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147 lines (126 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (126 loc) · 13.7 KB

Key Bindings for macOS

MarkText key bindings for macOS. Please see general key bindings for information how to use custom key bindings.

Available menu key bindings

MarkText menu

Id Default Description
mt.hide Command+H Hide MarkText
mt.hide-others Command+Option+H Hide all other windows except MarkText
file.preferences Command+, Open settings window
file.quit Command+Q Quit MarkText

File menu

Id Default Description Command+N New window Command+T New tab Command+O Open markdown file Command+Shift+O Open folder Command+S Save Command+Shift+S Save as...
file.move-file - Move current file to another location
file.rename-file - Rename current file
file.print - Print current tab
file.close-tab Command+W Close tab
file.close-window Command+Shift+W Close window

Edit menu

Id Default Description
edit.undo Command+Z Undo last operation
edit.redo Command+Shift+Z Redo last operation
edit.cut Command+X Cut selected text
edit.copy Command+C Copy selected text
edit.paste Command+V Paste text
edit.copy-as-markdown Command+Shift+C Copy selected text as markdown
edit.copy-as-html - Copy selected text as html
edit.paste-as-plaintext Command+Shift+V Copy selected text as plaintext Command+A Select all text of the document
edit.duplicate Command+Option+P Duplicate the current paragraph
edit.create-paragraph Command+Shift+N Create a new paragraph after the current one
edit.delete-paragraph Command+Shift+D Delete current paragraph
edit.find Command+F Find information in the document
edit.find-next Cmd+G Continue the search and find the next match
edit.find-previous Shift+Cmd+G Continue the search and find the previous match
edit.replace Command+Option+F Replace the information with a replacement
edit.find-in-folder Command+Shift+F Find files contain the keyword in opend folder
edit.screenshot Command+Option+A Get the screenshot

Paragraph menu

Id Default Description
paragraph.heading-1 Command+1 Set line as heading 1
paragraph.heading-2 Command+2 Set line as heading 2
paragraph.heading-3 Command+3 Set line as heading 3
paragraph.heading-4 Command+4 Set line as heading 4
paragraph.heading-5 Command+5 Set line as heading 5
paragraph.heading-6 Command+6 Set line as heading 6
paragraph.upgrade-heading Command+Plus Upgrade a heading
paragraph.degrade-heading Command+- Degrade a heading
paragraph.table Command+Shift+T Insert a table
paragraph.code-fence Command+Option+C Insert a code block
paragraph.quote-block Command+Option+Q Insert a quote block
paragraph.math-formula Command+Option+M Insert a math block
paragraph.html-block Command+Option+J Insert a HTML block
paragraph.order-list Command+Option+O Insert a ordered list
paragraph.bullet-list Command+Option+U Insert a unordered list
paragraph.task-list Command+Option+X Insert a task list
paragraph.loose-list-item Command+Option+L Convert a list item to a loose list item
paragraph.paragraph Command+0 Convert a heading to a paragraph
paragraph.horizontal-line Command+Option+- Add a horizontal line
paragraph.front-matter Command+Option+Y Insert a YAML frontmatter block

Format menu

Id Default Description
format.strong Command+B Set the font of the selected text to bold
format.emphasis Command+I Set the font of the selected text to italic
format.underline Command+U Change the selected text to underline
format.superscript - Change the selected text to underline
format.subscript - Change the selected text to underline
format.highlight Command+Shift+H Highlight the selected text by tag
format.inline-code Command+` Change the selected text to inline code
format.inline-math Command+Shift+M Change the selected text to inline math
format.strike Command+D Strike through the selected text
format.hyperlink Command+L Insert a hyperlink
format.image Command+Shift+I Insert a image
format.clear-format Command+Shift+R Clear the formatting of the selected text

Window menu

Id Default Description
window.minimize Command+M Minimize the window
window.toggle-always-on-top - Toogle always on top mode
window.zoom-in - Zoom in
window.zoom-out - Zoom out
window.toggle-full-screen Ctrl+Command+F Toggle fullscreen mode

View menu

Id Default Description
view.command-palette Command+Shift+P Toggle command palette
view.source-code-mode Command+Option+S Switch to source code mode
view.typewriter-mode Command+Option+T Enable typewriter mode
view.focus-mode Command+Shift+J Enable focus mode
view.toggle-sidebar Command+J Toggle sidebar
view.toggle-tabbar Command+Option+B Toggle tabbar
view.toggle-toc . Command+K Toggle table of contents
view.toggle-dev-tools Command+Option+I Toggle developer tools (debug mode only) Command+Option+R Reload window (debug mode only)
view.reload-images Command+R Reload images

Available key bindings


Id Default Description
tabs.cycle-forward Ctrl+Tab Cycle through tabs
tabs.cycle-backward Ctrl+Shift+Tab Cycle backwards through tabs
tabs.switch-to-left Command+PageUp Switch tab to the left
tabs.switch-to-right Command+PageDown Switch tab to the right
tabs.switch-to-first Ctrl+1 Switch tab to the 1st
tabs.switch-to-second Ctrl+2 Switch tab to the 2nd
tabs.switch-to-third Ctrl+3 Switch tab to the 3rd
tabs.switch-to-fourth Ctrl+4 Switch tab to the 4th
tabs.switch-to-fifth Ctrl+5 Switch tab to the 5th
tabs.switch-to-sixth Ctrl+6 Switch tab to the 6th
tabs.switch-to-seventh Ctrl+7 Switch tab to the 7th
tabs.switch-to-eighth Ctrl+8 Switch tab to the 8th
tabs.switch-to-ninth Ctrl+9 Switch tab to the 9th
tabs.switch-to-tenth Ctrl+0 Switch tab to the 10th


Id Default Description
file.quick-open Command+P Open quick open dialog