Releases: Bengejd/PantheonDKP
====== Version 3.0.6 ======
[Bug Fixes]:
- Character DKP Updates when switching between raids
- Removed "Out of date" line on Minimap.
- Removed random debugging print statements.
- Added in /pdkp command
- Fixed RaidFrames not being available when in combat.
- Removed PDKP from popping up when /reloading or logging in.
- Added disabled text to officer edits.
- Raid invites now ignore character casing when on the blacklisted list.
- Fixed DKP History title edge cases.
- Fixed History description not showing up on "Other" DKP adjustments.
- Fixed blacklist not updating when completely cleared.
- Fixed Select All Button not de-selecting when un-checked.
- History now updates when de-selecting someone, even when closed.
- Fixed bug with PDKP overriding other addon's print statements.
- Fixed bug with Bank note not being updated properly after submitting an edit.
- Select All check re-selects, everyone, when a new person joins the raid, if "in-raid" is checked.
- Added Loot Prio back in
- Removed some unnecessary function calls.
- Updated TOC #