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Release Instructions

Varad Meru edited this page May 1, 2020 · 45 revisions

Release Instructions


Python Library -> Python Worker -> Function Host -> Functions Docker -> Toolings

Please follow these steps in order to make a release

  1. Ensure that buildbots in the dev branch are green.

  2. Increase the version field in

  3. Update to include latest host binaries when available for the current sprint ( and, if needed, update corresponding dotnet version in azure-pipelines.yml.

  4. Push the version and host binary updates to the master branch.

  5. Verify that the buildbots are still green.

  6. Create a git tag on the master branch with the GitHub release note and correspond it to the new version.

  7. Make a PyPI release:

    $ rm dist/*
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
    $ twine upload dist/*

    Twine is a PyPI upload tool that can be installed with pip

    Wheel is used for generating bdist_wheel on packaging

    $ pip install twine wheel
  8. NuGet release from Azure DevOps to push the latest Python worker to MyGet.

    • Go to Azure DevOps -> Release -> Latest Master Build -> Deploy (Push to MyGet)
  9. Update the Function Host.

  10. Update the Docker Image.

  11. Update the Core-Tools.

Checks before release

  • Update the version field in
  • Update the packages field in if you're including a new module
  • Inspect the build pipeline artifact and make sure everything you want is in there
  • Tag the master branch
  • Make a release note on GitHub