C# SDK & Client for Pump.fun on Solana
- NET8.0
- Solnet.RPC
- Solnet.Wallet
- Solnet.Programs
How to use the library to perform a 10 second buy/sell
using Solnet.Programs;
using Solnet.Pumpfun;
using Solnet.Rpc;
using Solnet.Wallet;
Account _trader = Account.FromSecretKey("ENTER SECRET KEY HERE");
IRpcClient connection = ClientFactory.GetClient("RPC LINK HERE");
PumpfunClient pumpFun = new PumpfunClient(connection, _trader);
//Buy the token. Token Address - Sol Amount - Slippage Percent
await pumpFun.Buy("CA/MINT ADDRESS HERE", 0.001m, 10);
await Task.Delay(10000);
PublicKey associatedUser = AssociatedTokenAccountProgram.DeriveAssociatedTokenAccount(_trader, new PublicKey("CA/MINT ADDRESS HERE"));
var tokenbalance = await connection.GetTokenAccountBalanceAsync(associatedUser);
await Task.Delay(1000);
await pumpFun.Sell("CA/MINT ADDRESS HERE", tokenbalance.Result.Value.AmountDecimal);
Quickstart AI logic template
using Solnet.Programs;
using Solnet.Pumpfun;
using Solnet.Rpc;
using Solnet.Wallet;
Account _trader = Account.FromSecretKey("ENTER SECRET KEY HERE");
IRpcClient connection = ClientFactory.GetClient("RPC LINK HERE");
PumpfunClient pumpFun = new PumpfunClient(connection, _trader);
bool living = true;
while (living)
//Add logic here to determine what you should buy next then execute the code below to have your bot trade the tokens
//if (foundGoodToken)
//Swap the token. Token Address - Sol Amount
await PerformTenSecondTrade("TOKEN ADDRESS", 0.001m, pumpFun, _trader);
catch(Exception ex)
//Freeze the loop in the example. you can remove this once you add logic to determine when to buy/sell
await Task.Delay(1000000000);
static async Task PerformTenSecondTrade(string tokenAddress, decimal sol_amount, PumpfunClient pumpFun, Account _trader)
//Buy the token. Token Address - Sol Amount - Slippage Percent
await pumpFun.Buy(tokenAddress, 0.001m, 10);
await Task.Delay(10000);
PublicKey associatedUser = AssociatedTokenAccountProgram.DeriveAssociatedTokenAccount(_trader, new PublicKey(tokenAddress));
var tokenbalance = await pumpFun.RpcClient.GetTokenAccountBalanceAsync(associatedUser);
await Task.Delay(1000);
await pumpFun.Sell(tokenAddress, tokenbalance.Result.Value.AmountDecimal);
catch (Exception ex)