Attune automates and orchestrates processes to streamline deployments, scaling, migrations, and management of your systems. The Attune platform is building a community of sharable automated and orchestrated processes.
You can leverage the publicly available orchestrated blueprints to increase your productivity, and accelerate the delivery of your projects. You can open-source your own work and improve existing community orchestrated projects.
The Attune Community Edition can be downloaded for free from our ServerTribe website. You can learn more about Attune through ServerTribe's YouTube Channel.
To clone this project into your own instance of Attune, follow the Clone a GIT Project How To Instructions.
This Project contains the following Blueprints.
Name | Type | Script Reference | Comment |
Attune OS Build Server | Linux/Unix Node | attuneosbuildserver |
This variable is used in the "Kickstart" build procedures, so the "Attune Server" can be used to build Attune servers. |
DMS Subnet | Network IPv4 Subnet | dmssubnet |
The subnet that the various DevOps servers are in. |
Dropbox Access Token | Basic Credential | dropboxaccesstoken |
Dropbox Path | Text | dropboxpath |
Dropbox path to upload files. This will be relative to the root Dropbox app path. Example: ~/Synerty Dropbox/Kean Ooi/Apps/Hyper-V Exports |
HyperV Host | Windows Node | hypervhost |
HyperV Host User | Windows Credential | hypervhostuser |
Iso Folder | Text | isofolder |
KS Linux: Disk First Letter | Text | kslinuxdiskfirstletter |
The first letter of the disk in Linux, EG, sda or xda s = sda for VMWare, Hyper-V and most servers v = vda for oVirt/RHEV x = xda for Citrix Xen |
KS: VM CPU Count | Text | ksvmcpucount |
KS: VM Ram Size GB | Text | ksvmramsizegb |
KS VMWare: Attune Base Dir | Text | ksvmwareattunebasedir |
KS: Windows Interface Alias | Text | kswindowsinterfacealias |
oVirt Deployments = "Ethernet" ESXi Deployments = "Ethernet0" This is the "InternetAlias" of the interface shown when you run "get-netipaddress" from powershell on the machine. |
Large Test File Name | Text | largetestfilename |
File name of large test file to be created on Attune in /tmp and used for testing Copy-Item. |
Linux: Attune User | Linux/Unix Credential | linuxattuneuser |
Linux: Root User | Linux/Unix Credential | linuxrootuser |
RPM Server | Linux/Unix Node | rpmserver |
Samba Windows Directory | Text | sambawindowsdirectory |
The extracted Windows Directory on the Samba server that we want to run setup.exe from. |
Small Test File Name | Text | smalltestfilename |
File name of small test file to be created on Attune in /tmp and used for testing Copy-Item. |
Target Server | Basic Node | targetserver |
Target Server: Lin | Linux/Unix Node | targetserverlin |
The target server is a generic placeholder, usually used for the server a script will run on. For example, the server being built if the procedure is building a server. |
Target Server: Linux TimeZone | Text | targetserverlinuxtimezone |
Target Server: Win | Windows Node | targetserverwin |
Target Subnet | Network IPv4 Subnet | targetsubnet |
test parameter | Text | testparameter |
Virtual Hard Disk Folder | Text | virtualharddiskfolder |
Windows: Administrator | Windows Credential | windowsadministrator |
The windows administrator user |
Name | Type | Comment |
CentOS8 Boot ISO v8.4.2105 | Large Archives | This is from Kean's macbook attune on project "Build Peek V3 Cento08 Dev Node on Parallels" in file archive "CentOS8 Boot ISO v8.4.2105". |
CentOS8 Kickstart Config | Version Controlled Files | |
WinPE ISO for Windows 2019 Hyper-V | Large Archives | Taken from nzte1att2 file archive "WinPE 2019 ISO". |
The collective power of a community of talented individuals working in concert delivers not only more ideas, but quicker development and troubleshooting when issues arise.
If you’d like to contribute and help improve these projects, please fork our repository, commit your changes in Attune, push you changes, and create a pull request.
Please feel free to raise any issues or questions you have.
Thank you