerContainer { private get; init; }
private async Task Example() {
await ServiceWorkerContainer.Register("service-worker.js");
The ServiceWorkerContainer interface of the Service Worker API provides an object representing the service worker as an overall unit in the network ecosystem,
including facilities to register, unregister and update service workers, and access the state of service workers and their registrations.
Most importantly, it exposes the ServiceWorkerContainer.register() method used to register service workers,
and the ServiceWorkerContainer.controller property used to determine whether or not the current page is actively controlled.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
Controller | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | get | Returns a ServiceWorker object if its state is activating or activated (the same object returned by This property returns null during a force-refresh request (Shift + refresh) or if there is no active worker. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
Register | string scriptURL, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<bool> | Registers a service worker. |
RegisterWithWorkerRegistration | string scriptURL, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistration?> | Registers a service worker and returns a ServiceWorkerRegistration object, which can be used to track the registration. If service worker is not supported, null is returned. |
DelayUntilReady | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistration> | Provides a way of delaying code execution until a service worker is active. It returns a Promise that will never reject, and which waits indefinitely until the ServiceWorkerRegistration associated with the current page has an worker. Once that condition is met, it resolves with the ServiceWorkerRegistration. |
GetRegistration | string clientUrl, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistration?> | The getRegistration() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets a ServiceWorkerRegistration object whose scope URL matches the provided client URL. The method returns a Promise that resolves to a ServiceWorkerRegistration or undefined. |
GetRegistrations | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistration[]> | The getRegistrations() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets all ServiceWorkerRegistrations associated with a ServiceWorkerContainer, in an array. The method returns a Promise that resolves to an array of ServiceWorkerRegistration. |
GetController | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | Returns a ServiceWorker object if its state is activating or activated (the same object returned by This property returns null during a force-refresh request (Shift + refresh) or if there is no active worker. |
StartMessages | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask | The startMessages() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface explicitly starts the flow of messages being dispatched from a service worker to pages under its control (e.g. sent via Client.postMessage()). This can be used to react to sent messages earlier, even before that page's content has finished loading. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnControllerChange | Action | Occurs when the document's associated ServiceWorkerRegistration acquires a new active worker. |
OnMessage | Action<string> | The message event is used in a page controlled by a service worker to receive messages from the service worker. Parameter is of type MessageEvent as json. |
The ServiceWorkerRegistration* interface of the Service Worker API represents the service worker registration. You register a service worker to control one or more pages that share the same origin.
Objects of this class must disposed manually, so do not forget to call DisposeAsync() when you are done with it.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
Active | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | get | The active property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is activating or activated. This property is initially set to null. |
Installing | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | get | The installing property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installing. This property is initially set to null. |
Waiting | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | get | The waiting property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installed. This property is initially set to null. |
Scope | ValueTask<string> | get | The scope read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a unique identifier for a service worker registration. The service worker must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
UpdateViaCache | ValueTask<string> | get | The updateViaCache read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface updates the cache using the mode specified in the call to ServiceWorkerContainer.register. Requests for importScripts still go via the HTTP cache. updateViaCache offers control over this behavior. Returns one of the following values: - imports: meaning the HTTP cache is not consulted for update of the service worker, but is consulted for importScripts. - all: meaning the HTTP cache is consulted in both cases - none: meaning the HTTP cache is never consulted. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
Unregister | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = defaul] | ValueTask<bool> | he unregister() method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface unregisters the service worker registration and returns a Promise. The promise will resolve to false if no registration was found, otherwise it resolves to true irrespective of whether unregistration happened or not (it may not unregister if someone else just called ServiceWorkerContainer.register() with the same scope.) The service worker will finish any ongoing operations before it is unregistered. |
GetActive | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | The active property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is activating or activated. This property is initially set to null. |
GetInstalling | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | The installing property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installing. This property is initially set to null. |
GetWaiting | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<IServiceWorker?> | The waiting property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installed. This property is initially set to null. |
GetScope | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<string> | The scope read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a unique identifier for a service worker registration. The service worker must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
GetUpdateViaCache | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<string> | The updateViaCache read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface updates the cache using the mode specified in the call to ServiceWorkerContainer.register. Requests for importScripts still go via the HTTP cache. updateViaCache offers control over this behavior. Returns one of the following values: - imports: meaning the HTTP cache is not consulted for update of the service worker, but is consulted for importScripts. - all: meaning the HTTP cache is consulted in both cases - none: meaning the HTTP cache is never consulted. |
Update | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistration> | The update() method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface attempts to update the service worker. It fetches the worker's script URL, and if the new worker is not byte-by-byte identical to the current worker, it installs the new worker. The fetch of the worker bypasses any browser caches if the previous fetch occurred over 24 hours ago. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnUpdateFound | Action | The updatefound event of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface is fired any time the ServiceWorkerRegistration.installing property acquires a new service worker. |
The ServiceWorker interface of the Service Worker API provides a reference to a service worker. Multiple browsing contexts (e.g. pages, workers, etc.) can be associated with the same service worker, each through a unique ServiceWorker object.
Objects of this class must disposed manually, so do not forget to call DisposeAsync() when you are done with it.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
ScriptUrl | ValueTask<string> | get | Returns the ServiceWorker serialized script URL defined as part of ServiceWorkerRegistration. The URL must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
State | ValueTask<string> | get | The state read-only property of the ServiceWorker interface returns a string representing the current state of the service worker. It can be one of the following values: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, or redundant. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
GetScriptUrl | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<string> | Returns the ServiceWorker serialized script URL defined as part of ServiceWorkerRegistration. The URL must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
GetState | CancellationToken cancellationToken | ValueTask<string> | The state read-only property of the ServiceWorker interface returns a string representing the current state of the service worker. It can be one of the following values: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, or redundant. |
PostMessage | object message, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask | The postMessage() method of the ServiceWorker interface sends a message to the worker. This accepts a single parameter, which is the data to send to the worker. The data may be any JavaScript object which can be handled by the structured clone algorithm. The service worker can send back information to its clients by using the postMessage() method. The message will not be sent back to this ServiceWorker object but to the associated ServiceWorkerContainer available via navigator.serviceWorker. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnStateChange | Action<string> | The statechange event fires anytime the ServiceWorker.state changes. Parameter is the new state of the service worker. It can be one of the following values: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, or redundant. |
OnError | Action<string> | The error event fires whenever an error occurs in the service worker. Parameter is of type Event as JSON. |
The ServiceWorkerContainer interface of the Service Worker API provides an object representing the service worker as an overall unit in the network ecosystem,
including facilities to register, unregister and update service workers, and access the state of service workers and their registrations.
Most importantly, it exposes the ServiceWorkerContainer.register() method used to register service workers,
and the ServiceWorkerContainer.controller property used to determine whether or not the current page is actively controlled.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
Controller | IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess? | get | Returns a ServiceWorker object if its state is activating or activated (the same object returned by This property returns null during a force-refresh request (Shift + refresh) or if there is no active worker. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
Register | string scriptURL, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<bool> | Registers a service worker. |
RegisterWithWorkerRegistration | string scriptURL, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess?> | Registers a service worker and returns a ServiceWorkerRegistration object, which can be used to track the registration. If service worker is not supported, null is returned. |
DelayUntilReady | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess> | Provides a way of delaying code execution until a service worker is active. It returns a Promise that will never reject, and which waits indefinitely until the ServiceWorkerRegistration associated with the current page has an worker. Once that condition is met, it resolves with the ServiceWorkerRegistration. |
GetRegistration | string clientUrl, [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess?> | The getRegistration() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets a ServiceWorkerRegistration object whose scope URL matches the provided client URL. The method returns a Promise that resolves to a ServiceWorkerRegistration or undefined. |
GetRegistrations | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess[]> | The getRegistrations() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets all ServiceWorkerRegistrations associated with a ServiceWorkerContainer, in an array. The method returns a Promise that resolves to an array of ServiceWorkerRegistration. |
StartMessages | void | The startMessages() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface explicitly starts the flow of messages being dispatched from a service worker to pages under its control (e.g. sent via Client.postMessage()). This can be used to react to sent messages earlier, even before that page's content has finished loading. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnControllerChange | Action | Occurs when the document's associated ServiceWorkerRegistration acquires a new active worker. |
OnMessage | Action<string> | The message event is used in a page controlled by a service worker to receive messages from the service worker. Parameter is of type MessageEvent as json. |
The ServiceWorkerRegistration* interface of the Service Worker API represents the service worker registration. You register a service worker to control one or more pages that share the same origin.
Objects of this class must disposed manually, so do not forget to call Dispose() when you are done with it.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
Active | IServiceWorkerInProcess? | get | The active property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is activating or activated. This property is initially set to null. |
Installing | IServiceWorkerInProcess? | get | The installing property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installing. This property is initially set to null. |
Waiting | IServiceWorkerInProcess? | get | The waiting property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a service worker whose ServiceWorker.state is installed. This property is initially set to null. |
Scope | string | get | The scope read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface returns a unique identifier for a service worker registration. The service worker must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
UpdateViaCache | string | get | The updateViaCache read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface updates the cache using the mode specified in the call to ServiceWorkerContainer.register. Requests for importScripts still go via the HTTP cache. updateViaCache offers control over this behavior. Returns one of the following values: - imports: meaning the HTTP cache is not consulted for update of the service worker, but is consulted for importScripts. - all: meaning the HTTP cache is consulted in both cases - none: meaning the HTTP cache is never consulted. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
Unregister | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = defaul] | ValueTask<bool> | he unregister() method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface unregisters the service worker registration and returns a Promise. The promise will resolve to false if no registration was found, otherwise it resolves to true irrespective of whether unregistration happened or not (it may not unregister if someone else just called ServiceWorkerContainer.register() with the same scope.) The service worker will finish any ongoing operations before it is unregistered. |
Update | [CancellationToken cancellationToken = default] | ValueTask<IServiceWorkerRegistrationInProcess> | The update() method of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface attempts to update the service worker. It fetches the worker's script URL, and if the new worker is not byte-by-byte identical to the current worker, it installs the new worker. The fetch of the worker bypasses any browser caches if the previous fetch occurred over 24 hours ago. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnUpdateFound | Action | The updatefound event of the ServiceWorkerRegistration interface is fired any time the ServiceWorkerRegistration.installing property acquires a new service worker. |
The ServiceWorker interface of the Service Worker API provides a reference to a service worker. Multiple browsing contexts (e.g. pages, workers, etc.) can be associated with the same service worker, each through a unique ServiceWorker object.
Objects of this class must disposed manually, so do not forget to call Dispose() when you are done with it.
Name | Type | get/set | Description |
ScriptUrl | string | get | Returns the ServiceWorker serialized script URL defined as part of ServiceWorkerRegistration. The URL must be on the same origin as the document that registers the ServiceWorker. |
State | string | get | The state read-only property of the ServiceWorker interface returns a string representing the current state of the service worker. It can be one of the following values: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, or redundant. |
Name | Parameters | ReturnType | Description |
PostMessage | object message | void | The postMessage() method of the ServiceWorker interface sends a message to the worker. This accepts a single parameter, which is the data to send to the worker. The data may be any JavaScript object which can be handled by the structured clone algorithm. The service worker can send back information to its clients by using the postMessage() method. The message will not be sent back to this ServiceWorker object but to the associated ServiceWorkerContainer available via navigator.serviceWorker. |
Name | Type | Description |
OnStateChange | Action<string> | The statechange event fires anytime the ServiceWorker.state changes. Parameter is the new state of the service worker. It can be one of the following values: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, or redundant. |
OnError | Action<string> | The error event fires whenever an error occurs in the service worker. Parameter is of type Event as JSON. |