Two Weird Tricks with Redux
James Longster describes a couple useful approaches he found while writing the Firefox Developer Tools: checking for specific actions using a middleware, and managing multiple async requests. The HN comments include some useful discussion. -
Redux Hack: Custom Thunk APIs
Demonstrates writing a custom thunk middleware that injects additional dependencies into thunks. -
Connecting Redux to your API
Describes imperative and declarative approaches to managing request data and metadata -
Fix Ugly JSON Api Responses With Redux Middleware
Sets up a sample project that requests JSON data, then shows how to use some custom middleware to transform the response. -
You Aren't Using Redux Middleware Enough
Suggestions for using middleware to solve a number of interesting use cases
Hot reloading and time travel debugging: what are they?
https://code-cartoons.com/hot-reloading-and-time-travel-debugging-what-are-they-3c8ed2812f35 A short but informative article describing these concepts and why they're useful. -
Debugging is in Flux
A fantastic talk that demonstrates use cases and examples for time-travel debugging in a Flux-style architecture, including crash reporting. The demo is built in Alt, but obviously completely applies to Redux as well. -
Drew Bug
A video demonstrating a Redux crash reporter and time travel debugger. -
Redux DevTools Without Redux
Instructions on setting up the Redux DevTools browser extension to use things other than a single Redux store (such as reducers for use within a React component, or other state libs) -
Redux Error Reports Concept
A semi-hypothetical description of tools that could be built to report errors by leveraging Redux -
A Quick Look at the React and Redux DevTools
An intro to using the React DevTools and Redux DevTools extensions for debugging
Redux Docs: Structuring Reducers
Comprehensive information on writing reducers and structuring data, covering reducer composition, use ofcombineReducers
, normalizing data, proper immutable updating, and more. -
"Reducer composition without slicing state"
Discussion of ways to organize actions and reducer logic
Checking React and Redux Code with Flow
A slideshow that shows the basics of adding type information to Redux-based code -
Using Redux with Flow
Covers how to use Flow typing with Redux -
Type Checking with Flow in React + Redux
http://www.robinwieruch.de/the-soundcloud-client-in-react-redux-flow/ -
Redux Flow Tutorial
Covers how to set up Flow for type-checking a Redux application
Querying a Redux Store
A look at best practices for organizing and storing data in Redux, including normalizing data and use of selector functions. -
Redux Normalizr: Improve your State Management
A tutorial describing how to use Normalizr for improved data management of nested data in Redux -
Using normalizr.js in a Redux store
Some examples of using Normalizr and selectors to manage normalized data -
Memoize-Immutable: efficient memoizer for Redux
Discusses principles of immutability and memoization, and a library they built to help memoize Redux data lookups
Scalable Frontend with Elm or Redux
A repo containing ongoing discussion about ways to handle fully encapsulated reusable chunks of logic and components in Redux, with a number of submitted approaches being compared. -
Encapsulation in Redux: the Right Way to Write Reusable Components
A look at one way to write encapsulated action handling in Redux -
How to Reuse Redux Components
Discussion of an Elm-inspired approach to wrapping up reusable components and logic -
Redux and the Elm Architecture
Redux lacks built-in abstractions for real-world, maintainable, scalable applications. In particular, it is difficult to create and distributed encapsulated, reusable components. The Elm Architecture clearly addresses some important areas where Redux alone is lacking. -
Scaleable FE with Redux and Elm Architecture
Examples of using Elm-style approaches to writing Redux code -
Encapsulation in Redux: the Right Way to Write Reusable Components
Examples of an Elm-style encapsulation approach -
The Problem with Redux... And How to Fix It
Demonstration of Redux-Elm, a library that adds composable actions to Redux -
Applying Redux Reducers to Arrays
Looks at one way to implement the classic "multiple instances of one connected component" issue in Redux. -
Redux: Encapsulating the Redux State Tree
A blog series discussing approaches to encapsulating Redux data using selectors and other related approaches -
Redux State Keys - A predictable yet dynamic substate
Description of an approach for dividing up domain-specific state from abstract state, and reusing logic based on those slices. -
The Power of Higher-Order Reducers
A set of slides discussing how reducers can be layered together to add capabilities
"How can I display a modal dialog in Redux?"
Dan Abramov describes a great technique for descriptively managing React modal dialogs using Redux actions and state, by storing names of components and their props. -
"Generic Modal Dialogs with Feature-Specific Actions"
A follow-on to Dan's technique, with a short suggestion for using generic modal components in a variety of situations by including actions as props. -
Implement a confirm modal using React & Redux
Demonstrates wrapping up an existing modal library to be controlled by Redux actions -
Implementing Search/Filter on a list in React and Redux
https://medium.com/@yaoxiao1222/implementing-search-filter-a-list-on-redux-react-bb5de8d0a3ad Some quick examples of using Redux to supply a list of items as a prop, and using React local component state to store a filtered version based on inputs.
Two mistakes I made working with Redux
Some suggestions on how to handle denormalizing data and defining actions. -
React, Redux, and Redux-Form
Thoughts on the merits of using the Redux-Form library -
Real-World React and Redux
A series of articles covering practical architecture lessons learned from building Redux apps, especially regarding use of custom middleware -
Connecting the Linode API to Redux with Higher-Order Functions
Linode explains how they generate customized action creators and reducers to talk to different parts of their API -
A Finite State Machine Helper for Redux
Describes a small but useful library for managing state machines using Redux reducers. -
Conversational sign-up form UI with React and Redux
An example of form management with Redux -
Standard actions in Redux
A description of the Flux Standard Action specification, and how it can be used with Redux
Ajax Polling in React with Redux and Sagas
Covers a couple different ways to manage the logic for AJAX polling. -
Firebase with Redux
Examples for combining Firebase into a Redux application
Redux Saga in Action
Some interesting thoughts on ways to organize the majority of your app's logic using redux-saga -
Scalable Single-Page Application Architecture with Redux and Angular 2
An in-depth article covering how to architect an application using Redux, Angular 2, and RxJS. -
redux-scuttlebutt; eventually consistent shared state among peers
Describes how to use the Redux-Scuttlebutt library to sync actions and updates between multiple instances of a Redux application -
Write Better Redux with redux-module-builder
Describes how to use the utilities included in the redux-module-builder package to better organize a Redux application -
The Elegance of React, Redux, and Ramda
Demonstrates ways to use Ramda to compose together React components and Redux behavior -
Extreme Decoupling: React, Redux, Selectors
Discusses an API-first approach to splitting apart a Redux app into view, state, and integration layers. -
Using React(-Native) with Redux and Redux Saga
Description of a decoupled saga-based app structure, similar to that described in "Redux Saga in Action"