Mutation++ has been developed with help from the following funding sources:
European Research Council Projects
- Proof of Concept MUTX
- Starting Grant AEROSPACEPHYS
Project Description
The ESA TRP project on “Catalytic properties of ablators" (Ablacat) dedicated to the study of the ablative and catalytic behavior of carbon-based thermal protection materials. The project main objectives were the i) determination of ablative and catalytic properties of modern light-weight ablators in the inductively coupled plasma wind tunnel (Plasmatron) at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), and ii) derivation of corresponding engineering models for implementation in CFD codes.
Project Description
The ESA TRP project on "Ablation and Radiation in the presence of light Ablators" (AblaRadAbla) aims at developing measurement techniques and efficient numerical tools for modeling ablation and radiation for on space re-entry heat shields, characterized by light ablators. The general objective is advancing the modeling capabilities to simulate the interaction between ablation and radiation, with focus on experimental data collection for numerical model validation. The numerical and modeling parts of the study aim at improving the modeling capabilities of both material and radiation tools.
- Ablacod
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Project Description
The two main objectives of our research are: 1) to review existing experimental data sets that the VKI group has already gathered in the Plasmatron facility, including modeling tools developed for Gas-Surface Interaction phenomena, and 2) to perform additional experiments, possibly of new Thermal Protection System samples, tailored to specific objectives for validation of advanced numerical models. The tasks will be carried out in synergy with a US team led by Prof. Schwartzentruber, in relation to the AFOSR Grant FA9550-17-1-0057 on “Nonequilibrium Gas-Surface Interactions at High Temperature".