The REST Api is deployed at:
Upon clicking the link to the server it should open documentation of the api done with Swagger thus you can try out the endpoints. However, you can use the below information which should be sufficient enough for general overview of the api.
Method | Route | Body | Requirements | Responses | Information |
POST | /api/auth/register |
{ "username":"exampleuser", "password": "examplepassword", "repass:"examplepassword"} | N/A | 201 Created : Returns object with the user's id and username 400 Bad Request : Returns message with the error's message |
Creates user in the database |
POST | /api/auth/login |
{ "username":"exampleuser", "password": "examplepassword"} | N/A | 200 OK : Returns a JWT Token 400 Bad Request : Returns message with the error's message |
Authenticates the user |
GET | /api/todos |
N/A | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> |
200 OK : Returns a list of the currently logged user's todos 401 Unauthorized |
Queries all the todos. By default its all recent ones. |
POST | /api/todos |
{ "title":"sometitle", "description":"somedescription" } | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> |
201 Created Returns the created todo object 401 Unauthorized |
Creates todo and automatically adds the user as author |
GET | /api/todos?filter= |
N/A | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> |
200 OK : Returns the logged user's todos by filter 401 Unauthorized |
Returns the user's todos set by querystring with filter. Choices are incomplete , complete or recent . Defaults to recent |
GET | /api/todos?filter=&title= |
N/A | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> |
200 OK : Returns the logged user's todos by filter and title 401 Unauthorized |
Returns the user's todos set by querystring with filter and title. For the filter the choices are the same as above. Defaults to recent. For the title it could be anything. |
PUT | /api/todos/:id |
{ "isDone": "true"} | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> and the id of the todo in the URL path |
200 OK : Returns the todo object and and isDone value set as true 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized |
Updates the todo and makes it completed by changing the isDone value to true |
DELETE | /api/todos/:id |
N/A | Authorization header in the format Bearer <token> and the id of the todo in the URL path |
200 OK : Returns the deleted todo object 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized |
Deletes the todo and returns the deleted todo object |
All dependencies should be installed before doing anything, and after that there should be .env
file with the required variables which can be found in .env.example
There are two main scripts which can be run.
The first is npm start
.This is the development script which starts the development server using config.js
configuration for development.
The second one is npm run start:prod
. This is the production script which starts the server with production configuration which is also in the config.js
There are two more script which are only for developing and are related to eslint
. The one runes the linter to check for errors the other one automatically fixes the found errors if it is possible.
To deploy changes they should be committed and pushed to the repository. The service (Render) tracks only the /api folder.