Minishell is a 42 school project that involves reimplementing a "mini" bash terminal. In this project, I've re-implemented the following built-in functions:
- 'echo' (with '-n' option)
- 'cd' (with relative or absolute path)
- 'pwd' (without options)
- 'export' (without options)
- 'unset' (without options)
- 'env' (without options or arguments)
- 'exit' (without options)
I've also had to reimplement the following features :
- Redirections (in and out to a file)
- Multi commands with pipes
- Manage the environment variables : you can use the '$' with 'echo' or in your redirections to print environment variables.
- Handling signals : 'ctrl-c' and 'ctrl-d'
To create the executable, navigate to the root folder of the project and use the following command:
Then, you can run the program with:
Now that you are in the program, you can enter various bash commands !