ECOGEN-CCD: A computational framework for economic feasibility of generator and storage systems through CCD
Solve control co-design or capacity and dispatch optimization problems for various generator and storage technologies using a net present value objective function. The resulting dynamic optimization problem is solve in DTQP software using direct transcription.
Three case studies are currently available with hourly price signals:
- A natural gas combined cycle power plant with carbon capture and storage and thermal storage systems
- A wind farm with a battery energy storage systems
- A nuclear power plant with hydrogen production and storage facility
- Download and extract the project files
- Run INSTALL_Submission.m in MATLAB and ensure that all tests for inclusion of the required files and packages have passed
- MATLAB version R2023b is only necessary for the creation of donut charts.
A good place to start is to open Main. In this script, you can select the case study of interest, then open ProblemOptions.m and select the time horizon.
To investigate a new generator and storage system, you need to first identify the type of storage (primary, electrical, or tertiary). Then define all the relevant price signals, load functions, and cost/economic parameters and prescribe them using ProblemOptions.m structure. You can simply add new elements to the optimization problem for any specific case using the DTQP_setup_IES function.
Please cite the following articles if you use the toolbox:
- S Azad, Z Gulumjanli, DR Herber. A general framework for supporting economic feasibility of generator and storage energy systems through capacity and dispatch optimization. (submitted to) ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2024-142667, Aug. 2024.[PDF]