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Azure CLI databricks Extension

This package is for the 'resource-mover' extension, i.e. 'az resource-mover'. More info on what is Azure Resource Mover.

How to use

Install this extension using the below CLI command

az extension add --name resource-mover

Included Features

Manage move-collection

Create a move-collection with system assigned identity.

az resource-mover move-collection create \
    --identity type=SystemAssigned \
    --location eastus2 \
    --source-region eastus \
    --target-region westus \
    --name MyMoveCollection \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Update the created move-collection.

az resource-mover move-collection update \
    --identity type=SystemAssigned \
    --tags key1=value1 \
    --name MyMoveCollection \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Show information about a move-collection.

az resource-mover move-collection show \
    --name MyMoveCollection \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Delete a move-collection.

az resource-mover move-collection delete \
    --name MyMoveCollection \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Manage move-resource

Add a vNet as a move-resource to the move-collection.

az resource-mover move-resource add \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup \
    --move-collection-name MyMoveCollection \
    --name MoveResourceName \
    --source-id "/subscriptions/subID/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/MyVNet" \
    --resource-settings '{ \
            "resourceType": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks", \
            "targetResourceName": "MyVNet-target" \

List the move-resources in a move-collection.

az resource-mover move-resource list \
    --move-collection-name MyMoveCollection \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Get the details of a move-resource.

az resource-mover move-resource show \
    --move-collection-name MyMoveCollection \
    --name MyMoveResource --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Delete a move-resource from the move-collection.

az resource-mover move-resource delete \
    --move-collection-name MyMoveCollection \
    --name MyMoveResource \
    --resource-group MyResourceGroup

End-to-end Scenario

The following steps provide an end-to-end scenario, moving a vNet from a region to another with resource-mover CLI commands.

Set environment variables


Prepare source resources to move

Create a resource group and a vNet in the resource group, as the source resources to move with resource-mover. After succeeding, set $, and set $

az group create -n ${source_rg} -l ${source_region}

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group ${source_rg} \
    --name ${source_vnet}

Create a move-collection

Create a resource group and a move-collection in the resource group. After succeeding, set $collection_principal_id=@.identity.principalId, and set $role_assignment_scope=/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}

az group create -n ${collection_rg} -l ${location}

az resource-mover move-collection create \
    --location ${location} \
    --source-region ${source_region} \
    --target-region ${target_region} \
    --name ${collection_name} \
    --resource-group ${collection_rg} \
    --identity type=SystemAssigned

Create role assignments for the move-collection

For the MoveCollection object to access the subscription in which the Azure Resource Mover service is located, it needs a system-assigned managed identity (formerly known as Managed Service Identity (MSI)) that's trusted by the subscription. The identity is assigned the Contributor or the User Access Administrator role for the source subscription.

az role assignment create \
    --assignee-object-id $(collection_principal_id} \
    --role Contributor \
    --scope ${role_assignment_scope}

az role assignment create \
    --assignee-object-id ${collection_principal_id} \
    --role "User Access Administrator" \
    --scope ${role_assignment_scope}

Add move-resources to the move-collection

Before the commands, prepare two json files with resource settings. For vNet, the contents of the file are like

    'resourceType': 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks',
    'targetResourceName': 'vnet-in-target-region'

For resource-group, the contents of the file are like

    'resourceType': 'resourceGroups',
    'targetResourceName': 'TargetRG'

Then set $vnet_resource_settings={the path of vNet json file}, and $rg_resource_settings={the path of resource group json file}

az resource-mover move-resource add \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg} \
    --move-collection-name $(collection_name} \
    --name $(move_resource_vnet} \
    --source-id $(source_vnet_id} \
    --resource-settings $(vnet_resource_settings}

az resource-mover move-resource add \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg} \
    --move-collection-name $(collection_name} \
    --name $(move_resource_rg} \
    --source-id $(source_rg_id} \
    --resource-settings $(rg_resource_settings}

List unresolved-dependencies and resolve the dependencies

az resource-mover move-collection list-unresolved-dependency \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}
    --move-collection-name $(collection_name}

az resource-mover move-collection resolve-dependency \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}
    --move-collection-name $(collection_name}


az resource-mover move-collection prepare \
    --move-resources $(move_resource_vnet_id} $(move_resource_rg_id} \
    --name $(collection_name} \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}


az resource-mover move-collection initiate-move \
    --move-resources $(move_resource_vnet_id} $(move_resource_rg_id} \
    --name $(collection_name} \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}


az resource-mover move-collection commit \
    --move-resources $(move_resource_vnet_id} $(move_resource_rg_id} \
    --name $(collection_name} \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}

Check the resources in target region

az group show -n $(target_rg}
az network vnet show -g $(target_rg} -n $(target_vnet}

Delete the source resources

az network vnet delete -g $(source_rg} -n $(source_vnet}
az group delete -g $(source_rg} --yes

Delete the move-resources and move-collection

az resource-mover move-collection bulk-remove \
    --move-resources $(move_resource_vnet_id} $(move_resource_rg_id} \
    --name $(collection_name} \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg}

az resource-mover move-collection delete \
    --name $(collection_name} \
    --resource-group $(collection_rg} \

az group delete -n $(collection_rg} --yes