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Working with the Monorepo

Calypso is a monorepo. In addition to the Calypso application, it also hosts a number of independent modules that are published to NPM.

Module Layout

These modules live under the packages and apps directories, one folder per module.

Two different directories for modules are:

/packages — projects and libraries that we might publish as NPM packages. Typically used also elsewhere in Calypso and build on npm start. See "Publishing" below. /apps — projects that can produce independent, binary-like outputs deployed elsewhere. Typically not published to NPM or build on npm start.

Modules should follow our convention for layout:

# your package.json

# a readme for your module

# source code lives here
	# exports everything the modules offers

	# individual modules, imported by index.js

# tests for the module

Your package.json can have any of the normal properties but at a minimum should contain main, module, and sideEffects.

The only exception are devDependencies which must be declared in the wp-calypso root package.json. devDependencies of sub-packages in a monorepo are not reliably installed and cannot be relied on.

A sample package.json

	"name": "@automattic/your-package",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"description": "My new package",
	"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
	"module": "dist/esm/index.js",
	"sideEffects": false,
	"keywords": [ "wordpress" ],
	"author": "Your Name <> (",
	"contributors": [],
	"homepage": "",
	"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": "git+",
		"directory": "packages/your-package"
	"publishConfig": {
		"access": "public"
	"bugs": {
		"url": ""
	"files": [ "dist", "src" ],
	"scripts": {
		"clean": "npx rimraf dist",
		"prepublish": "npm run clean",
		"prepare": "transpile"

If your package requires compilation, the package.json prepare script should compile the package. If it contains ES6+ code that needs to be transpiled, use transpile (from @automattic/calypso-build) which will automatically compile code in src/ to dist/cjs (CommonJS) and dist/esm (ECMAScript Modules) by running babel over any source files it finds.

Running Tests

To run all of the package tests:

npm run test-packages

To run one package's tests:

npm run test-packages [ test file pattern ]

Building packages & apps

Packages will have their prepare scripts run automatically on npm install.

You can build packages also by running:

npm run build-packages

Or even specific packages:

npx lerna run prepare --scope="@automattic/calypso-build"

Or specific apps:

npx lerna run build --scope="@automattic/calypso-build"

All prepare scripts found in all package.jsons of apps and packages are always run on Calypso's npm install. Therefore independent apps in /apps directory can use build instead of prepare so avoid unnecessary builds.

You can also run other custom package.json scripts only for your app or package:

npx lerna run your-script --scope="@automattic/your-package"

Developing packages

When developing packages in Calypso repository that external consumers (like Jetpack repository) depend on, you might want to test them without going through the publishing flow first.

  1. Enter the package you're testing
  2. Run npm link — the package will be installed on global scope and symlinked to the folder in Calypso
  3. Enter the consumer's folder (such as Jetpack)
  4. Type npm link @automattic/package-name — the package will be symlinked between Calypso and Jetpack and any modifications you make in Calypso, will show up in Jetpack.
  5. Remember to build your changes between modifications in Calypso.

Note that if you're building with Webpack, you may need to turn off resolve.symlinks for it to work as expected.


Please do not use regular npm publish within a package to publish an individual package; npx has issues using this flow.

Using Lerna to publish package(s):

  1. Might be good to start un-authenticated, since Lerna doesn't have --dry-run option like NPM does: npm logout.
  2. Update packages versions as necessary. We’ll rely on package versions for Lerna to know what to publish. Please be mindful about semantic versioning.
  3. git checkout master
  4. git pull
  5. git status (should be clean!)
  6. npm run distclean
  7. npm ci
  8. npx lerna publish from-package
  9. Say “no” at the prompt.
  10. Lerna will confirm which packages and versions will be published. If something looks off, abort!
  11. Make sure you're logged in at this point, we're going to publish 🚀: npm whoami, npm login.
  12. Craft the following command, we'll add --yes to skip prompts and save OTP cycle time. --dist-tag next is optional, use it when publishing unstable versions.
  13. Wait for your npm OTP (one time password) cycle to start, write it into the command and publish:
  14. NPM_CONFIG_OTP=[YOUR_OTP_CODE] npx lerna publish --dist-tag next from-package --yes
  15. Pat yourself on the back, you published!