PyDichroX was written and is maintained by Giuseppe Cucinotta (
This program was initially realized with the aim of fulfill the need of sceintists at CETECS Laboratory at University of Florence of treating in an efficient and fast way the XAS data collected during their synchrotron experiments. In particular I acknowledge and I am gratefeul to:
dr. Lorenzo Poggini
dr. Giulia Serrano
dr. Michele Serri
dr. Niccolò Giaconi
dr. Andrea Luigi Sorrentino
prof. Matteo Mannini
I also acknowledge the staff of DEIMOS Beamline (Soleil Synchrotron, Paris, France), BOREAS Beamline (Alba Synchrotron, Barcelona , Spain), APE Beamline (Elettra Synchrotron, Trieste, Italy), ID-32 Beamline (ESRF Synchrotron, Grenoble, France).
The realization of this program would not have been possible without the collaboration, suggestions, discussion, hints and testing on the field they provided.