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Functions 3.x go live work items

Jeff Hollan edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 6 revisions

Getting Started with 3.x Functions

You can read how to quickly get started with 3.x functions in this blog post.

Migrated Apps to 3.x Functions

You can see how to move existing apps to 3.x and modify local tools to target 3.x in our documentation.

Tracked gaps and path to GA

Below are a few work items we are tracking before the January GA date. You can begin using 3.x in production today.

  • PowerShell functions in 3.x are rolling out the week of Dec 9
  • Durable Functions written in JavaScript will not work until the next Durable Functions release
  • ~~Visual Studio will create apps in ~2 by default. They should create in ~3 by default when we GA in January~~
  • ~~The Azure Portal will create apps in ~2 by default. They should create in ~3 near when we GA in January.~~
  • The Azure CLI will create apps in ~2. They should create in ~3 with a version flag near when we GA in January.
  • There is no version toggle for apps deployed to Linux in the Azure portal. You will need to manually modify the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION to ~3 to move to 3.x.
  • Azure Functions deployed to Azure Functions premium plan in Linux may need to also update the LinuxFxVersion to leverage 3.x functions.


Azure Functions Basics

Advanced Concepts

Dotnet Functions

Java Functions

Node.js Functions

Python Functions

Host API's


V2 Runtime


Functions host

Language workers

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