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Reactive Streams Application to query, visualize and analyze earthquake data (from

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Rüttel Report

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Local Setup Guide

(with local Postgres DB for FusionAuth)

Clone Project

git clone

Start local Cluster

We recommend to start the local Cluster with a good chunk of memory, as otherwise running both SparkApplications and Kafka will result in Pods being killed (OOMKilled).

minikube start --cpus 5 --memory 8g

To use images from a private Artifact Registry (like our development and production Repositiories there) it is necessary to mount the K8s Pods with the required Google Cloud Credentials.

minikube addons enable gcp-auth

Installing RuettelReport Infrastructure

helm install spark spark-operator/spark-operator --namespace spark-operator --create-namespace -f spark-operator-values.yaml

helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb -f mongodb-values.yaml -n shared --create-namespace

helm install kong kong/ingress -n kong --create-namespace 

helm install pg-minikube --set auth.postgresPassword=admin bitnami/postgresql
helm install my-fusion fusionauth/fusionauth -f local-fa-values.yaml

With Monitoring (optional)

helm install promstack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --version 52.1.0 -f values-monitoring.yaml
helm upgrade kong kong/ingress -n kong --set gateway.serviceMonitor.enabled=true --set gateway.serviceMonitor.labels.release=promstack
kubectl apply -f kong-prometheus-plugin.yaml

Installing the RuettelReport Application Chart

!The ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml needs to be adjusted before!

  1. Port Forward FusionAuth
  2. Access its UI in the browser
  3. Go to Settings -> Key Manager
  4. View the premium and free key and copy both their public key entries
  5. Replace the values for kong.premiumConsumerSecret and kong.freeConsumerSecret (in ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml) with their corresponding public key value
  6. Proceed with the Application Chart Installation
helm install ruettel-chart ./ruettel-chart -f ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml --set image.tag=<your desired release version / latest>

Accessing Infrastructure Services


kubectl -n monitoring port-forward services/prometheus-operated 9090 & kubectl -n monitoring port-forward services/promstack-grafana 3000:80 &

kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring promstack-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo


export SVC_NAME=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward svc/$SVC_NAME 9011:9011


kubectl port-forward svc/mongodb-headless 27017:27017

Spark Operator

kubectl describe sparkapplication spark-analysis -n premium

Get Logs of specific SparkApplication Job:

kubectl logs spark-analysis-driver -n premium


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