👋 Hey! If you’re here, you want to learn how to apply the composition pattern in React. You’re in the right place!
As projects grow, UI components often become large and difficult to manage. This can lead to complex, hard-to-update code that slows down development.
Compound and composable components offer a solution. By breaking down a UI into smaller, reusable parts, you can keep your code more flexible and easier to maintain. Composable components are made of self-contained subcomponents that you can mix and match as needed, while compound components group subcomponents that work together but need each other to function.
This approach helps you avoid rewriting large sections of code and makes it easier to manage new design requests and updates.
Take a look to the article to learn more
To get started with the project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:BelkaLab/how-to-create-a-composable-component-with-react.git
git clone https://github.com/BelkaLab/how-to-create-a-composable-component-with-react.git
Install dependencies:
Start Storybook:
yarn storybook