Neural Machine Translation for RDFS reasoning: code and datasets for "Deep learning for noise-tolerant RDFS reasoning"
Create a virtual environment with python 3
If using conda:
with GPU, run
conda create -n nmt4rdfs python=3.7 tensorflow-gpu"
without GPU, run
conda create -n nmt4rdfs python=3.7 tensorflow"
Activate environment using:
conda activate nmt4rdfs
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The first step to create the graph words is to collect the global resources i.e. classes, properties and properties groups as discussed in the paper. You can either:
Load the LUBM ontology from into the repository specified in config.json. In this case the SPARQL queries defined in code/sparql are going to be used to collect the global resources.
Use the pre-computed LUBM global resources from data/lubm1_intact/global_resources/:
mkdir -p data/lubm1_intact/encoding/ cp data/lubm1_intact/global_resources/* data/lubm1_intact/encoding/
Generate the LUBM1 graph words using:
To train the graph words neural machine translator for LUBM1 using the configuration parameters at config.json
cd code
To use the latest trained model for inference use:
python --input_graph=../data/lubm1_intact/graphs_with_descriptions/HTTP_www.Department0.University0.edu_AssistantProfessor0.nt
You can specify a different model using --model_path
- Instructions for generating graph words and training for the Scientists dataset
- Instructions to customize config.json for your dataset