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MazeEngine is a configurable maze generation algorithm implementing autonomous path-building agents with real-time console visualization.


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MazeEngine - Procedural Maze Generator (C++ Implementation)

MazeEngine is a configurable maze generation algorithm implementing autonomous path-building agents with real-time console visualization.

Clean labyrinth Intricate labyrinth

Project Description

This C++ maze generator employs an innovative agent-based approach to create complex procedural labyrinths through autonomous path-building entities called "Conquerors." Designed for both educational study and practical implementation, the system combines user-defined parameters with emergent behavior to generate infinitely varied maze structures.

At initialization, users configure three core parameters:

  • Grid Size: Determines maze dimensions (odd numbers recommended for optimal path spacing)
  • Number of Kernel Points: Strategic spawn locations that seed the conquerors that will generate the paths.
  • Path Constraints: Minimum and maximum straight-line distances conquerors travel before making a random turn.

The algorithm then deploys two critical agent types:

  1. Gate Guardians: Permanent conquerors spawned from entry/exit points that guarantee solvable connectivity.
  2. Kernel Explorers: 1-4 agents per kernel point (at least one direction/at most, all directions) that navigate randomly within path constraints.

As generation unfolds, conquerors exhibit distinct behaviors:

  • Carve paths in cardinal directions until reaching user defined path movement limits
  • Make 90° turns when exhausting their path-length allowance
  • Collide with existing paths, creating organic junctions
  • "Die" gracefully when trapped by their own (or other agents') trails

Parameter combinations produce radically different maze personalities:

  • Dense Networks emerge from many kernel points with short path constraints (4-10 units), creating intricate webs of interconnected passages.
  • Bold Corridors form with few kernels and long paths (50-100 units), yielding sweeping arterial routes with minimal branching.
  • Balanced Labyrinths arise from moderate settings, blending exploration and efficiency.

Despite real-time console visualization adding modest overhead, the engine demonstrates remarkable efficiency. Memory-only tests with extreme scales (1,000,000 tiles grids, 5,000 concurrent conquerors) complete generation in under 30 seconds on modern hardware. The C++ implementation prioritizes algorithmic clarity while maintaining practical performance through:

  • Spatial partitioning for collision checks
  • RAII-managed resource handling
  • Standard library optimized containers

The system's true power lies in balancing user control with procedural chaos - while parameters set boundaries, each conqueror's micro-decisions create unpredictable macro-structures. This ensures unique mazes on every generation, even with identical starting conditions, making it ideal for game development, AI training environments, and procedural content research.

Building the Project


  • C++14 compatible compiler
  • CMake 3.15 or newer

Build Instructions

git clone
cd cpp-maze-generator
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .


Run the executable:


You will then be asked for an output type (console, memory - not implemented, file - not implemented), and the required parameters: map size, number of starting points, minimum and maximum path segments distance.

Parameters example

Argument Description Default
size Maze dimension (N x N) 33
spawners Number of path origin points 5
min_distance Minimum straight path segment length 4
max_distance Maximum straight path segment length 8

Algorithm Overview

The generation process follows three phases:

  1. Initialization

    • Create entry/exit gates with guaranteed paths
    • Place kernel points for organic path branching
    • Initialize Conqueror agents with movement constraints
  2. Path Construction

    • Autonomous agent navigation using:
      • Weighted directional selection
      • Path memory (prevents revisiting)
      • Collision detection
    • Dynamic turn probability based on local density
  3. Termination

    • Natural termination when all agents exhaust movement options
    • Validation of full connectivity
    • Final gate placement verification

Technical Details

Key C++ Features

  • RAII for resource management
  • Template-based collection operations
  • Bitmask enums for cell types and directions

Visualization System

  • Abstract IWriter interface
  • Platform-specific console implementations:
    • Windows: WinAPI console functions
    • Unix: ANSI escape sequences
  • Real-time ASCII display refresh

Contributing Guidelines

Contributions are welcome under these requirements:

  1. Code Style:
    • Google C++ Style Guide
    • clang-format enforcement
    • Doxygen-style comments for public APIs


This project is licensed under the GPLv3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


MazeEngine is a configurable maze generation algorithm implementing autonomous path-building agents with real-time console visualization.








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