opened on Dec 30, 2022
Note: The current scope of this work may overlap with work from other teams. To be confirmed.
P2: peapX7-1bf-p2
User Story
As a user,
I want to skip the domain selection step and go straight to my free trial site,
so that I can immediately begin evaluating the WooCommerce hosted solution
Acceptance Criteria
Feature: Set up a free trial site
Given the user has completed NUX profiler questions
When the user clicks on "Start my free 30-day trial"
Then the system redirects the user to loading screen
And the system creates a site based on the given store name
And the system sets the site plan to free trial
And the system redirects the user to new site after completion
Additional details
Loading screen figma: 4ixWMlzrxllx93tSFsCW6k-fi-6748%3A91686&t=uqpmhen12EFOgJdV-0
Prior art for domain name: #71429