This Project is a very old project and is thus more simple. For more complex work, please see my other repositories. It was kept because it could establish the basis for later work on network analysis and helped me analyze the Arxiv HEP-PH (high energy physics phenomenology) citation network. Basic Description The project provides implementations of commonly used Graph/Network algorithms The project algorithms community detection (Krager's Algorithm), finding strongly connected components (Kosaraju’s algorithm), and finding egonets (more to come soon). Network analysis project was developed as the Final Project for a bundle of 5 courses administered from University of California San Diego. It includes some tester classes to test the algorithms
For now, the code can be downloaded and compiled manually
All functioning code was written by Avraham Kahan (childrens-python, the other listed contributor, was also an account administered by Avraham Kahan) Some testing classes written by University California San Diego to grade for the course, but these classes are not needed to compile and use the code