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5 Commits

Repository files navigation

GIT 的使用

The overall workflow of Git (Source:
Function Action Syntax
推送分支 git push origin main
推送其他分支 git push origin
Check the full output of remote URL git remote show origin
分支管理 查看分支 git branch
check the current branch git branch --show-current
See all remote branch names git branch -r
See all local and remote branch names git branch -a
创建分支 git branch
创建新的空分支 git switch --orphan
切换分支 git checkout 或者 git switch
创建+切换分支 git checkout -b 或者 git switch -c
合并某分支到当前分支 git merge
删除分支 git branch -d
删除本地分支 git branch --delete --remotes origin/branch-name
删除远程分支(本地和云端) git push origin -d
  • Git的结构: Repository (仓库) + Staging index (暂存区) + Working (工作目录)
    1. Working --git add files--> Staging index
    2. Staging index --git add files--> Repository
    3. Repository --checkout--> working

配置 GIT Basic Git Configuration

  • 系统 System


Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig

git config --system

  • 用户 User



git config --global

  • 项目 Project


git config

git config --global "Bayi Li"

git config --global ""

git config --list

或者 or

git config

git config --global core.editor "notepad"

git config --global color.ui true

Git Auto-Completion (Mac and Linux Only)

Git Help

git help

git help log

基础步骤 Basic steps to initilising a Git repository


  1. 将本地仓库初始化,命令:git init This command will write a .git directory.

  2. git status 查看文件状态

    basically this command asks Git what you are doing

    Read the noted the command returns backward (from bottom to top)

  3. git add 文件列表 追踪文件

  4. git commit -m 提交信息 向仓库提交代码例如git commit -m "initial comit"

  5. git log 查看提交记录

  6. 将你需要的项目从github或者服务器上克隆下来,命令:git clone url

Compare the difference

git diff <file>

After adding the file for tracking, if we have changes the file, we can use this command to see the changes modified to the file.

撤销 Undo

  • 用暂存区中的文件覆盖工作目录中的文件:git checkout -- 文件名 不加 -- 文件名则覆盖全部文件
  • 将文件从暂存区中删除:git rm --cached 文件名
  • 将git仓库中指定的更新记录恢复出来,并且覆盖暂存区和工作目录: git reset --hard commitID


  1. 在文件管理器中删除文件或者使用rm <file>
  2. 可使用git status查看文件状态
  3. 使用git rm <file>移除文件,并且git commit -m "message"提交修改


git checkout -- <file>


忽略文件 - GitHub 文档

  • 如果是新文件:


  • 如果是之前已经commit的文件,需要先做一步

    git rm --cached <file>
.gitignore 文件模版
  1. 不追踪所有临时文件
# Ignore all files in a directory named "temp"

# Ignore all files with a specific extension, for example .tmp

# Ignore files in a specific directory with a particular extension

# Ignore all files with tilde (~) at the end (often used by text editors)

# Ignore files with a dollar sign ($) at the end (sometimes used for temporary files)

# Ignore swap files created by Vim editor

# Ignore .DS_Store files (macOS)

# Ignore Thumbs.db files (Windows)

# Ignore desktop.ini files (Windows)

基础步骤 Basic steps to collabrate a Git repository

  1. Clone the repository you want to work with

    git clone <url>
  2. Create a new branch to start your own modification

    git branch <new_branch>

    If you have already created the branch or not sure if you did, check all the available branch by git branch -a

  3. Switch to the new branch

    git checkout <p_branch>
    git switch <p_branch>
  4. Make the modification on the files

  5. Merge the new branch to the "main" branch

    1. Switch back the main branch again

      git switch main
    2. Merge the modified branch to the main branch

      git merge <p_branch>
  6. Commit to the remote side (If there is another commit from other user, there could be divergence of branch, go to the issue 01 for solution)

Commit Message

  1. 小于50个字符 A short singe-line summary (less than 50 characters)

  2. 可选添加空白行或者完整描述 Blank line and more complete description

  3. 保证一行小于72个字符 Keep each line to less than 72 characters

  4. 用现在时态而不是过去时态 Present tense rather than past tense

    'Fix for a bug' / 'Fixes a bug' not 'Fixed a bug'

    '[css, js]'



  5. If the commit has not been pushed, you can amend the commit message by:

    git commit --amend --only -m 'xxxxxxx'

View Commit Log

git log

git help log

显示近五条 show the most recent 5 commit log

git log -n 5

根据时间显示 show commit log with certain time

git log --since=2019-01-01

git log --until=2019-01-01

git log --author="Kevin"

git log --until=2020-09-10 -n 2 will output the log for the last two commits that happened before September 10, 2020.

git log --since=2019-03-01 --until=2019-03-31 --author="Karen" --grep="refactor" will output the log for all of Karen's commits labeled "refactor" during March 2019.

用正则表达式全局搜索commit log git log --grep="Init"

Git status

git status

当你文件夹中新建了新文件时,使用git status查看untracked files或者uncommited files.

Find the detail of last commit

git show


C:\Users\.ssh目录下查看是否存在id_rsaid_rsa.pub这两个文件,如果没有,在terminal中输入ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""生成


如果一切顺利的话,可以在用户主目录里找到.ssh目录,里面有id_rsaid_rsa.pub两个文件,这两个就是SSH Key的秘钥对,id_rsa是私钥,不能泄露出去,id_rsa.pub是公钥,可以放心地告诉任何人。

第2步:登陆GitHub,打开“Account settings”,“SSH Keys”页面:

然后,点“Add SSH Key”,填上任意Title,在Key文本框里粘贴id_rsa.pub文件的内容:

添加远程仓库 Add a local repository to Github

  1. 在GitHub上创建一个远程仓库

  2. git init first at the local directory

  3. 在本地的仓库下运行

    git remote add origin<github username>/<github repo name>.git

  4. Verifing the new remote URL

    git remote -v

git branch -M main

git push -u origin main

从现在起,只要本地作了提交,就可以通过命令:git push origin main


  1. 登陆GitHub,创建一个新的仓库Web_Mapping:

    Initialize this repository with a README,这样GitHub会自动为我们创建一个README.md文件。创建完毕后,可以看到README.md文件: git clone


git branch -a


* main                                                           remotes/origin/main 

将目前的branch设置为追踪远程仓库origin中的main branch

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main

运行git pull与远程同步


git fetch --prune origin


  1. 创建dev分支,然后切换到dev分支 (git checkout命令加上-b表示创建并切换)

    git switch -c dev or git checkout -b dev

  2. 使用git branch命令查看当前分支:


  3. 对当前分支修改后提交代码为(以修改文件为readme.md为例):

    git add

    git commit -m "branch test"

  4. 切换为main

    git switch main or git checkout main

  5. 把dev分支的工作成果合并到main分支上

    git merge dev

  6. 删除dev分支:

    git branch -d dev

清理commit历史 Clean commit history (危险操作)

  1. 在本地仓库中删除 .git 文件夹

  2. initiate the repo

    git init
  3. 重新链接远程github仓库

    git remote add origin
  4. If the new created branch name is main, continue; if 新创建的branch是master,重命名为main (和云端保持一致)

    git branch -m main
  5. 重新commit

    git add -A
    git commit -m "commit message"
  6. 强制更新github仓库即可

    git push -f origin main

Issues and their solutions

Ignore local modifications

  1. First fetch all changes:

    git fetch --all
  2. Then reset the main:

    git reset --hard origin/main
  3. Pull/update:

    git pull

Merges files

  1. Rebase all the changes

    git pull --rebase
  2. Use git mergetool to compare the difference between branches

    git mergetool --tool=vimdiff

GIT Aliases

REF: Git - Git Aliases (

composing git add -A and git commit together

git config --global alias.add-commit '!git add -A && git commit'
git add-commit -m 'My commit message'


  1. 详解N个git合代码经典操作! (


All about GIT






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