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This project contains tasks for learning to use the MongoDB NoSQL database application.

Tasks To Complete

  • 0. List all databases
    0-list_databases contains a MongoDB script that lists all databases in MongoDB.

  • 1. Create a database
    1-use_or_create_database contains a MongoDB script that creates or uses the database my_db.

  • 2. Insert document
    2-insert contains a MongoDB script that inserts a document in the collection school:

    • The document must have one attribute name with value “Holberton school”.
    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 3. All documents
    3-all contains a MongoDB script that lists all documents in the collection school:

    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 4. All matches
    4-match contains a MongoDB script that lists all documents with name="Holberton school" in the collection school:

    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 5. Count
    5-count contains a MongoDB script that displays the number of documents in the collection school:

    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 6. Update
    6-update contains a MongoDB script that adds a new attribute to a document in the collection school:

    • The script should update only document with name="Holberton school" (all of them).
    • The update should add the attribute address with the value “972 Mission street”.
    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 7. Delete by match
    7-delete contains a MongoDB script that deletes all documents with name="Holberton school" in the collection school:

    • The database name will be passed as an option of mongo command.
  • 8. List all documents in Python contains a Python function that lists all documents in a collection:

    • Prototype: def list_all(mongo_collection):.
    • Return an empty list if no document in the collection.
    • mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object.
  • 9. Insert a document in Python contains a Python function that inserts a new document in a collection based on kwargs:

    • Prototype: def insert_school(mongo_collection, **kwargs):.
    • mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object.
    • Returns the new _id.
  • 10. Change school topics contains a Python function that changes all topics of a school document based on the name:

    • Prototype: def update_topics(mongo_collection, name, topics):.
    • mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object.
    • name (string) will be the school name to update.
    • topics (list of strings) will be the list of topics approached in the school.
  • 11. Where can I learn Python? contains a Python function that returns the list of school having a specific topic:

    • Prototype: def schools_by_topic(mongo_collection, topic):.
    • mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object.
    • topic (string) will be topic searched.
  • 12. Log stats contains a Python script that provides some stats about Nginx logs stored in MongoDB:

    • Database: logs.
    • Collection: nginx.
    • Display:
      • First line: x logs where x is the number of documents in this collection.
      • Second line: Methods:.
      • 5 lines with the number of documents with the method = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"] in this order (see example below - warning: it’s a tabulation at the start of each line).
      • One line with the number of documents with:
        • method=GET.
        • path=/status.
      • Example:
        94778 logs
            method GET: 93842
            method POST: 229
            method PUT: 0
            method PATCH: 0
            method DELETE: 0
        47415 status check
    • You can use this dump as data sample:
  • 13. Regex filter
    100-find contains a MongoDB script that lists all documents with name starting by Holberton in the collection school:

    • The database name will be passed as an option of the mongo command.
  • 14. Top students contains a Python function that returns all students sorted by average score:

    • Prototype: def top_students(mongo_collection):.
      • mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object.
    • The top must be in descending order of average score.
    • The average score must be part of each item returns with key = averageScore.
    • A sample document in the collection is shown below:
        "name": "Julia",
        "topics": [
          { "title": "Algo", "score": 10.5 },
          { "title": "C", "score": 10.2 },
          { "title": "Python", "score": 10.1 }
  • 15. Log stats - new version improves by adding the top 10 of the most present IPs in the collection nginx of the database logs:

    • The top 10 IPs must be sorted.