Social network for developers
- ReactJs
- Bootstrap
- Figma
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node.js
- VSCode
- Postman
- Learned about React and its working.
- Refactoring Code and keeping the code clean.
- Learned about making API calls to backend and displaying data.
- Authentication and Authorization using JWT.
- Created REST APIs using express.
- Validation using validator.js and passport.js
- Learned about state management using Redux and redux toolkit.
- Hashing passwords using bcrypt.js
Before you can start working on DevSpace, you need to have Node.js
installed on your machine. The currently supported versions are 10.15.0
or greater.
To download Node.js visit
NOTE: You can use a tool like NVM
or N
to install and manage multiple node versions
You can verify your setup by running the following commands in your terminal:
$ node -v
Once you have Node.js and yarn
installed on your machine and have validated
that you are running the proper version, you can set up the development environment
by running the following at the root of DevSpace:
$ npm i
$ cd client
$ npm i
To run the project locally, run the following command at the root of DevSpace:
$ npm run dev