- Get AutoRest and prequisites following these instructions
- Clone this branch
- Generate the RP
- Change to the RP directory
PS c:\repos\azure-powershell\> cd src\AppService
- run AutoRest
PS c:\repos\azure-powershell\src\AppService> autorest
- If generation is unsuccessful, file issues for any errors in the autorest.powershell repo
- If generation is successful, build and run the module
PS c:\repos\azure-powershell\src\AppService> .\AppService\build-module.ps -run
- Change to the RP directory
- Compare the exported API surface to the eixting API surface for these cmd;ets
- Make configuration changes and iterate again for simple API transformations
- Cmdlet verb and noun renames
- Cmdlet parameter renames
- Suppression of cmdlets, models, or parameter sets
- Swagger path transforms that impact generation
- Make appropriate simple customizations to the API surface
- Simple chaining of API calls
- Consolidation of parameters -> reducing the number of parameters by inferring the value of one parameter from another
- Changing the output of the cmdlets
- Validate that help can be generated using the generate-help.ps1 script
- List remaining necessary API customizations for the module (in the bug)
The Compute module shows a simple PowerShell customization
- There is currently a profile failure - try generating with only the latest profile
- This RP will require a lot of customization, cncentrate on the API outside the Create and Set methods
- Billing is currently blocked on the a c# generator issue. Try generating the Billing, Commerce, and Consumption RPs separately t get around this for a partial evaluation.
- Compute contains at least one API
- KeyVault is currently blocked on a compilation failure after generation. Try fixing this error in the generated code, or generatign just the data plane components for a partial evaluation.
- There is currently a profile failure - try generating with only the latest profile
- Network will have particular issues with flattening and object creation cmdlets - this is a good RP to experiment with flattening settings.
- Currently Resources does not contain Graph.RBAC, or some members of Microsoft.Authorization you might try adding these to the configuration
- Role assignment and policyassignment cmdlets will have to implement the Scope parameter
- ServiceBus only implements a single API Version
- Only Storage Management is represented for this round, and due to a profile issue, only a single version is being used
- Correct verb, noun, and parameter names
- Flattening of complex parameters
- Logical proeprties of output types
- Correct and complete syntax for each cmdlet
- The generator only generates parameter sets that break down resource identifier into its component parts, piping parameter sets are not yet available
- The table format does not yet differentiate important fields