Text Summarization
1- Introduction : - Extractive text summarization does not use words aside from the ones already in the text.
- selects some combination of the existing words most relevant to the meaning of the source.
- we chose various articles with different categories after that we make preprocessing .
- we applied Summrization Model like Bert and LSA .
Implementation Steps:
1- Preprocessing:
- preprocessing our divides into label, text, and text summary.
- After we look at this data we find this data is useful for our needs.
- But like any data, there are many characters not useful
- So we started to clean the data from any unwanted characters, white spaces, and stop words.
- we lemmatized and stemmed but we keep commas and full stops
2- Split data Splitting the data
- Split the data into cleaned text that include only text after cleaning it with their labels
3- Perform Feature Engineer:
- It is very important tb be able to deal with model by help us convert text sentences into numeric vectors.
1- BOW The Bag of Words is a method often used for document classification:
- This method turns text into fixed-length vectors by simply counting the number of times a word appears in a document.
- process referred to as vectorization.
- As we said that we split the data. So, we applied BOW to training and testing data.
2- Tf-IDF Term frequency:
- works by looking at the frequency of a particular term you are concerned with relative to the document.
- There are multiple measures, or ways, of defining frequency As we said that we split the data.
- So, we applied Tf-IDF to training and testing data.
3- Classfication:
1- SVM Support vector machines:
- are a set of supervised learning methods used for classification, regression, and outliers detection.
- All of these are common tasks in machine learning.
2- Decision Tree:
- Decision Tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction.
- A Decision tree is a flowchart-like tree structure, where each internal node denotes a test on an attribute.
- each branch represents an outcome of the test
- each leaf node (terminal node) holds a class label.
3- KNN:
- The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a simple, easy-to-implement supervised machine learning algorithm
- can be used to solve both classification and regression problems.
4- Clustering K-means Centrid-based Clustering:
- K-means is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.
5- Summrization Techniques:
1- Bert summarization:
- BERT is the encoder of transformers, and it consists of 12 layers in the base model, and 24 layers for the large model.
- So, we can take the output of these layers as an embedding vector from the pretrained model.
- There are three approaches to the embedding vectors: concatenate the last four layers
- the sum of the last four layers, or embed the full sentence by taking the mean of the embedding vectors of the tokenized word
2- LSA summariation.
6- Chatbot Question and answering system:
- Extracts the answer from the text summary from Bert and LSA
7- Innovation:
- We created a transformer model to translate the text to Arabic, German, and Chinese
- In this project, we applied data pre-processing, classification techniques, and clustering.
- Then we applied LSA and Bert summarization models, after that we made a comparison between them.
- The LSA model had a good sores and summary close to the human summary than the BERT model.
- After that we made the error analysis to see what the machine tried to predict.
- Then we made a simple question and answering system, to extract the answer from the summary.
- Finally, we made a different language translation from English to German, Chinese, and Arabic languages.