Thank you, that's awesome! This guide should help you to get started.
Check out the issues and see if there's something you want to work on. We have have a beginner-friendly tag for things that we believe are simple enough to get started.
If you found something you want to fix, fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Whenever you want to contribute something, make sure to add tests as well.
Since everyone of us is using Linux, we only have instructions for (Ubuntu) Linux right now. If you are a Mac user and want to help out, feel free to add instructions for Mac to this file or to the wiki.
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib graphviz
git clone && cd webcal
bundle install
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser tester
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password tester
Enter new password: tester
Enter it again: tester
In this example we created a postgres user called tester, with the same password. Feel free to choose anything you want.
First, you will need to generate a secret token with rake secret
Next, make a copy of the provided .env files:
cp .env.test{.example,}
cp .env.development{.example,}
Now open the .env files and replace the example values with the actual values. Here's an example for .env.test
with the user from above:
Now you should be able to start the server (rails s
) and run the test suite (rake spec