Problems for homework for the “HTML and CSS Basics” course @ SoftUni.
- Change the document title to "KidsCornes"
- Use "PT Sans", sans-serif font family for the document
- Divide your content into header, main and footer tags
- Use #50b9e1 as the primary color on the page
- Use nav, ul, li and a tags to create the navigation
- Set the list items display property to inline-block
- Remove the text decoration and make a hover effect to the hyperlinks
- The section with children picture must have
- Add color gradient to the first section - You can use online generator
- The section title font size must be 66px
- The button should have the following properties:
- Font size - 26px
- Background - transparent
- Border width - 2px
- Border color - white
- Border style - solid
- Hover effect (look at the screenshots)
- Use section tag to create three sections inside the main
- Use h2 tag for the section headings
- Font family - "PT Serif"
- Font size - 32px
- Font style - italic
- Letter spacing - 2px
- The first section with title "Welcome to Kids Corner" should have the following properties:
- Width - 60%
- Centered text
- Text color - #5a7c8a
- The second section with title "Our offerings":
- List items display property - inline-block
- Text color - white
- Font family - "PT Serif", serif
- Third section with title "Upcoming Camps":
- List items display property - inline-block
- Text color - #5a7c8a
- The buttons should have:
- Font size - 18px
- Background - transparent
- Font color - #43bae3
- Border width - 2px
- Border color - #43bae3
- Border style - solid
- Hover effect (look at the screenshots)
- The footer should have the following properties:
- Font size - 16px
- Font color - #5a7c8a
- Background color - #43bae3
- You can use Font Awesome for icons