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Getting Started

Paul Coady edited this page Mar 6, 2016 · 9 revisions

Getting Started

The quickest way to experience Lightning EAM is to clone a repository and run it on your desktop. This will install a local version of MongoDB and all required code.

The desktop installation will be limited and will not have the analysis and reporting capabilities of an AWS server version. In the deployment section we will be providing details on AWS server installations.


Step 1 - Install NodeJS

Step 2 - Install MeteorJS

Step 3 - Install Git

Step 4 - Create a free Github account

Step 5 - Clone the Github repository

Step 6 - Run Lightning EAM

Step 7 - Update Lightning EAM

Step 1 - Install NodeJS

Follow the instructions at to install NodeJS.

Step 2 - Install MeteorJS

Follow the instructions at to install MeteorJS.

Step 3 - Install Git

Follow the instructions at to install Git.

Step 4 - Create a free Github account

Go to and create a free Github account.

Step 5 - Clone the Github repository

Search for "Lightning EAM" to go to the repository.

Click on "Star" at the top of the page.

Select and copy the HTTPS URL for the repository.

Create a folder for the installation.

CD into the new folder

Clone the repository:

git clone

Step 6 - Run Lightning EAM

Change to the newly created repository directory.

cd lightning-eam

Run Lightning EAM with MeteorJS


*If you get an error stating meteor is not a command then make sure meteor is in your system and user environment path. Then reboot and try again.

Open a browser and navigate to localhost:3000

Congratulations! You now have a local instance of Lightning EAM running on your desktop.

Step 7 - Update Lightning EAM

Lightning EAM is currently in rapid development with daily updates. Update your repository regularly:

  • press ctrl+c (to stop Meteor)
  • git pull origin master (to download latest code)
  • meteor (to start Meteor again)