tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/AwesomeWebProjects/react-player/releasesRelease notes from react-player2019-09-26T19:37:14Ztag:github.com,2008:Repository/164269707/v1.0.02019-09-26T19:44:08Zv1.0.0<h2>News</h2>
<li>Add alias to the following folders: <code>assets</code>, <code>components</code>, <code>modules</code>, <code>utils</code>, <code>mixins</code>, <code>context</code>, <code>parser</code></li>
<li>Add React Context API to project</li>
<li>Add option to import the audio component (<code>import { Audio } from ... </code>)</li>
<li>Add option to run the audio processing and requests into a web worker or in main thread</li>
<li>Add option to pass tracks as prop to component and the thread (<code>worker</code>, <code>main</code>)</li>
<p>Example of tracks array:</p>
<div class="snippet-clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content=" tracks: [
name: 'Small Piece of music LND',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: shortLegendsNeverDie // imported or URL
name: 'Legends Never Die',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: legendsNeverDie // imported or URL
name: 'Rise',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: rise // imported or URL
name: 'Fantastic - Cinematic Sound',
artist: 'AudioJungle',
url: fantastic // imported or URL
],"><pre class="notranslate"><code> tracks: [
name: 'Small Piece of music LND',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: shortLegendsNeverDie // imported or URL
name: 'Legends Never Die',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: legendsNeverDie // imported or URL
name: 'Rise',
artist: 'League of Legends',
url: rise // imported or URL
name: 'Fantastic - Cinematic Sound',
artist: 'AudioJungle',
url: fantastic // imported or URL
<li>Organize devDepencencies and dependencies correctly</li>
<li>Update ReactJS from <code>16.7.0</code> to <code>16.8.6</code></li>
<li>Update all plugins and dependencies</li>
<li>Organize project structure</li>
<li>Update imports</li>
<li>Fix change volume error when player not started</li>
<li>Disable project PWA</li>
<li>Fix dependencies insecurity</li>
<p>Note: prepare app to update react, plugins and somethings. The next release will be a major.</p>danielbariontag:github.com,2008:Repository/164269707/v0.1.22019-01-29T00:54:39Zv0.1.2<h2>News</h2>
<li>Enable project PWA</li>
<li>Update app info</li>
<li>Update app name</li>
<li>Update app title</li>
<li>Update project logo</li>
<li>Fix missed canvas when resize window</li>
<li>Eject CRA configurations</li>
<li>Use stylus in components instead pure CSS</li>
<li>Add web worker support into project</li>
<li>Improve CPU usage when player state is paused</li>
<li>Add app version to footer</li>
<li>Update popup shortcut event</li>
<li>Refactor into stream read function to access global context</li>
<li>Add image of player to the readme.md</li>
<li>Update readme to add demo link</li>
<li>Remove event 'fullSongLoaded'</li>
<p><a href="https://dazzling-jang-471a34.netlify.com/" rel="nofollow">https://dazzling-jang-471a34.netlify.com/</a></p>danielbarion