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Create Remote Desktop Session Collection deployment

This template deploys the following resources:

  • VNET, public IP, load balancer;
  • Domain Controler VM;
  • RD Gateway/RD Web Access VM;
  • RD Connection Broker/RD Licensing Server VM;
  • a number of RD Session Host VMs (number defined by 'numberOfRdshInstances' parameter)

The template will deploy DC, join all virtual machines to the domain, and configure RDS roles in the deployment.

Click the button below to deploy


Basic RDS farm Deployment contains additional information about this template.

Azure Resource Naming Conventions contains naming rules and restrictions for Azure resource conventsions.

Naming conventions in Active Directory contains information about Active Directory object conventions.

Base parameters:

  • Location - location for new deployment.

    • PowerShell enumeration: Get-AzureRmLocation
  • ResourceGroup - name of new or existing resource group.

    • PowerShell new resource group: New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Location $location
  • ResourceGroupDeployment - name of new or existing resource group deployment.

    • PowerShell new deployment: New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Location $location <...>
  • adDomainName - active directory domain name. Limited to netbios naming conventions (15 alphanumeric characters).

  • adminPassword - password for administrator account both locally and in domain.

    • The supplied password must be between 8-123 characters long and must satisfy at least 3 of password complexity requirements from the following:
      • Contains an uppercase character
      • Contains a lowercase character
      • Contains a numeric digit
      • Contains a special character.
  • adminUsername - Active Directory and local administrator account name. User name conforms to Active Directory user name convention.

  • dnsLabelPrefix - DNS name which is external name used to connect to environment. example name '' would be 'gateway'. See Naming conventions in Active Directory

  • gwpublicIPAddressName - Azure resource name for the public load balanced address for RDS gateway. this is set to 'gwpip' by default.

  • imageSKU - operating system version for all instances. '2016-Datacenter' or '2012-R2-Datacenter'.

    • PowerShell enumeration: Get-AzureRmVMImageSku -Location $location -PublisherName MicrosoftWindowsServer -Offer WindowsServer
  • numberOfRdshInstances - number of RDS host servers to deploy. Other instances dc, gateway, and broker are set to 1 instance.

  • rdshVmSize - virtual machine size for the RDS host server instances only. Other instances dc, gateway, and broker are set to size Standard_A2.

    • PowerShell enumeration: Get-AzureRmVMSize -Location $location

Custom Configuration

This template has optional parameters that can be specified for custom deployments such as DNS servers and VNET subnet information. In the Azure portal, these optional parameters (variables) are not exposed directly through the interface. To modify these variables in the Azure portal, select 'Edit' to edit the deployment template and modify the variables that need customization. To provide custom parameters (variables) using PowerShell, a 'parameter' json file (TemplateParameterFile) can be used. Both 'azuredeploy.parameters.json' and 'vnet-with-dns-servers.json' are example parameter json files.

Custom Configuration Example:

Note: The following commands require at least Windows Management Framework 5.0 and Azure RM SDK.

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name ExampleResourceGroup -Location "westus"  
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name ExampleDeployment `
  -ResourceGroupName ExampleResourceGroup `
  -TemplateFile `
  -TemplateParameterFile c:\temp\rds-deployment\azuredeploy.parameters.json  

Post Deployment

After deployment completes successfully, use one of the options below to connect to the new deployment. After deploying this template, the following will need to be configured:

  • Remote Desktop Services Licensing (there is an initial 120 day grace period).
  • Trusted certificates for connectivity and RDS infrastructure (optional best practice)
  • User Profile Disks (optional best practice)

Connect to new deployment

After successful deployment, the URL for the Remote Desktop Gateway (RDGW) and RDWeb site will be A self-signed certificate will be used for the deployment. To prevent certificate mismatch issues when connecting using a self-signed certificate, the certificate will need to be installed on the local client machines 'Trusted Root' certificate store. Best practice for a production environment is to configure the deployment to use a trusted certificate.

To install the self-signed certificate into local machine 'Trusted Root' certificate store:

  1. From administrative Internet Explorer, browse to URL.
  2. In address bar, click on 'Certificate Error' -> 'View Certificates'
  3. Select 'Install Certificate...'
    • certificate name should be in the format of ''
    • Example from above: ''
  4. Store location is 'Local Machine'
  5. Select 'Browse' for 'Place all certificates in the following store'
  6. Select 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities'
  7. After the certificate has been installed, in RDWeb, logon with the domain credentials that were configured when deploying template.
  8. Launch 'Desktop Collection'

Connect to new deployment with PowerShell script

This script can be used configure and connect to new deployment automatically. This script requires at least Windows Management Framework 5.0 and Azure RM SDK.
Azure Resource Manager Post Deployment RDP Connectivity


If the deployment did not complete successfully or if you are having issues connecting to the environment, use one of the options below:

Review deployment events in Azure portal

In Azure Portal, select the 'Resource Group' containing the deployment. Select 'Overview' if not selected, and the 'Deployments' summary link will be displayed. Selecting the link will navigate to the individual deployments and associated events.

Review deployment events with PowerShell

In PowerShell, the following azurerm module commandlets can be used to gather deployment events:

  • Get-AzureRmLog
  • Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment
  • Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeploymentOperation

Review deployment events with PowerShell script

This script can be used review deployment events. This script requires at least Windows Management Framework 5.0 and Azure RM SDK.
Azure Resource Manager Deployment Log Reader

Validation / Example deployment script

In, deploy-rds-templates.ps1 script is an example validation / deployment powershell script that can used for rds-deployment template testing. It performs basic validation of given parameters and will by default deploy a new deployment. See /scripts/ for additional information about this script.

Tags: Remote Desktop Services, RDS