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Martynas Jusevičius edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 4 revisions


What AtomGraph Processor provides for users as out-of-the-box generic features:

  • declarative control of published data using URI and SPARQL templates
  • input data validation with SPIN constraints
  • container pagination and item URI skolemization
  • HTTP content negotiation and caching


What AtomGraph Processor can be quickly extended to do:

  • store RDF data into the triplestore
  • search by dynamically adding filters or values to the query
  • ordering pages by property columns

For developers

What AtomGraph Processor provides for developers:

  • open-source code base built on established frameworks such as SPIN, Jena, and Jersey
  • support of established vocabularies such as FOAF and SIOC
  • builder classes for SPARQL queries
  • high- and low-level access to remote Linked Data resources and SPARQL endpoints
  • HTTP authentication support

See also AtomGraph Web-Client features.

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