- Download Jessie Lite
follow direction to flash this to a card
- Boot Pi and update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install git
- Configure Pi
- sudo raspi-config
- Change Password
- Host Name
- Advance Options -> Memory Split (Change to 16)
- Expand File System
- Reboot
- Install On Device
git clone https://github.com/firewalla/firewalla --branch release_pi_1_0 --single-branch
cd firewalla
sudo apt-get clean
** for development please create your own branch. (release_pi_1_0 is for official releases)
Encipher Connect is a secure messenger used to talk to Raspberry Pi.
- connect ethernet port to router.
- install encipher connect from app store.
- launch encipher connect
- tap on 'Firewalla Bot' and connect
If anything bad happens, unplug it.
- origin/master: latest / greatest
- release_pi_1: current released code for pi, will be pulled automatically by all deployed boards.
- dev_<>: development branchs.
- Please do a pull request for features