Redux is another JS library & it is completely different from react, both are seperate.
we ofently use Redux with react. redux can also be use in other libraries & framework.
you don't need to use redux in your every app, it's not neccesary.
But when your application become big & you have to handle a lot of data, manage different state
then redux will be your great choice.
it actually helps you keep your app organized, predictable, and easier to fix
when things go wrong.
- Basically Redux is a big JS object kept is single central place.
- Any component can access inside our application.
- It can write data, read data from object
- Major data kept here so that components can access.
To keep it from getting big or clumsy, we've Slicing
in our redux store.
slice is a small portion of redux store.We create multiple slices inside our redux store.
Slice is respnsible for tracking initial state of the store as well as all of our reducers are collected here
- to keep data seperate, make a logical partitions.
- Example :
- If we want to add cart data into our redux store we'll create a seperate slice for cart data.
- Suppose we want to store logged in user information in our redux store, we'll create a user slice kind of things.
How Does the data go from react component to a slice inside redux object / How to write data inside a slice 📝?
You can't directly modify our slice, we've to go through a 2 step process.
- Dispatch an action
- action will call a function (which is known as
- action will call a function (which is known as
- EXAMPLE : you want to add item which should show the cart box.
BEHIND THE SCENES it works like this (shown above diagram) in redux
- when you click add button to add that item on your cart ->
- first,it'll dispatch an action
- and then it'll call a function which is known as
in redux. - and finally this reducer function will modify the slice.
This is how the write operation performs in redux.
How Does the data come to react component from a slice inside redux object / How to read or access data from a slice ?
To get data from our redux store we've something called
we use
to read the data from our store/slice. And the selector modify or update our react component. -
Selector is nothing but a hook (which is a function) inside react
When we use selector, the phenomenon is known as
Subscribing to the store
Basically, using selector, we're identifying some of the portion of our store from where we want to read data.
Example : Let's say you want to update a header component. to do so this component have to subscribe the store using selector.
- install redux packages
- npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
- npm install react-redux
To create a store we have a function configureStore
To create a store we have a function createSlice
, it takes 3 things inside of it
- name of the slice
- initialState
- reducers
there are 2 compulsory things that you've to pass on the every reducers which are state
& action
- export 2 things from slice
- export our action (each method which is there on the reducers)
- export our reducer (entire reducer)
we need
which is a 2 step process-
(from react-redux) &action
(which you want to use particularly) -
obtain the
function from the Redux store (rhis function is used to send actions to the store) & use it where you need
import {useDispatch} from 'react-redux' import {addTodo} from 'file path' const dispatch = useDispatch(); //obtain fnx dispatch(addTodo(input)); // using it by passing action
- to read from store, we need
hook ;useSelector hook is a method which gives us access to the state(which is a object) & grab what we need from store
How to use this hook
- import
in your component - selecting the portion you want to use using this hook
- Now use your selected data wherever you want to
Ex :
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' const todos = useSelector(state => state.todoS) // const selectData = useSelector(state => state.somePortionOfState)
- import
Yep, that's all about redux 😎