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Modular Signup Framework

Modular Signup is a Calypso framework for creating flows that turn logged-out users without an account into logged-in users.

A Flow consists of a set of steps, organized in a certain order.

A Step is a React component that collects data for flows.

Creating a new flow

You can define a new flow from /client/signup/config/flows-pure.js, by adding a new property to the flows array in the generateFlows function.

A flow is defined by two properties, steps and destination:

  • steps is an array listing the steps in the flow, in the order they should be presented to users. You can see a list of available steps in /client/signup/config/steps-pure.js.
  • destination is a string or function that determines which page users should be redirected to once they complete the last step in the flow. If provided as a function, it is called with all of the dependencies provided in the signup flow, and the user is redirected to whatever it returns.

There are also three optional properties:

  • description is a brief description of what the flow is for.
  • lastModified is a date stamp for when the flow was last updated.
  • disallowResume is a boolean that, when true, will send you back to step 1 if you refreshed the page


const account = { steps: [ 'site', 'user' ], destination: '/' };

Once you've added the flow to flows-pure.js, it'll be available for users at /start/flow-name where flow-name is the key of your flow in flows.

Note: flows must include at least one step that creates a user and is able to provide a bearer token. See the providesToken property in "Creating a new step".

Creating a new step

Anyone can create steps that flow designers can use in their flows.

You can add a new step to Modular Signup from /client/signup/config/steps-pure.js. A step is defined by a number of properties:

  • stepName is the identifier used to reference a step in /client/signup/config/flows-pure.js.
  • (optional) dependencies, which specify which properties this step needs from other steps in the flow in order to be processed.
  • (optional) providesDependencies is an array that lets the signup framework know what dependencies the step is expected to provide. If the step does not provide all of these, or if it provides more than it says, an error will be thrown (unless optionalDependencies is used, see below).
  • (optional) optionalDependencies is an array that lists which of the items in providesDependencies are optional. If one of these values is missing when a step is submitted there'll be no error.
  • (optional) delayApiRequestUntilComplete is a boolean that, when true, causes the step's apiRequestFunction to be called only after the user has submitted every step in the signup flow. This is useful for steps that the user should be able to go back and change at any point in signup.
  • (optional) props is an object with some custom properties that may be specific to a certain step.

You will also need to define which React component implements your step in /client/signup/config/step-components.js. Make sure to require the component as an internal dependency in step-components.js.

Implementing a step

The React component for a step should be implemented in /signup/steps/, in its own directory.

Steps must use the SignupActions module, by requiring it as an internal dependency:

import SignupActions from 'calypso/lib/signup/actions';

SignupActions allows the Modular Framework to handle the data collected by a step. This means your step must include a UI element that allows users to move to the next step in the flow, and that the function handling this element must use the method submitSignupStep from SignupActions.

In addition to submitSignupStep, make sure to also call this.props.goToNextStep() like in the example below. This allows the Modular Framework to render the next step in the flow. You will probably need to call event.preventDefault() as well, to skip the native handler for forms.


function handleSubmit( event ) {

	SignupActions.submitSignupStep( {
		stepName: this.props.stepName,
	} );


submitSignupStep takes the following parameters:

  • a step object with the property stepName, the name of the step you're submitting.
  • (optional) providedDependencies, an object describing the data added by the step to the Dependency Store. Use this only for data that does not come from API requests.
  • (optional) wasSkipped, a flag indicating that an optional step was skipped when it is set to true.

Some background on providedDependencies and the Dependency Store: submitted steps are saved in the Progress Store, where they wait to have their dependencies met. For example, a step that creates a site needs to wait until a user account is created. Once that happens, the step is processed and its result is saved in the Dependency Store, so other steps can use it. You can read more about this here.


If your step requires certain data from other steps before it can submit to the API, you can configure its apiRequestFunction in signup/config/steps-pure.js. This is a function that is called once the data the step requires is available.

const object = {
	stepName: 'theme-selection',
	dependencies: [ 'siteSlug' ],
	apiRequestFunction: function ( callback, dependencies ) { '/some-endpoint', dependencies.siteSlug, function ( errors, response ) {
			callback( errors, { userId: response.userId } );
		} );

Note that here apiRequestFunction calls an API endpoint (someRequest in this example), from which they expect to get userId. If the API request is successful, response.userId is added to the Dependency Store via the callback. This is why you don't need to specify dependencies provided by API requests in providedDependencies.

apiRequestFunction also receives an object containing any dependencies listed in the dependencies property of the step in /client/signup/config/steps-pure.js. In the example above, the account step had a dependencies property set to [ 'siteSlug' ] and received the site slug in the dependencies argument of apiRequestFunction once it was called.

The above example includes an inline function definition, but we should keep the apiRequestFunction values in StepActions (signup/config/step-actions.js) and include them like:

const step = {
	apiRequestFunction: stepActions.createSite,

Hello World

The steps below guide you through creating a new flow and step:

1 - create a new directory in /client/signup/steps called hello-world.

2 - add an index.jsx file to this directory

3 - add a simple React component to index.jsx:

export default function HelloWorld() {
	return <span>Hello world</span>;

4 - add the new step to /client/signup/config/step-components.js. Include a reference to the component module:

const stepNameToModuleName = {
	'hello-world': 'hello-world-module-name', // Referencing signup/steps/hello-world-module-name/index.js

5 - add the new step to /client/signup/config/steps-pure.js. Include the component in the object returned from generateSteps:

const steps = {
	'hello-world': {
		stepName: 'hello-world', // has to match the property name

6 - add a new flow to /client/signup/config/flow.js:

const flow = {
	hello: {
		// This will be the slug for the flow, i.e.:
		steps: [ 'hello-world', 'user' ], // These are the steps that the user will be shown
		destination: '/', // This is where the user will be taken once the flow is complete

7 - open https://calypso.localhost:3000/start/hello in an incognito window. You will be redirected to the first step of the flow at /start/hello/hello-world, where you should see your new React component.

8 - now we need a way for users to move to the next step of the flow. Let's add a button and a form to the step's render method:

function render() {
	return (
		<form onSubmit={ this.handleSubmit }>
			<p>This is the step named { this.props.stepName }</p>
			<button className="button" type="submit">
				Get started

Make sure to require SignupActions:

import SignupActions from 'calypso/lib/signup/actions';

... and to create a function to handle what happens when the form is submitted:

handleSubmit = ( event ) => {

	SignupActions.submitSignupStep( {
		stepName: this.props.stepName,
	} );


9 - open https://calypso.localhost:3000/start/hello in an incognito window. On opening you should be redirected to the first step showing your updated React component, and when you click the "Get started" button you should be taken to the next step.