tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/Autodesk/revit-ifc/releases Release notes from revit-ifc 2025-01-16T14:23:08Z tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v24.3.20 2025-01-16T14:27:50Z Release 24.3.20 for Revit 2024 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the minor update of IFC Exporter for Revit 2024.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed an unexpected export error using RCE.</li> <li>Implemented an option that allows exporting properties along with instance properties.</li> <li>Newtonsoft.Json version updated.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v23.4.1 2025-01-16T14:35:40Z Release 23.4.1 for Revit 2023 <p>General:</p> <p>This is the minor update of IFC Exporter for Revit 2023.</p> <p>Improvements:</p> <p>Fixed an unexpected export error using RCE.<br> Implemented an option that allows exporting properties along with instance properties.<br> Newtonsoft.Json version updated.</p> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v25.4.0 2024-12-04T22:25:29Z Release 25.4 for Revit 2025 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the major release of IFC Exporter 25.4 for Revit 2025.<br> It contains a various improvements and bug fixes for the previous 25.2 version.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added option that allows to export ceiling grids.</li> <li>Implemented the ability to add type properties to instance properties for user-defined property sets.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Restored the functionality of the IFC Export As parameter when using the IFC Exporter version lower than Revit.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v23.4.0 2024-08-14T17:59:25Z Release 23.4 for Revit 2023 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the update of IFC Exporter for Revit 2023.<br> It contains various improvements and bug fixes for the basic Revit 2023.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added filename to the journal when export IFC if the default is used.</li> <li>Added information to IfcOwnerHistory when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Add new user defined units export.</li> <li>Added Revit Content Identifier to IFC export.</li> <li>Added Width as an exported quantity to IFC for some assembly-based walls.</li> <li>Allowed export of some elements to IFC4 Reference View [Structural] that had no material assignments.</li> <li>Allowed some old IFC configuration settings to be upgraded.</li> <li>Changed the behavior of the warning message when exporting to IFC 4 if elements in a Revit model are far from the origin so that the warning appears only if an EPSG code is also set.</li> <li>Implemented unique and consistent naming for IfcShapeAspect and IfcMaterialConstituent pairs.</li> <li>Improved area and volume base quantities export for slabs as part of the roof.</li> <li>Improved exporting all layers of some walls to IFC 4 when the option to split by level was chosen.</li> <li>Improved stability of exporting to IFC when the Revit model has corrupted extensible storage data.</li> <li>Improved stability when exporting files to IFC with some short, invalid IFC entity names set in the Export to IFC As and Export Type to IFC As parameters.</li> <li>Improved support for adding properties to PSet_ZoneCommon.</li> <li>Improved the color assignments for some elements exported to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved the export of current view only IFC files when the phase of the view has changed since it was first set in the IFC export settings.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added type parameter set export for Revit elements whose corresponding IFC 2x3 entity didn't have a type entity associated with it, such as ramps, stairs, and footings.</li> <li>Corrected placement of some families inside assemblies when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed a shifting of TriangulatedFaceSet geometry elements.</li> <li>Fixed body representation for walls export to the IFC4RV.</li> <li>Fixed bug with renaming IFC configuration makes the revit-session remember the old and the new IFC configuration.</li> <li>Fixed classifications export for systems.</li> <li>Fixed export of linked file orientation when exporting linked files to the same site.</li> <li>Fixed export of model line placement elevation for 2D representation.</li> <li>Fixed export of room elevation.</li> <li>Fixed export of walls with openings placed next to clippings.</li> <li>Fixed export of GrossArea to IFC4 QTO base quantities for Revit walls exported as IfcCovering.</li> <li>Fixed a IsExternal parameter for windows exported to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed a placement of beam openings.</li> <li>Fixed the processing of the Export to IFC parameter for the assemblies.</li> <li>Fixed Width parameter for IfcSlab and IfcCovering exported to IFC4 QTO base quantities.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for slab elements with openings.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for spatial elements.</li> <li>Improved calculations of gross volume and gross side area when exporting some walls with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved error handling for invalid Revit file with missing project base and survey points.</li> <li>Improved export of some beams to IFC where the geometry was previously inverted in the IFC file.</li> <li>Improved export of some beams with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved export of some missing elements when exporting linked documents to IFC.</li> <li>Improved the export of some walls that had doors or windows with multiple voids in the original family.</li> <li>Improved performance of some elongated elements export to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved linking invalid IFC files with unbounded curves as part of their geometric representations.</li> <li>Removed some IFC export configuration settings that didn't get properly renamed or deleted by Revit.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/untagged-947a82355558604647f4 2024-08-05T12:37:05Z untagged-947a82355558604647f4: Merge pull request #792 from Autodesk/babio/24_2_2_update <p>IFC 24.2.20 update</p> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v24.2.20 2024-08-05T12:42:15Z Release 24.2.20 for Revit 2024 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the update of IFC Exporter for Revit 2024..<br> It contains various improvements and bug fixes for the basic Revit 2024.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added filename to the journal when export IFC if the default is used.</li> <li>Added information to IfcOwnerHistory when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Add new user defined units export.</li> <li>Added Revit Content Identifier to IFC export.</li> <li>Added Width as an exported quantity to IFC for some assembly-based walls.</li> <li>Allowed export of some elements to IFC4 Reference View [Structural] that had no material assignments.</li> <li>Allowed some old IFC configuration settings to be upgraded.</li> <li>Changed the behavior of the warning message when exporting to IFC 4 if elements in a Revit model are far from the origin so that the warning appears only if an EPSG code is also set.</li> <li>Implemented unique and consistent naming for IfcShapeAspect and IfcMaterialConstituent pairs.</li> <li>Improved area and volume base quantities export for slabs as part of the roof.</li> <li>Improved exporting all layers of some walls to IFC 4 when the option to split by level was chosen.</li> <li>Improved stability of exporting to IFC when the Revit model has corrupted extensible storage data.</li> <li>Improved stability when exporting files to IFC with some short, invalid IFC entity names set in the Export to IFC As and Export Type to IFC As parameters.</li> <li>Improved support for adding properties to PSet_ZoneCommon.</li> <li>Improved the color assignments for some elements exported to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved the export of current view only IFC files when the phase of the view has changed since it was first set in the IFC export settings.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added type parameter set export for Revit elements whose corresponding IFC 2x3 entity didn't have a type entity associated with it, such as ramps, stairs, and footings.</li> <li>Corrected placement of some families inside assemblies when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Fix IfcCountMeasure for IFC4x3.</li> <li>Fixed a shifting of TriangulatedFaceSet geometry elements.</li> <li>Fixed body representation for walls export to the IFC4RV.</li> <li>Fixed bug with renaming IFC configuration makes the revit-session remember the old and the new IFC configuration.</li> <li>Fixed classifications export for systems.</li> <li>Fixed export of linked file orientation when exporting linked files to the same site.</li> <li>Fixed export of model line placement elevation for 2D representation.</li> <li>Fixed export of room elevation.</li> <li>Fixed export of walls with openings placed next to clippings.</li> <li>Fixed export of GrossArea to IFC4 QTO base quantities for Revit walls exported as IfcCovering.</li> <li>Fixed a IsExternal parameter for windows exported to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed a placement of beam openings.</li> <li>Fixed the processing of the Export to IFC parameter for the assemblies.</li> <li>Fixed Width parameter for IfcSlab and IfcCovering exported to IFC4 QTO base quantities.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for slab elements with openings.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for spatial elements.</li> <li>Improved calculations of gross volume and gross side area when exporting some walls with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved error handling for invalid Revit file with missing project base and survey points.</li> <li>Improved export of some beams to IFC where the geometry was previously inverted in the IFC file.</li> <li>Improved export of some beams with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved export of some missing elements when exporting linked documents to IFC.</li> <li>Improved the export of some walls that had doors or windows with multiple voids in the original family.</li> <li>Improved performance of some elongated elements export to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved linking invalid IFC files with unbounded curves as part of their geometric representations.</li> <li>Removed some IFC export configuration settings that didn't get properly renamed or deleted by Revit.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v25.2.0 2024-06-04T13:01:24Z Release 25.2 for Revit 2025 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the first version of IFC Exporter for Revit 2025.<br> It contains various improvements and bug fixes for the basic Revit 2025.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added type information when exporting Rebar couplers to IFC.</li> <li>Allowed export of some elements to IFC4 Reference View [Structural] that had no material assignments.</li> <li>Allowed Revit to preserve the active site after IFC export.</li> <li>Allowed some old IFC configuration settings to be upgraded.</li> <li>Better treatment of IfcSpatialZones and zones in general.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for spatial elements.</li> <li>Improved category mapping dialog.</li> <li>Improved error handling for invalid Revit file with missing project base and survey points.</li> <li>Improved export of classification data to IFC for curtain wall doors.</li> <li>Improved export of classification description to IFC.</li> <li>Improved export of IsExternal parameter, removed support at type level.</li> <li>Improved performance of some elongated elements export to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved positioning of linked instances when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Improved the color assignments for some elements exported to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved the export of current view only IFC files when the phase of the view has changed since it was first set in the IFC export settings.</li> <li>Improved the validity of exported IFC files when exporting some planar geometry.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Corrected placement of some families inside assemblies when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed bug related to the exported grids to IFC if the project base elevation was significantly far from the origin.</li> <li>Fixed export of GrossArea to IFC4 QTO base quantities for Revit walls exported as IfcCovering.</li> <li>Fixed export of some missing elements when exporting linked documents to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed export of walls with openings placed next to clippings.</li> <li>Fixed Width parameter for IfcSlab and IfcCovering exported to IFC4 QTO base quantities.</li> <li>Fixed wrong elevation of linked models exporting host file with links to one IFC file.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v22.7.0 2024-03-20T16:29:23Z Release 22.7.0 for Revit 2022 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the official release of IFC Extension 22.7.0<br> It contains a various improvements and bug fixes for the previous 22.6.2 version.</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added export of the floor slab edge level.</li> <li>Added material shared parameters export.</li> <li>Added NetSideArea, GrossSideArea, Height, and Width quantities for curtain walls when exporting to IFC 4.</li> <li>Added the ability for the IfcCADLayerOverride shared parameter to set the appropriate CAD layer for more Revit elements when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Added the BarRole attribute when exporting IfcReinforcingBars to IFC.</li> <li>Added type entities for rebar and assemblies when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Added support for exporting enumerated properties to IFC that contain multiple enumerated values.</li> <li>Added support for exporting predefined types when exporting spaces to IFC 4+.</li> <li>Added support for linking in data from IFC entities with custom representation identifiers.</li> <li>Added support for properly exporting VaporPermeability parameters to IFC.</li> <li>Added support for valid AssemblyPlace information when exporting IfcFurnitureType to IFC.</li> <li>Added Width as an exported quantity to IFC for some assembly-based walls.</li> <li>Decreased the size of IFC files when exporting Revit elements as IfcCovering.</li> <li>Exported more than one material to IFC in some cases when using the advanced option to allow the use of a mixed solid model representation.</li> <li>Implemented export of IfcRailingType entities.</li> <li>Implemented export of insulation and lining as anything.</li> <li>Improved base quantities calculation for slab elements with openings.</li> <li>Improved calculations of gross volume and gross side area when exporting some walls with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved export of models to IFC that contained family instances with invalid placements.</li> <li>Improved export of openings in sloped slabs.</li> <li>Improved export of some beams with openings to IFC 4.</li> <li>Improved export of some curtain systems to IFC.</li> <li>Improved IFC 4 export of some host objects that had different layers with the same material.</li> <li>Improved how classifications are viewed in certain older external applications when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Improved linking of IFC files with slightly self-intersecting profile data.</li> <li>Improved stability of exporting to IFC when the Revit model has corrupted extensible storage data.</li> <li>Improved stability when exporting projects to IFC with non-standard Author information in Project Standards.</li> <li>Improved support for exporting advanced BReps to IFC if the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View is used.</li> <li>Improved the calculation of height and width properties when exporting some openings to IFC 4, where the values were reversed.</li> <li>Improved the export of room base quantities to IFC.</li> <li>Improved the export of some ceilings exported as parts to IFC when exporting the current view.</li> <li>Improved the export of the material layers of some IFC4 files with 0 thickness material layers.</li> <li>Improved units export.</li> <li>Improved upgrading of IFC user configuration when upgrading a Revit document to a higher version of Revit.</li> <li>Improved user defined property set mapping, especially for IFC2x3 entities that previously had no type entity exported.</li> <li>Improved validity of IFC files when exporting elements with compound structures.</li> <li>Updated French and German localization resources.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added material information for some hosted wall sweeps exported to IFC.</li> <li>Added missing user-defined property sets for some roofs when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Allowed the IfcSingleMaterialOverride shared parameter to override the material of certain elbows and fittings when exporting to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed a shift of TriangulatedFaceSet geometry elements.</li> <li>Fixed bug with level elevation after linking IFC.</li> <li>Fixed bug with shifted assembly elements.</li> <li>Fixed bug with model positioning.</li> <li>Fixed classifications export for systems.</li> <li>Fixed export of IFC properties associated with the top-level IfcProject entity.</li> <li>Fixed export of material layer parameters of a ceiling element.</li> <li>Fixed export of some assemblies to IFC that resulted in orphaned entities.</li> <li>Fixed export of some rebar elements.</li> <li>Fixed export of the user defined PredefinedType for the stair element.</li> <li>Fixed geometry transformation for elements in assemblies.</li> <li>Fixed local placement of the openings in framing elements export.</li> <li>Fixed missing sketch-based openings in sloped floor elements.</li> <li>Fixed the calculation of the height parameter for some railings in metric projects when a previous value had been calculated that wasn't applicable to this railing.</li> <li>Fixed the overall height value when exporting roof-based windows to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed the slope common property set parameter calculation when exporting some stringers to IFC.</li> <li>Fixed the walls export if option "Split Walls Columns Ducts by Level" is used.</li> <li>Fixed unit conversion issues.</li> <li>Improved area and volume base quantities export for slabs as part of the roof.</li> <li>Improved error handling for invalid Revit file with missing project base and survey points.</li> <li>Removed instability when selecting an IFC entity for the Export to IFC As parameter, and then switching to a schema that does not contain that entity definition.</li> <li>Removed the use of several Revit built-in parameters when exporting IFC properties that have the same name but are different.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v24.2.0 2023-09-28T13:20:41Z Release 24.2 for Revit 2024 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the major release of IFC Extension 24.2.0</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Added export of the floor slab edge level.</li> <li>Added Width as an exported quantity to IFC for some assembly-based walls.</li> <li>Implemented IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage assigning to a single occurrence.</li> <li>Improved export of sloped slabs.</li> <li>Improved stability when exporting projects to IFC with non-standard Author information in Project Standards.</li> <li>Updated French and German localization resources</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed an unexpected error during file export.</li> <li>Fixed bug with inverted geometry after export of parts as ceilings.</li> <li>Fixed bug with swapped Height and Width values of opening in Base Quantities in exported IFC.</li> <li>Fixed export of NetSideArea, GrossSideArea, Height, and Width to IFC4 QTO for curtain walls.</li> <li>Fixed geometry transformation for some cases.</li> <li>Fixed missing material associations for solid model bodies.</li> <li>Fixed openings local placement export.</li> </ul> o-babii tag:github.com,2008:Repository/138780051/IFC_v24.1.1 2023-07-31T16:58:38Z Release 24.1.1 for Revit 2024 <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <p>This is the minor release of IFC Extension 24.1.1</p> <p><strong>Improvements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>The default import processor has been changed to Hybrid.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bug Fixes:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed a bunch of potential bugs related to the compatibility with older Revit versions.</li> <li>Fix sketch-based openings in sloped slabs.</li> <li>Fixed placement of some specific wall sweep elements.</li> </ul> o-babii