This document lists the set of automated rules that can be validated against OpenAPI(swagger) spec by running validation tools. Please visit here for Manual guidelines.
It is a requirement to conform to all manual and automated rules with severity "Error" before sending a pull request for review.
We request OpenAPI(Swagger) spec authoring be assigned to engineers who have an intimate knowledge of a service endpoint and its developer experience to avoid feeding inefficiencies into teams that focus on Azure developer experiences and the rest of the Azure eco-system.
Rules with severity "Error" have to be addressed for the OpenAPI(swagger) spec to be approved by the reviewers. If there is a strong reason for why the rule cannot be addressed in an OpenAPI(swagger) spec it will be a permanent exception, then suppression process must be followed.
Rules with severity "Warning" are either strong recommendations made by Azure developer experience team for better SDK/Documentation experience or they point out something to evaluate, for example, the warning for booleans asks the user to evaluate whether the property should be a boolean or not.
Id | Rule Name | Applies to |
R3012 | APIVersionPattern | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3019 | ARMResourcePropertiesBag | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3014 | BodyPropertiesNamesCamelCase | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3016 | DefinitionsPropertiesNamesCamelCase | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3006 | BodyTopLevelProperties | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3008 | CollectionObjectPropertiesNaming | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2044 | InvalidVerbUsed | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3023 | OperationsAPIImplementation | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3007 | PutGetPatchResponseSchema | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3025 | TrackedResourceGetOperation | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3026 | TrackedResourcePatchOperation | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2059 | UniqueResourcePaths | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2016 | PatchBodyParametersSchema | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2062 | XmsResourceInPutResponse | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3027 | TrackedResourceListByResourceGroup | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3028 | TrackedResourceListBySubscription | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3011 | DescriptionMustNotBeNodeName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2020 | RequiredPropertiesMissingInResourceModel | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
Id | Rule Name | Applies to |
R3018 | EnumInsteadOfBoolean | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3017 | GuidUsage | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2057 | InvalidSkuModel | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3010 | TrackedResourceListByImmediateParent | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2004 | NonApplicationJsonType | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
Id | Rule Name | Applies to |
R2024 | AnonymousBodyParameter | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2026 | AvoidAnonymousTypes | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2014 | SubscriptionIdParameterInOperations | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2027 | DefaultMustBeInEnum | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1001 | OperationIdNounInVerb | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2055 | OneUnderscoreInOperationId | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2003 | ValidFormats | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2005 | LongRunningResponseStatusCode | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2008 | MutabilityWithReadOnlyRule | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2025 | NextLinkPropertyMustExist | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2028 | NonEmptyClientName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2060 | PageableRequires200Response | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2019 | ResourceHasXMsResourceEnabled | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2058 | XmsPathsMustOverloadPaths | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2012 | XmsClientNameParameter | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2013 | XmsClientNameProperty | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2047 | NamePropertyDefinitionInParameter | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2056 | RequiredReadOnlyProperties | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2054 | SecurityDefinitionsStructure | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2006 | ControlCharactersNotAllowed | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2009 | ArraySchemaMustHaveItems | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3013 | DeleteMustNotHaveRequestBody | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
Id | Rule Name | Applies to |
R4000 | ParameterDescriptionRequired | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R4000 | DescriptiveDescriptionRequired | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R4000 | DescriptionAndTitleMissing | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R4000 | OperationDescriptionOrSummaryRequired | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2001 | AvoidNestedProperties | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R4002 | LocationMustHaveXmsMutability | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2066 | PostOperationIdContainsUrlVerb | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2015 | ParameterNotDefinedInGlobalParameters | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1010 | AvoidMSDNReferences | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2017 | PutRequestResponseScheme | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1009 | DeleteInOperationName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1005 | GetInOperationName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1003 | ListInOperationName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1006 | PutInOperationName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1007 | PatchInOperationName | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R1011 | HttpsSupportedScheme | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2065 | LicenseHeaderMustNotBeSpecified | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2018 | XmsEnumValidation | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R3060 | XmsPageableListByRGAndSubscriptions | ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2063 | OperationIdNounConflictingModelNames | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2064 | LROStatusCodesReturnTypeSchema | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
R2023 | SummaryAndDescriptionMustNotBeSame | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
Id | Rule Name | Applies to |
D5001 | XmsExamplesRequired | ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs |
Category : ARM Error
Applies to: ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: API Version must be in the format: yyyy-MM-dd, optionally followed by -preview, -alpha, -beta, -rc, -privatepreview.
Description: The API Version paramemter MUST be in the Year-Month-Date format (i.e. 2016-07-04.) NOTE that this is the en-US ordering of month and date.
The date MAY optionally be followed by one of:
- -preview - Indicates the API version is in (public) preview
- -alpha
- -beta
- -rc (release candidate)
- -privatepreview
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, API version should follow a consistent date format.
How to fix the violation: Adopt API version format as indicated by the rule.
Impact on generated code: The API version specified wil be used by the generated client.
Good Examples: Examples of valid version patterns include:
- 2016-07-04
- 2016-07-04-preview
Bad Examples: The following would be invalid:
- 97-07-04 - Date should be YYYY, not YY
- 2016/07/04 - Date should use "-", not "/"
- 1842-07-04 - Year should be accurate; we didn't have Azure in 1842 :(
- 2150-07-04 - Year should be current, not in the future; though we'll hopefully get here eventually :)
- 2016-07-04-publicpreview - Use "-preview" to indicate a public preview
- 2016-07-04-rc0 - Just use "rc", not "rc" + number
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Please refer to R3016
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data Plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Property named: "{0}", must follow camelCase style. Example: "{1}". Output Message: Property named: "{0}", for definition: "{1}" must follow camelCase style. Example: "{2}".
Description: Property names must use lowerCamelCase style. If the property is a single word (ex: foo, bar, etc.) it will be all lowercase. Two-letter acronmys (ex: ID, IO, IP, etc.) should be capitalized. Three-letter acronyms (ex: API, URL, etc.) should only have the first letter capitalized (ex: Api, Url, etc.) For more capitalization guidance, see:
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, properties should follow camel case format as specified at
How to fix the violation: Adopt camel case format as indicated by the rule. Please note that this may require a service side update and may cause a breaking change.
Impact on generated code: Serialization of the property by the SDK will follow casing as defined in the spec file. Make sure casing matches the service implementation.
Good Examples: Examples of lowerCamelCase style:
- camelCase
- foo
- bar
- fooBarBaz
- resourceKey
- resourceApiKey
Bad Examples: The following would be invalid:
- PascalCase
- UpperCamelCase
- resourceAPIKey
Bad Examples: The following violate these guidelines but would not be caught by automation:
- alllowercase - If there are multiple words, please capitalize starting with the second word
- miXeDcApItAlIzAtIoN - Please capitalize the first letter of each word (and not seemingly random letters)
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Tracked resource '{0}' must have a get operation.
Description: Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding GET operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, each tracked resource must have a GET operation.
How to fix the violation: Add a GET operation that returns the tracked resource pointed out by the rule - if the operation does not exist for the service, this fix requires a service side change. If the resource pointed by the rule is not a tracked resource, this warning may be a false positive, please clarify this with your PR reviewer.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding GET operation only if it's present in the specification.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Tracked resource '{0}' must have patch operation that at least supports the update of tags.
Description: Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding PATCH operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, each tracked resource must have a PATCH operation supporting at least the update of tags.
How to fix the violation: Add a PATCH operation that allows at least the update of tags for the tracked resource - if the operation does not exist for the service, this fix requires a service side change. If the resource pointed by the rule is not a tracked resource, this warning may be a false positive, please clarify this with your PR reviewer.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding PATCH operation only if it's present in the specification. If PATCH operation only supports updating tags, then you will potentially have two operations in the SDK: "Update" & "CreateOrUpdate", the first updates only tags while the second allows updating a bigger set of properties, which is not the best customer experience. Please strongly consider adding all mutable properties to the "Update" operation.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The tracked resource, '{0}', must have a list by resource group operation.
Description: Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, each tracked resource must have a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation.
How to fix the violation: Add a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation for the tracked resource - if the operation does not exist for the service, this fix requires a service side change. If the operation already exists and it is not named following the naming convention "ListbyResourceGroup", consider updating the operation name. If the resource pointed by the rule is not a tracked resource or the operation that allows listing by resource group does not follow the naming convention "ListByResourceGroup", this warning may be a false positive, please clarify this with your PR reviewer.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation as included in the specification.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The tracked resource, '{0}', must have a list by subscriptions operation.
Description: Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, each tracked resource must have a corresponding ListBySubscription operation.
How to fix the violation: Add a corresponding ListBySubscription operation for the tracked resource - if the operation does not exist for the service, this fix requires a service side change. If the operation already exists and it is not named following the naming conventions: List, ListBySubscriptionId, ListBySubscription or ListBySubscriptions, consider updating the operation name. If the resource pointed by the rule is not a tracked resource or the operation that allows listing by subscription ID does not follow the naming convention mentioned above, this warning may be a false positive, please clarify this with your PR reviewer.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding ListBySubscription operation as included in the specification.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The child tracked resource, '{0}' with immediate parent '{1}', must have a list by immediate parent operation.
Description: Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding list by immediate parent operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, each tracked resource must have a corresponding "list by immediate parent" operation.
How to fix the violation: Add an operation that allows listing the tracked resource by its immediate parent - if the operation does not exist for the service, this fix requires a service side change. If the operation already exists, please double check the name of the operation, our rule is matching the parent and child resource names to the operation names, if those don't match 100%, this warning may be a false positive, please evaluate whether the named picked is appropriate or needs update. If the resource pointed by the rule is not a tracked resource this warning may be a false positive, please clarify this with your PR reviewer.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding "list by immediate parent" operation as included in the specification.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: {0}.
Description: Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum.
Why the rule is important: Evaluate whether the property is really a boolean or not, the intent is to consider if there could be more than 2 values possible for the property in the future or not. If the answer is no, then a boolean is fine, if the answer is yes, there could be other values added in the future, making it an enum can help avoid breaking changes in the SDKs in the future.
How to fix the violation: Create an enum property, follow autorest x-ms-enum extension guidelines.
Impact on generated code: Boolean property will turn into a String or an Enum (if SDK language supports it), this will depend on "modelAsString" property value as specified in x-ms-enum extension guidelines.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Property 'location' must have '"x-ms-mutability":["read", "create"]' extension defined. Resource Model: '{0}'
Description: A tracked resource's location
property must have the x-ms-mutability
properties set as read
, create
Why the rule is important: Location is a property that is set once and non-updatable for a tracked resource. Hence, per ARM guidelines the only operations allowed are read
and create
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the location
property in the tracked resource's hierarchy has x-ms-mutability
correctly set to read
and create
For example:
"location": {
"type": "string",
"description": "location of the resource",
"x-ms-mutability": [ "create", "read" ]
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Empty x-ms-client-name property.
Description: The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code.
Why the rule is important: This value cannot be empty, because we need to use it as the identifier for a property or model.
How to fix the violation: Add a non-empty value for x-ms-client-name
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding client name on property or model.
"x-ms-client-name": "name"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: OperationId should contain the verb: '{0}' in:'{1}'
Description: A POST operation's operationId should contain the verb indicated at the end of the corresponding url.
Why the rule is important: The url indicates the action performed by it, the corresponding POST operationId should therefore contain this verb for semantic consistency.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the operationId for POST operation contains the verb indicated at the end of the url.
Good Examples: Examples of url and corresponding POST operationIds:
- Url: /foo/{someResource}/activate
- OperationId: SomeResourceTypes_ActivateResource
Bad Examples: Examples of url and corresponding POST operationIds:
- Url: /foo/{someResource}/activate
- OperationId: SomeResourceTypes_StartResource
Impact on generated code: Method generated for the POST operation will be named as indicated after the 'underscore'. For eg., OperationId SomeResourceTypes_ActivateResource will generate a method named ActivateResource
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data Plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Please provide an items property for array type: '{0}'.
Description: A schema of array
type must always contain an items
property. without it, AutoRest will fail to generate an SDK.
Why the rule is important: AutoRest needs to know the type of item contained in the array so that it can correctly generate the corresponding code.
How to fix the violation: Correctly specify the items
section for given array type. The items can be of any primitive type or can be a reference to another object type.
Good Examples: Example with primitive type.
"type": "array",
"items": {
type: "number"
Example with object reference type
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/MySimpleObject"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Value of 'x-ms-client-name' cannot be the same as '{0}' Property/Model.
Description: The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code. By using the 'x-ms-client-name' extension, a name can be defined for use specifically in code generation, separately from the name on the wire. It can be used for query parameters and header parameters, as well as properties of schemas. This name is case sensitive.
Why the rule is important: This value cannot be same as parameter name or property name, because having the same name invalidates the usage.
How to fix the violation: Please specify non-empty x-ms-client-name
, different from the model/property name that you'd like to be generated.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding client name on property or model.
"parameters": {
"ApiVersionParameter": {
"name": "x-ms-version",
"x-ms-client-name": "version",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string",
"x-ms-global": true,
"enum": [
"default": "2015-04-05",
"description": "Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request."
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Value of 'x-ms-client-name' cannot be the same as '{0}' Property/Model.
Description: The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code. By using the 'x-ms-client-name' extension, a name can be defined for use specifically in code generation, separately from the name on the wire. It can be used for query parameters and header parameters, as well as properties of schemas. This name is case sensitive.
Why the rule is important: This value cannot be same as parameter name or property name, because having the same name invalidates the usage.
How to fix the violation: Please specify non-empty x-ms-client-name
, different from the model/property name that you'd like to be generated.
Impact on generated code: Generated SDK code will expose the corresponding client name on property or model.
"definitions": {
"Product": {
"x-ms-external" : true,
"properties": {
"product_id": {
"type": "string",
"x-ms-client-name": "SKU"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: For better generated code quality, remove all references to "".
Description: The documentation is being generated from the OpenAPI(swagger) and published at "". From that perspective, documentation team would like to avoid having links to the "" in the OpenAPI(swagger) and SDK documentations.
Why the rule is important: Facilitate decoupling of "" from "".
How to fix the violation: Please avoid using referenes to "" in title and descriptions.
Impact on generated code: N/A.
Examples: N/A.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 'DELETE' operation '{0}' should use method name 'Delete'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
Description: Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines, each 'DELETE' operation on a resource should have "delete" in the name. Guidelines are in place for a more consistent customer experience among ARM services SDKs.
How to fix the violation: Make sure that operationId
is in the form of NOUN_Delete
or Delete
Impact on generated code: Operation name in the generated SDK will be named based on this.
- Resources_Delete
- Delete
- StorageAccounts_delete
- delete
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 'GET' operation '{0}' should use method name 'Get' or Method name start with 'List'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
Description: Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines, each 'GET' operation on a resource should have "get" or "list" in the name. Guidelines are in place for a more consistent customer experience among ARM services SDKs
How to fix the violation: Make sure that operationId
is in the form of NOUN_Get
, NOUN_List
, Get
or List
Impact on generated code: Operation name in the generated SDK will be named based on this.
- Resources_Get
- Resources_List
- Get
- List
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Since operation '{0}' response has model definition '{1}', it should be of the form "_list".
Description: Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines when response contains array of items.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines, each 'GET' operation on a resource should have "list" in the name when operation has x-ms-pageable extension. Guidelines are in place for a more consistent customer experience among ARM services SDKs.
How to fix the violation: Make sure that operationId
is in the form of NOUN_List
, NOUN_ListBy***
or List
Impact on generated code: Operation name in the generated SDK will be named based on this.
- Resources_List
- Resources_ListBySubscriptions
- List
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 'PUT' operation '{0}' should use method name 'Create'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
Description: Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines, each 'PUT' operation on a resource should have "create" in the name. Guidelines are in place for a more consistent customer experience among ARM services SDKs.
How to fix the violation: Make sure that operationId
is in the form of NOUN_Create
or Create
Impact on generated code: Operation name in the generated SDK will be named based on this.
- Resources_Create
- Resources_CreateOrUpdate
- Create
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 'PATCH' operation '{0}' should use method name 'Update'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
Description: Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines, each 'PATCH' operation on a resource should have "update" in the name. Guidelines are in place for a more consistent customer experience among ARM services SDKs.
How to fix the violation: Make sure that operationId
is in the form of NOUN_Update
or Update
Impact on generated code: Operation name in the generated SDK will be named based on this.
- Resources_Update
- Update
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Guid used in model definition '{1}' for property '{0}'. Usage of Guid is not recommanded. If GUIDs are absolutely required in your service, please get sign off from the Azure API review board.
Description: Verifies whether format is specified as "uuid" or not.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, GUID usage are discouraged.
How to fix the violation: If GUIDs are absolutely required in your service, please get sign off from the Azure API review board.
Impact on generated code: Based on each language generator, this may affect SDK.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Azure Resource Management only supports HTTPS scheme.
Description: Verifies whether specification supports HTTPS scheme or not.
Why the rule is important: All the ARM specification should support HTTPS endpoint.
How to fix the violation: Please add schemes
to the specification as shown in example below.
Impact on generated code: N/A.
"schemes": [
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Only content-type 'application/json' is supported by ARM..
Description: Verifies whether operation supports "application/json" as consumes or produces section.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM SDK guidelines only content-type 'application/json' is supported.
How to fix the violation: Make sure to include only 'application/json' in the spec consumes/produces. Make sure your service supports 'application/json'.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Multiple resource providers are not allowed in a single spec. More than one the resource paths were found: '{0}'.
Description: Verifies whether more than one resource providers exists in the specification or not.
Why the rule is important: Per the ARM guidelines, each OpenAPI(swagger) specification must contain one resource provider.
How to fix the violation: One OpenAPI(swagger) specification must have one resource provider. Please create multiple OpenAPI(swagger) specs, each for one provider. Please refer Literate Configuration.
Impact on generated code: N/A.
Examples: Bad Examples: Following example contains 2 resource providers. Microsoft.Compute and Microsoft.Network.
"paths": {
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/{virtualMachineScaleSetName}/virtualMachines/{virtualmachineIndex}/networkInterfaces": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"operationId": "NetworkInterfaces_ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfaces",
"description": "Gets information about all network interfaces in a virtual machine in a virtual machine scale set.",
"parameters": [
"name": "resourceGroupName",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the resource group."
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"operationId": "ApplicationGateways_List",
"description": "Lists all application gateways in a resource group.",
"parameters": [
"name": "resourceGroupName",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the resource group."
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: May not contain control characters: Characters:'{0}' in:'{1}'
Description: Verifies whether if a specification does not have any control characters in it. Control characters are not allowed in a specification.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, a specification must not contain any control characters.
How to fix the violation: Remove the control characters in the specification.
Examples: A list of control characters in unicode can be found here.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: When property is modeled as "readOnly": true then x-ms-mutability extension can only have "read" value. When property is modeled as "readOnly": false then applying x-ms-mutability extension with only "read" value is not allowed. Extension contains invalid values: '{0}'
Description: Verifies whether a model property which has a readOnly property set has the appropriate x-ms-mutability
options. If readonly: true
, x-ms-mutability
must be ["read"]
. If readonly: false
, x-ms-mutability
can be any of the x-ms-mutability
options. More details about this extension can be found here.
Why the rule is important: Not adhering to the rule violates how the x-ms-mutability extension works. A property cannot be readonly: true
and yet allow x-ms-mutability
as ["create", "update"]
How to fix the violation: Based on the value of the readOnly
property, assign appropriate x-ms-mutability
Bad Example:
"type": "string",
"x-ms-mutability": ["read", "update"]
Good Example:
"type": "string",
"readOnly": false,
"x-ms-mutability": ["read", "update"]
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Paths in x-ms-paths must overload a normal path in the paths section, i.e. a path in the x-ms-paths must either be same as a path in the paths section or a path in the paths sections followed by additional parameters.
Description: The x-ms-paths
extension allows us to overload an existing path based on path parameters. We cannot specify an x-ms-paths
without a path that already exists in the paths
section. For more details about this extension please refere here.
Why the rule is important: The x-ms-paths
overload an existing path only, not adhering to this rule would violate the applicability of the extension itself.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the x-ms-paths
is overloading an existing url path in the paths
Good Example:
Bad Example:
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Consider using x-ms-client-flatten to provide a better end user experience
Description: Nested properties can result into bad user experience especially when creating request objects. x-ms-client-flatten
flattens the model properties so that the users can analyze and set the properties much more easily.
Why the rule is important: Overly nested properties (especially required ones) can result into a non optimal user experience.
How to fix the violation: Either eliminate nesting or use the x-ms-client-flatten
property for a better user experience. More details about the extension can be found here.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Collection object '{0}' returned by list operation '{1}' with 'x-ms-pageable' extension, has no property named 'value'.
Description: Per ARM guidelines, a model returned by an x-ms-pageable
operation must have a property named value
. This property indicates what type of array the object is.
Why the rule is important: To maintain consistency on how x-ms-pageable
operations and corresponding response objects are modeled and to enable execution of other validation rules based on this consistent structure. More documentation about the extension can be found here.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the response object has a property named value
of array
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The default value is not one of the values enumerated as valid for this element.
Description: The value assigned as a default for an enum property must be present in the enums' list.
Why the rule is important: Generated SDKs in types languages may fail to compile if we try to enforce a default value that is not a part of the enums defined in the list and in other languages may fail in serialization/deserialization phases.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the default desired actually exists in the enums' list.
Bad Example:
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"default": "Terminated"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Parameter Must have the "name" property defined with non-empty string as its value.
Description: A parameter must have a name
property for the SDK to be properly generated.
Why the rule is important: AutoRest fails to generate code if the name
property is not provided for a parameter.
How to fix the violation: Add a non-empty name
property to the parameter.
Good Example:
"type": "string",
"in": "path",
"description": "sample param"
Bad Example:
"type": "string",
"in": "path",
"description": "sample param"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Per the Noun_Verb convention for Operation Ids, the noun '{0}' should not appear after the underscore.
Description: OperationId should be of the form Noun_Verb
Impact on generated code: AutoRest breaks the operation id into its Noun
and Verb
where Noun
becomes name of the operations class and the Verb
becomes the name of the method in that class, i.e., operations are grouped inside the operations class named after the noun. Not adhering to this format can either cause AutoRest to fail or can generate semantically incorrect SDK.
How to fix the violation: Ensure operationId is of the form Noun_Verb
Bad Example:
Good Example:
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Only 1 underscore is permitted in the operation id, following Noun_Verb conventions.
Description: An operationId can have exaclty one underscore, not adhering to it can cause errors in code generation.
Why the rule is important: Given an operationId of the form Noun_Verb
, AutoRest breaks the operation id into its Noun
and Verb
where Noun
becomes name of the operations class and the Verb
becomes the name of the method in that class. Not adhering to this format can cause AutoRest to fail during code generation.
How to fix the violation: Ensure operationId is of the form Noun_Verb
and contains exactly one underscore.
Bad Example:
Good Example:
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Operations API must be implemented for '{0}'.
Description: Per ARM guidelines, each RP must expose an operations API that returns information about all the operations available with the service.
Why the rule is important: For better user experience. Users can query the service to get a list of all possible operations on a service and decide what they have to do.
How to fix the violation: Add an operations API endpoint (if not already present) and add details regarding this endpoint in the corresponding OpenAPI document. Examples can be found for most RPs in this repo.
Example: A typical operations path would look like
"/providers/Microsoft.ResourceProviderName/operations": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"description": "Lists all of the available RP operations.",
"operationId": "ListOperations",
"parameters": [{
"$ref": "#/parameters/apiVersionParameter"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK. The request has succeeded.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/OperationListResult"
"default": {
"description": "Resource Provider error response describing why the operation failed.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
"x-ms-pageable": {
"nextLinkName": "nextLink"
A typical OperationsList
and Operation
model would look like
"Operation": {
"description": "REST API operation",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"description": "Operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation}",
"type": "string"
"display": {
"description": "The object that represents the operation.",
"properties": {
"provider": {
"description": "Service provider: Microsoft.ResourceProvider",
"type": "string"
"resource": {
"description": "Resource on which the operation is performed: Profile, endpoint, etc.",
"type": "string"
"operation": {
"description": "Operation type: Read, write, delete, etc.",
"type": "string"
"OperationListResult": {
"description": "Result of the request to list Resource Provider operations. It contains a list of operations and a URL link to get the next set of results.",
"properties": {
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Operation"
"description": "List of Resource Provider operations supported by the Resource Provider resource provider."
"nextLink": {
"type": "string",
"description": "URL to get the next set of operation list results if there are any."
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Parameter "{0}" is referenced but not defined in the global parameters section of Service Definition
Description: Per ARM guidelines, if subscriptionId
is used anywhere as a path parameter, it must always be defined as global parameter. api-version
is almost always an input parameter in any ARM spec and must also be defined as a global parameter.
Why the rule is important: To reduce duplication, maintain consistent structure in ARM specifications.
Impact on generated code: subscriptionId
and api-version
are created as client properties in the generated code.
How to fix the violation: Ensure subscriptionId
and api-version
are declared in the global parameters section of the document.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Model definition '{0}' must have the properties 'name', 'id' and 'type' in its hierarchy and these properties must be marked as readonly.
Description: Per ARM guidelines, a Resource
model must have the name
, id
and type
properties defined as readOnly
in its hierarchy.
Why the rule is important: name
, type
and id
are readonly properties set on the service end. Also, per ARM guidelines each Resource
type model must have these properties defined in its hierarchy. An example Resource
definition can be found here.
How to fix the violation: Ensure the Resource
type model has the properties name
, type
and id
and they are marked as readOnly:true
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Property '{0}' is a required property. It should not be marked as 'readonly'.
Description: A model property cannot be both readOnly
and required
. A readOnly
property is something that the server sets when returning the model object while required
is a property to be set when sending it as a part of the request body.
Why the rule is important: SDK generation fails when this rule is violated.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the given property is either marked as readonly: true
or required
but not both.
Bad Example:
"MyModel": {
"type": "string",
"description": "sample prop",
"readOnly": true
"required": ["MyProp"]
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Parameter "subscriptionId" is not allowed in the operations section, define it in the global parameters section instead/Parameter "{0}" is referenced but not defined in the global parameters section of Service Definition
Description: subscriptionId
must not be an operation parameter and must be declared in the global parameters section.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines, subscriptionId
must be set as a property on the generated client instead of the method signature.
How to fix the violation: Remove subscriptionId
from the operation parameters and add it to the global parameters section if it doesn't exist there.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: '{0}' is not a known format.
Description: Only valid types are allowed for properties.
Why the rule is important: Invalid formats can cause errors during code generation or result in erraneous generated code.
How to fix the violation: Ensure format defined for property is valid. Please refer here for allowed types in OpenAPI.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : Documentation Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Please provide x-ms-examples describing minimum/maximum property set for response/request payloads for operations.{0}.
Description: Verifies whether x-ms-examples are provided for each operation or not.
Why the rule is important: x-ms-examples are used in model validation. Benefits
How to fix the violation: Please refer the documentation of x-ms-examples.
Impact on generated code: N/A.
Examples: Please refer the documentation of x-ms-examples.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: License header must not be specified inside x-ms-code-generation-settings. The license can vary for different SDKs generated and is passed via command line/config file when generating the SDK.
Description: x-ms-code-generation-settings
must not have the license section specified in the OpenAPI documents since each generated SDK can have a different licensing header. This information must be provided either from the command line or the configuration file when actually generating the sdk.
How to fix the violation: Ensure the x-ms-code-generation-settings
section does not have header
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The property '{0}' specified by nextLinkName does not exist in the 200 response schema. Please, specify the name of the property that provides the nextLink. If the model does not have the nextLink property then specify null.
Description: Per definition of AutoRest x-ms-pageable extension, the property specified by nextLinkName must exist in the 200 response schema.
Why the rule is important: Generated SDK may not work, as the nextLink won't be tied to a property of the response schema.
How to fix the violation: Please refer the documentation of x-ms-pageable.
Impact on generated code: NextLink may be broken as property may not be found, paging may not work. Please note this may cause a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Examples: Please refer the documentation of x-ms-pageable and examples.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: A response for the 200 HTTP status code must be defined to use x-ms-pageable.
Description: Per definition of AutoRest x-ms-pageable extension, the response shema must contain a 200 response schema.
Why the rule is important: Pageable operation needs to have a response schema to be used by the SDK to serialize/deserialize the result.
How to fix the violation: Add a 200 status code response with corresponding schema. Please refer the documentation of x-ms-pageable. Note that this may require a service side change and may be a breaking change.
Impact on generated code: Response schema is used to serialize/deserialize result, if 200 response is not specified, the generated SDK operation may not return the proper results, with the link its next page.
Examples: Please refer the documentation of x-ms-pageable.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM specs
Output Message: Inline/anonymous models must not be used, instead define a schema with a model name in the "definitions" section and refer to it. This allows operations to share the models.
Description: This rule appears if in the parameter definition you have anonymous types.
Why the rule is important: Anonymous parameters will be autogenerated as non-descriptive parameters which the client will not be able to share across operations or provide good documentation for, thereby resulting in poor user experience.
How to fix the violation: Move the schema to the definitions section and reference it using $ref.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Inline/anonymous models must not be used, instead define a schema with a model name in the "definitions" section and refer to it. This allows operations to share the models.
Description: This rule appears when you define a model type inline, rather than in the definitions section. If the model represents the same type as another parameter in a different operation, then it becomes impossible to reuse that same class for both operations.
Why the rule is important: Anonymous parameters will be autogenerated as non-descriptive parameters which the client will not be able to share across operations or provide good documentation for, thereby resulting in poor user experience.
How to fix the violation: Move the schema to the definitions section and reference it using $ref.
Impact on generated code:
"name": "foo",
"in": "body",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
Generated code:
public class FooParameter1 {
"parameters": [
"name": "foo",
"in": "body",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definition/FooCreationSettings"
"definitions": {
"FooCreationSettings": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
Generated code:
public class FooCreationSettings {
Examples: N/A.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Top level property names should not be repeated inside the properties bag for ARM resource '{0}'. Properties [{1}] conflict with ARM top level properties. Please rename these.
Description: Per ARM guidelines, top level properties should not be repeated inside the properties bag for ARM resources.
Why the rule is important: ARM guidelines.
How to fix the violation: Rename or remove conflicting property. Note that this may require a change on the service side and may cause a breaking change.
Examples: Bad example: "id" property is repeated in the model, as "Resource" already contains "id".
"VersionedApplicationType": {
"description": "The versioned application type resource",
"properties": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the application type"
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Resource"
"description":"Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}"
"description":"The name of the resource"
"description":"The type of the resource. Ex- Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines or Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts."
"x-ms-azure-resource": true
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Top level properties should be one of name, type, id, location, properties, tags, plan, sku, etag, managedBy, identity. Model definition '{0}' has extra properties ['{1}'].
Description: Per ARM guidelines, top level properties of a resource should be only ones from the allowed set.
Why the rule is important: ARM guidelines.
How to fix the violation: Consider moving extra properties into "properties" bag of the resource model.
Examples: Bad example: "extraProperty" is not allowed at top level of the resource model.
"VersionedApplicationType": {
"description": "The versioned application type resource",
"properties": {
"extraProperty": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Extra property description"
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Resource"
Good example: Notice that "extraProperty" is inside "properties" bag, and not at top level.
"VersionedApplicationType": {
"description": "The versioned application type resource",
"properties": {
"extraProperty": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Extra property description"
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Resource"
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Sku Model definition '{0}' is not valid. A Sku model must have 'name' property. It can also have 'tier', 'size', 'family', 'capacity' as optional properties.
Description: Sku model definition needs to follow ARM guidelines and can contain only a certain set of properties as described in the message.
Why the rule is important: Per ARM guidelines.
How to fix the violation: Update the sku model definition.
Examples: N/A
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The enum types should have x-ms-enum type extension set with appropriate options. Property name: {0}.
Description: AutoRest defines x-ms-enum extension to provide more flexibily for enum types, please refer to the documentation.
Why the rule is important: Including x-ms-enum extension provides more flexibilty for enum types in SDK generated code.
How to fix the violation: Include the x-ms-enum extension per indicated in its documentation. Consider setting "modelAsString": true, if you'd like the enum to be modeled as a string in generated SDKs, no enum validation will happen, though the values are exposed to the user for a better experience.
Examples: Please refer to x-ms-enum extension.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: OperationId has a noun that conflicts with one of the model names in definitions section. The model name will be disambiguated to '{0}Model'. Consider using the plural form of '{1}' to avoid this. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
Description: The first part of an operation Id separated by an underscore i.e., Noun
in a Noun_Verb
should not conflict with names of the models defined in the definitions section. If this happens, AutoRest appends Model
to the name of the model to resolve the conflict (NounModel
in given example) with the name of the client itself (which will be named as Noun
in given example). This can result in an inconsistent user experience.
Why the rule is important: To ensure all models are named consistently and exactly as defined in the spec.
How to fix the violation: Ensure operation Ids are named in such a way that the Noun
in Noun_Verb
is of the plural form and does not conflict with the names of any models in the definitions section of the spec.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Every OpenAPI(swagger) spec/configuration must have a security definitions section and it must adhere to the structure described here
Description: Each OpenAPI json document must contain a security definitions section and the section must adhere to a certain format.
Why the rule is important: Missing security definitions section does not describe the Azure services security model accurately. This is an ARM specific requirement which describes the security mechanism to access the services.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the document has a security definition section as described here
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: A 'Resource' definition must have x-ms-azure-resource extension enabled and set to true.
Description: A 'Resource' definition must have x-ms-azure-resource extension enabled and set to true. This will indicate that the model is an Azure resource.
Why the rule is important: This will ensure that the 'Resource' definition is designed correctly in code generation.Please refer here for further details.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the 'Resource' definition has x-ms-azure-resource extension enabled and set to true.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: A PUT operation request body schema should be the same as its 200 response schema, to allow reusing the same entity between GET and PUT. If the schema of the PUT request body is a superset of the GET response body, make sure you have a PATCH operation to make the resource updatable. Operation: '{0}' Request Model: '{1}' Response Model: '{2}'
Description: The request & reponse('200') schema of the PUT operation must be same.
Why the rule is important: This will provide a consistent experience to the user, i.e. the user could use the same model object to perform various operations. Also, within the SDK, this will encourage reuse of the same model objects.
How to fix the violation: Ensure the request & reponse('200') schema of the PUT operation must be same. This might involve a service side change which will result cause a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: A '{0}' operation '{1}' with x-ms-long-running-operation extension must have a valid terminal success status code {2}.
Description: The allowed response status codes for a long DELETE operation are "200", "204". The allowed response status codes for a POST operation are "200", "201" & "204". The allowed response status codes for a PUT operation are "200" & "201".
Why the rule is important: This will ensure that the DELETE/POST/PUT operations are designed correctly.Please refer here for further details.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the DELETE/POST/PUT operations have the allowed response codes.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Permissible values for HTTP Verb are DELETE, GET, PUT, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, TRACE.
Description: Each operation definition must have a HTTP verb and it must be DELETE/GET/PUT/PATCH/HEAD/OPTIONS/POST/TRACE.
Why the rule is important: DELETE/GET/PUT/PATCH/HEAD/OPTIONS/POST/TRACE are the only valid HTTP operations.
How to fix the violation: Provide a correct HTTP verb.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: {0} has different responses for PUT/GET/PATCH operations. The PUT/GET/PATCH operations must have same schema response.
Description: For a given path with PUT, GET and PATCH operations, the schema of the response must be the same.
Why the rule is important: This will provide a consistent experience to the user, i.e. the user could use the same model object to perform various operations. Also, within the SDK, this will encourage reuse of the same model objects.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that, for a given path with PUT, GET and PATCH operations, the schema of the response is same. This might involve a service side change which will result in a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 'Delete' operation '{0}' must not have a request body.
Description: The request body of a delete operation must be empty.
Why the rule is important: This will ensure that the delete operation aligns with the ARM guidelines.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the request body of the delete operation is empty. This may involve a service side change and may cause a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The 200 response model for an ARM PUT operation must have x-ms-azure-resource extension set to true in its hierarchy. Operation: '{0}' Model: '{1}'.
Description: The 200 response model for an ARM PUT operation must have x-ms-azure-resource extension set to true in its hierarchy. Operation: '{0}' Model: '{1}'.
Why the rule is important: This will ensure that the PUT operation actually returns a resource model.Please refer here for details on x-ms-azure-resource extension.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the 200 response model for an ARM PUT operation must have x-ms-azure-resource extension set to true in its hierarchy.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: For the tracked resource '{0}', the x-ms-pageable extension values must be same for list by resource group and subscriptions operations.
Description: When a tracked resource has list by resource group and subscription operations, the x-ms-pageable extension values must be same for both operations. A tracked resource is a resource with a 'location' property as required. If this rule flags a resource which does not have a 'location' property, then it might be a false positive.
Why the rule is important: This will provide a consistent experience to the user, i.e. the user could expect the same behavior for both list by subscription and resource group. Please refer here for details on the x-ms-pageable extension.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that when a tracked resource has list by resource group and subscription operations, the x-ms-pageable extension values are same for both operations. This might involve a service side change which will result in a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: 200/201 Responses of long running operations must have a schema definition for return type. OperationId: '{0}', Response code: '{1}'
Description: The '200'/'201' responses of the long running operation must have a schema definition.
Why the rule is important: Please refer here for details on the x-ms-long-running-operation. The '201' response code indicates 'Created' & '200' response code indicates 'Success'. In either case, it is logical for the response to be the same.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the '200'/'201' responses of the long running operation has a schema definition. This might involve a service side change which will result in a breaking change in the generated SDK.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Properties of a PATCH request body must not be {0}. PATCH operation: '{1}' Model Definition: '{2}' Property: '{3}'
Description: A request parameter of the Patch Operation must not have a required/default value.
Why the rule is important: A PATCH operation is used to update properties of a resource. So, If the resource has 'X' number of properties and if you wish to change one of them, then a PATCH request could be sent with a value for that specified property. In other words, all the properties in the PATCH request are updated. Now, if any of the values are marked as required/default, it would force the system to update it always which is not the intention of the PATCH operation.
How to fix the violation: Ensure that the request parameter of the Patch Operation does not have a required/default value.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: {0} lacks 'description' property. Consider adding a 'description' element. Accurate description is essential for maintaining reference documentation.
Description: A parameter must have 'description' property.
Why the rule is important: Appropriate documentation could not be generated without the 'description' property.
How to fix the violation: For each parameter, provide a 'description' property.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The value provided for description is not descriptive enough. Accurate and descriptive description is essential for maintaining reference documentation.
Description: The value of the 'description' property must be descriptive. It cannot be spaces or empty description.
Why the rule is important: Appropriate documentation could not be generated without a detailed 'description' value.
How to fix the violation: For each 'description' property, provide a detailed description value.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: {0} lacks 'description' and 'title' property. Consider adding a 'description'/'title' element. Accurate description/title is essential for maintaining reference documentation.
Description: The definition must have at least one of the properties - description/title.
Why the rule is important: Appropriate documentation could not be generated without the 'description'/'title' property.
How to fix the violation: For each definition, provide atleast one of the properties - description/title.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: {0} lacks 'description' and 'summary' property. Consider adding a 'description'/'summary' element. Accurate description/summary is essential for maintaining reference documentation.
Description: Every operation must have a 'description'/'summary' property.
Why the rule is important: Appropriate documentation could not be generated without the 'description'/'summary' property.
How to fix the violation: For each operation, provide atleast one of the property - description/summary.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : SDK Warning
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: The summary and description values should not be same.
Description: Each operation has a summary and description values. They must not be same.
Why the rule is important: The summary must provide a short summary of the operation. The description must provide a detailed description of the operation. This will ensure that all the operations are well documented.
How to fix the violation: Provide a short summary for the summary section and a detailed description for the description section.
Good Examples: The following operation is a good example:
"put": {
"summary": "Creates or Updates an availabilty set",
"description": "This operation creates or updates an availability set. This takes the resourceGroupName and availabiltySetName as input. If an availability set with the same name exists, then the same is updated. Else a new availabilty set is created.",
Bad Examples: The following would be invalid:
"put": {
"summary": "Creates or Updates an availabilty set",
"description": "Creates or Updates an availabilty set",
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings
Category : ARM Error
Applies to : ARM and Data plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Output Message: Description must not match the name of the node it is supposed to describe.
Description: Description section must provide details on the current operation or model. Using the name of node in description does not provide any value.
Why the rule is important: The description must provide a detailed description of the current context. This will ensure that all the operations and models are well documented.
How to fix the violation: Provide detailed description of the node in the description section.
Links: Index | Error vs. Warning | Automated Rules | ARM: Errors or Warnings | SDK: Errors or Warnings