Orchestration of resources for the entire Edge AI model lifecycle, including creation, deployment, and proper packaging through Azure ML and IoT Edge. This involves leveraging key components such as IoT Hub, IoT Edge, Azure ML, and Azure ML CLI V2.
- You create all your necessary Azure Resources
- (IoT Hub, Azure ML Workspace, Container Registry, Azure Cognitive Services for Vision (if applicable), Storage, Edge VM (for testing), and register your IoT Edge Devices)
- Within Azure ML Studio you start creating/working your model:
- Connect to Azure Machine Learning Workspace
- Grab your Training Data and create your JSONL and MLTable(s)
- Create your Compute so you can train your data
- Configure and run the AutoML training job
- Convert model to appropriate format (Onnx) if necessary
- Using MFLow Retrieve the Best Trial (Best Model's trial/run)
- Register best Model and Deploy
- Test: Visualize Model Results
- Once you have your model you deploy it to your Edge Device
- You will build your model into a docker image and place that image in your container registry
- Using IoT Edge you will leverage a deployment manifest as the instructions to pull the appropriate model from ACR into your IoT Edge Device
- An Azure subscription.
- Install latest version of Azure CLI
- Install Azure Developer CLI
- Install Azure IoT Extension for Azure CLI
- az extension add --name azure-cli-iot-ext
- Install latest version of Bicep
- Prepare your Linux virtual machine or physical device for IoT Edge
Step 1. Clone the AI-in-a-Box repository
Step 2. Create Azure Resources (User Assigned Managed Identity, IoT Hub, Azure ML Workspace, Container Registry, IoT Edge Devices, IoT Edge VM)
Step 2. Configure Edge Device and Create Edge VM if you would like
Step 3. Buld ML model into docker image
Step 4. Push model to Azure Container Registry
Step 5. Deploy model onto Edge Device via a deployment manifest build & deploy
Log into your Azure subscription:
azd auth login
Clone this repository locally:
git clone https://github.com/Azure/AI-in-a-Box cd edge-ai/aml-edge-in-a-box
Deploy resources:
azd up
You will be prompted for a subcription, region and additional parameters.
Once your resources have been deployed you will need to do the following to get the notebooks up running in Azure ML Studio and your Edge VM or device functioning properly:
When running the notebooks in AML your user (jim@contoso.com for instance) won't have permission to alter the storage account or add data to the storage. Please ensure that you have been assigned both Storage Blob Data Reader and Storage Blob Data Contributor roles.
Run the Notebook(s)
- 1-AutoML-ObjectDetection.ipynb
Once the VM is deployed, or your physical device is setup, you can ssh into the VM/device using the below command
- ssh NodeVMAdmin@edgevm1.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com -p 2222
Once connected to your virtual machine, verify that the runtime was successfully installed and configured on your IoT Edge device.
- sudo iotedge system status
- sudo iotedge list
- sudo iotedge check
Once you get access to your VM you will need to deploy your Model through a Deployment Manifest. Please visit how to Develop IoT Edge Modules using VS Code