Artificial Circuit Designer, a circus clown.
After starting a circus
server and the mlflow
tracking server acid can be started with the example configuration
$ stack exec -- acid-exe -c ./config/td3.yaml
Here is the short help for the CLI and available options:
Usage: acid-exe [-H|--circus-host HOST] [-P|--circus-port PORT]
[-i|--circus-id ID] [-p|--circus-backend PDK]
[-s|--circus-space SPACE] [-l|--algorithm ALG] [-b|--buffer BUF]
[-f|--path FILE] [-T|--tracking-host HOST]
[-R|--tracking-port PORT] [-m|--mode MODE] [-c|--cfg YAML]
Artificial Circuit Designer / Circus Clown
Available options:
-H,--circus-host HOST Circus server host address (default: "localhost")
-P,--circus-port PORT Circus server port (default: "6007")
-i,--circus-id ID Circuit ID (default: "op2")
-p,--circus-backend PDK Backend / PDK (default: "xh035")
-s,--circus-space SPACE Design Space (default: "elec")
-l,--algorithm ALG RL Algorithm (default: "TD3")
-b,--buffer BUF Replay Buffer (default: "HER")
-f,--path FILE Base Path for Model Checkpoint. Default is ./models
(default: "./models")
-T,--tracking-host HOST MLFlow tracking server host address
(default: "localhost")
-R,--tracking-port PORT MLFlow tracking server port (default: "6008")
-m,--mode MODE Run Mode. One of Train (default), Continue, Evaluate
(default: "Train")
-c,--cfg YAML YAML Config File (default: "./config/td3.yaml")
-h,--help Show this help text
- TD3
- Hyper Parameters as YAML