Node TypeScript Express Mongo
1.NodeJS installed globally in the system. 2.Visual Studio Code or any IDE
- Clone the repository into a folder
- Go inside the folder and run following command from terminal/command prompt
npm install
- All the dependencies from package.json would be installed in node_modules folder.
Add the below in
- Now just run the
npm run build
command which compilests
npm run build
Following command runs both unit and integration test with jest, supertest and mocked mongodb service.
contains the integration test for deck creation.
contains the unit test for deck utils.
npm run test
test runs don't connect to mpngodb instead they connect to mongodb-memory-server
Following command will spin two containers one for mongodb and another for express server.
docker-compose up
is a file for testing the API from VScode with the help of REST Client extension.
The routes and example payload are available. Postman is also much helpful.
Contains the schema for deck.
Contains the routes and exports it to server
file and also routes to corresponding handlers.
Contains the types used for deck and cards.
middleware\logger.ts middleware\logger.ts
Contains the middleware for logger and error handler. Logs are saved in logs
Contains the tsc configuration. tsc --init
creates the tsconfig template
GET http://localhost:5000/deck` Fetch all existing deck.
GET http://localhost:5000/deck/22833b92-4719-4c90-a351-e0f942863419 Fetch the details of the deck.
POST http://localhost:5000/deck Content-Type: application/json
"type": "FULL",
"shuffled": false
Creates a Full unshuffled deck.
POST http://localhost:5000/deck Content-Type: application/json
"type": "FULL",
"shuffled": true
Creates a Full shuffled deck.
POST http://localhost:5000/deck Content-Type: application/json
"type": "SHORT",
"shuffled": false
Creates a Short unshuffled deck.
POST http://localhost:5000/deck Content-Type: application/json
"type": "SHORT",
"shuffled": true
Creates a Short shuffled deck.
POST http://localhost:5000/deck/draw/22833b92-4719-4c90-a351-e0f942863419?count=3
Used to draw card from a deck specified by deckId. It takes a query count
that specifies the number of cards to be draw.